Gryzmish,M. C._April 1937 to March 1939GRYZMISH. M. C. Book Page Presents proposed form of agreement for filling and bulkheading of north ^ half of Isle of Normandy and for construction of golf course ^-12-37 1 ^ /=-? i /. - ^ 1st «llf 1^ KW-VsCiniaLS Ol' 'M, C Gryzmi g^r on Isle of Normandy Golf Course^ PffrVft—ify ordered paid, ^flfyi l6 12g July 2nd estimate to M. C. Gryzmish ordered paid. 7/1^37 I^ 1^7 Aug,l6th estimate on Normandy Isle Golf Course ordered paid -^20»01B«SS 16 239 S-20«^37 GRXZMISH^M.C, -9- B^k Page Bept, '2nd estimate to M.C, Gryzmish opened paid on Normandy Isle Golf '^ourse 9-1^-37 --~- ($32,$00;00) 16 264 Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish for fill on Normandy Isle-$6o ,559*92 and Labor and material - $5»000*00 ordered paid 10-20-37 I6 333„ Estimates to Gryzmish for bulkhead Estimate to Gryzmish for fill and^ materials ordered paid -|24,674.$0 and f11116.§00. and |29.904.g4 , „ ordered paid _ II-IO-37 J.6 359. 12-lR-^7 16 4r4 G-RYavlISH. M, C, 3, -BqdIc Eage Estimates ordered paid 2-16-3^» North Normandy Isle fill #39,76^.16 IJ, 3gH H '^^ulm6ad-g,39a^20 « 3ridgea^ ^,010 »02^ Estimate for "bulkhead and fill - drder^~pal^^ 5- IJ ite" Easement from M.O.G-ryzmlsh and wife for drainage ohrNVNbrmandy I sie aocept ed 5- ^3^ 17 142- Es tImat e o JLU^ryzml sh- -on No rth Normandy Isle Bridge ordered pai d -1Wt .'5^ 6-^1-33 17 —1€5" gRYZMISH. M. 0. . k. ; Bp ok Page Estlinate tp„M ^Q^Gryzmlsh on -North Normandy Isle Pavement ordered paid 6^15-3^ ^ Estimate to M«0,Gryzmlsh on North Normandy Isle paving and construe- tlon of West bridge ordered paid 7-6-3g 17 209 Estimates to M.C.Gryzmish on East Bridge,West Bridge and Normandy Isle Paving ordered paid 7-20-3^ 17 22g Agreement with M.C.Gryzmish reached on drainage of N.W.portion of South half of Isle of Normandy g-3-3B 17 23B GRYZMISH. M, C. 5 ' Book Page Further agreement reached with M. C.G-ryzmlsh with reference to street paving, tax payments and fill on N, Isle of Normandy S-3-3B 17 2^S Final Estimates on East and West Bridges ordered paid IJ 2^M- Gryzmish give 2 ..easementsto City, one for Ease.#5 on North Isle of Normandy and one covering Lot 3, Blk. 39» Miami View Section, Isle of Normandy 9-7-33 ij 26J GRYZMISH, M« C. 6. . Book Page Easement at foot of Madeleine Way, Normandy Isle given to City by M. 0, Sryzmish for storm sewer 9-27-3^ 17 293 Res, re-conveying portion or North Isle of Normandy to M.C. Gryzmish 11/2/32 17 333 ^inal settlement with M.C.Gryzmish on North Isle of Normandy ordered 12/1/32 17 372 City files objections with War Dept. as to proposed fill & bulkhead work by M. C. Gryzmish 3-2-39 17 ^99