Gulf Refining Company_April 1929 to September 1938/ / ''^'yndL''J_ " ^ '/ 4^r " " S/L^ « ■■Qu./iU/'f^o€^lo^'J-•• ^4:Zf" '• y " 3ss~ '■ " r" CS'/^v„vy-^ / f '"miLF" REFIITIN'1 OOKPAITY . ' " ' ' 2* > ^^ Book, Page Plans for fire protection filed-4—3-29 9, 106_ lepuest permit for Filling Station at 62nd Street & Alton Road 3-21-29 9» 299 Request permit for installa,tion of tank at 929 West Ave. 11-2-32 11,^22 Temporary permit granted 11-17-^2 11, MK) Request to remove old tanks and replace with new ones granted 5/1/29!.— 9 -I63 City Mgr. instructed to give G-ulf ReaEining Co.notice re: fire hazard 2/8/^6'^6 332 Permit granted to "build retaining wall ^ „ 4/7/26 ^ 6 W &IJLF REFININ& COMPANY (Now GULF OIL CORP) 3. * Book Page Granted permit to install Neon sign 10/2/35 1^ 118 Ask ^pennit to install above jgign on M.B.Kennel Club property - - permit denied 12/11/35- 14 232" Gulf _011_JJorp .grant ed permit to bulld„ wasiirack at 5th St.& Bay 10-20-37 I6 329 Protest license fee for gasoline and oil whoselsale storage 9-7-3S—If—-278