H Miscellaneous_October 1940"H" MISCELLANEOUS 1.
[■CLhUyC'O-i^ /^-0^^<-^^.j-^''/j/^ ^
Harlior Llna Bea* 1498
M.L. Hampton claim for |600.00
tia.la.nce on City Hall contract
t '316
refundHelena Hotel Fire Line Rental/refused 3 , 397
Holly Bill for Signing & Sealing Cert,
on City Bonds ordered paid 2 , 415
Res. IBS9 thanking Councilman Henning 9 >' 2^
Steve Hannagan's Proposition: 1929-1930 9 > 93-^
(Attached to Res, 193^)
Hertz,John-Requests Airplane Landing 9, 2S7
Hayes,John J.-5' Set Back on Collins Ave." ^13
Hunter, H, 0.-Objects to bathers un
dressing in autos " ^^30
Hayes, John J,-Requests Auto License
Agency on Beach 1-15-30 9» ^32
House numhers Flamingo Terrace Sub. -
conflict 1-7-31 10,
Hillenbrand,Geo,M.-Applic§,tion for permit
to drive Venetian Mooring Piles 5""20-31 11, ^2
Hallandale - See "Highway Signs"
H^llihgswort^ - CijS^'s financial support
in fighting State room tgix for
hotels & apartments I-20-32 11 270
Hollingswortli,M.H: Refund of Fire Line
Rental fees requested 3-"29-32 11, 309
" Refund authorized 4-20-32 11, 319
Homesj Permits for lower priced asked 11, 327
Sukle, Jos. A. appointed Deputy
Mimicipal Clerk 10-5-32 11, 370
Heal,Frank 0. Res. on death of I-II-33 11 4-33
Hardware concerns complain,of Mr.
Farrey holding office as Bla.Insp. 6/22/33 12» 93
Letter of thanks from Mxs.Heal 10/4-/33 12» 15^
Book i&ge
Hopkins, Hamilton, requests zoning 12, 159
restrictions be raised to permit Boys
Military Academy on Hibiscus Island.lO/lS/53
Henry s, Hubbell accused of violation
of Zoning Ordi. l/3/3^ 12, 219
Henry S. Hubbell violation of zoning
ordinance again discussed l/l7/3^ 12, 22S
Hammond, Ed. objects to holding of
carnival on Ocean Drive. 2/7/3^ '&
Heins,Wm.C.request changing rianie of "ailey between Ocean 2.J 52
"H" MI30SLIANE0U3 Jyff
Book Page
EJr.M.J.Horre addresses Coxincil com-
plaining of sand flies on Normandy
Isle and making suggestion for relief
of condition 7/ll/3^ 12, 496
Book Page
Hamilton Hopkins requests that water
be tested on Hibiscus Isl. Sf2Gfjk 13 93
Hutter, Capt. Fred., given permission
to install marine gas station 11/21/34 13» 162
Resolution on death of late
Captain Prank H. Hennlng 2/6/35 I3 265
Hickland, Al, appointed
liquor inspector. 1/25/35 I3 256
"H" MISCELLAlffiOUS Book Page 7.
Owners of Helene Hotel _
request rezonlng of -i, ^qo
Lot 2, Blk. 93, O.B.#3 ^
to RE
Hurst, Edw. A. requests "bldg.
permit for dairy plant on Lot
5,Blk.l01,0.B.#3 7/3/35 13 ^66
Hickland, Jas. urges higher re
strictions on property south of
5th Street 7/3/35 13—
Book ^age
Harmstead, Charlotte M. accident
settlement 13 507
HollingsworthjM.H.objects to unfin
ished condition of Stahl Bidg.
Q112135 14 32
Hickland, Jas. objects to Pish and
Poultry market in Blk.lll Qf21.135 14 52
Hannock- Mr. Chas.G. representingTown of ^urfside re; water distribu
tion 9/13/35 14 92
Book Page
Hollingsworth, Mrs. Chas.E,
urges that unfinished Stahl
Bldg. be condemned 9/18/35 14 99
Hildreth Rest.granted beer-peraitV ^
Hlokland, ^1, granted ri^i to^ ^
assign 3 for hire permits to Grus
Nyberg 10/25/35 14 164
Henry's Dining Room granted liquor
license 11/7/35 14 180
Hampton Cigar Store 11/15/35 14 193
Hackney's granted liquor
license 11/20/35 14 199
Tom Harbin -d^aged hoy^g^cgmplained :^cjpk
Herman's Bar granted Liquor
license ^ 12/13/35 239
Harmon,George - granted license for
ball blowing game 1/3/36 14- 259
Hughes,L.D. -and Rudolph Townsend
present petition for zoning change
1/29/36 14- 277
Harry' a-Marfcet granted beer license
2/5/36 11„290
milj^E...G. ..urges installation of
2/19/36 297
Book Page
to have same referred to City Mgr.
- - - 2n^ h'^G —29^
r.M.Hodges granted temporary Jitney
permit - 2/21/56 -JIO.-
Hopl Ihalan ExhlMtpemit gran ted
^/21/-36 ^—-3aa
_Huberraan ^Leo__-__rejquest- for^private^
school permit 379
Hospital permit granted Lots IS to _
^5 ,B3.1c.27EIeetwood' ^nb."^/l7/36 l¥ 5S5
Harry's Rest.& HOTEL PHARMACY B p
—granted beer and wine 9°-30-36 3^ 1^ —
Helmer, Percy - granted beer ^d
wine license 10/21/3^ 15 1^3
Heeney, Tom granted liquor license
11/V3b 15» 209
Holland, Otis J. given permit to
rehang sign II/5/36 15 211
Hobb's Grill granted beer and wine
permit 12-3O-36 I5 3I-I-
Hub, The - granted beer and wine
HardjPffe^^.Co. - sat'^Elest Cant
urge, revoke lieeMe_ ^4f9ll79 _ 15 k95
^ Book Page _
Thomas Horobln petitioned
U, S. G-ov't. for widening of
Street north of U. 3. Coast
Gruard Tract. Resolution
ordered prepared. hflGfyj _
Handwriting expert employment
authorized to check signatvires
in connection with City Election
5/17/37 16 95"^
B. Kingston Hall requests permit
for marquee sign on new Wqolworth —Building. b7lb/37 I6 13^
Mrs. Ethel Crawford Hills granted.
permit for Private School tot new
schoolyear. 6/16/37
Heeney's Bar - Wm.Penn Hotel com
plains of loud noises 9-.30-.37 I6
Heeney's Bar- renewal of license
held up ltt-6-37
Hershman's granted beer and 3fdnelicense IO-II-37 16 306
A1 Hickland's Soda Shop granted
beer and wine license IO-II-37 I6 306
. Book Pag_e
Jieeney-Tom, grajiked - penewal^f-
liquor license 11-17-37
-Haynesworth^-S.-D.-letter re; new
recommend to War Dept.filling of
swamp-land - 11-19-37
Heath, H.W.and Edith M. complain
c^~nolse~froltt"^5ar oh"XJdlTlns Ave.
10-20-^7^ -16 535-
l6 371
Haynesworth,S.D.-Res. jf'k-lSl waiving
6bjectidns "to his development 11-19-37 lS'i3^^
-Health-BuiIderS j Inc .-ask waiver-of—otrJeC'«==^
tions to conatructionYClty Objects Res.^g -zgc
. BoGk_ Page
_JilcJ£land ^ J. olijjejats to. Is suance
of package store license to Basso
~&~You at 1120 St . 12-^1-37 i6
Henry Hohouser asks parking lot per
mit -Lot 3,Blk.,0.B.#3 (no action)l-5-;5g 16 k66
Henry Hohauser granted parking lot
permit on Lots 2,3 & il- Blk.4«,O.B.#3
2-2-3g 17 IG
Haynesworth Beach Subdn.plat
approved 2-16-3^ ^^-7 IT
Heintz,Richard -granted "beer and wine
license 3-2-3S 17 ^T-
Book Page
Settlement of accident claim
of E. D, Hannigan ordered (|200£))0)
H-20-3^ 17 12&
Hickland Package Goods store license
transferred to Albert H. Kirkham
5-lg-3g 17 161
Hutchinson-P.L.granted parking lot
permit S.E,Cor.12th & Collins S-IO-3S I7 2^7
Harry's Market (New)granted beer
and wine license 10-19~3S 17^ 300
Book > Pap^e
Henrietta's granted beer and
wine license 10-26-3B 17 312
Hedrick, N. and S. Kronick granted
permit for archery range on Lot g,
Blk. 113, 0. B. jjh 10-26-35 17 313
Havana Greyhound Tours, Inc. granted
Travel Bureau license II/16/3S I7 3^2
Hood, Paul E,- representing M.B,
Photographers xirg&s license fees
on agencies 11/23/3^ ^7 3^^
HitoRY HOUSE granted liquor
license 12/7/38 17 382
Book Page
Harry's Rest.liquor lieaise trans
ferred to H.P.Keirn 12/21/33 I7 ^3
Hamister,Dr.-request to operaterest home referred to City Manager
Hendrick3,R.A. requests perm:^-^ to
put on 3 cars on Twin City Jitney
route 3-1-39
Horobin, T.H.advises that G-overnment
will trade ^urfside Park property to
him for New Goast Guard site %/22/39 13 103
- Horobin,T.H,states that he has arrange—
ment with Coast Guard to trade Coast Guard
site for Surf side Park b/2b/'^9 13 '
Book Page
Steve Hannagan appointed Publicity
DIRECTOR for Season of 1939-19^ IS 159
Thos.HOROBIN- application for permit
to bulkhead,dredge & fill land south
of Normandy Beach, reported S-2-39 1^ 1^7
Health Juice Bar granted beer and
wine license 9-13-39 IS 262
^ Henrietta's granted beer and wine ^ -zoo.
license at 763 Collins Aye. 10/l&/^3 IS 32°
Huber,Wally - request for pet shop
permit referred to City Mgr. 11/1/39 IS 3^S^
Book Page
Habershaw - Prank -seeks parking
lot permit on Lot 23»Blk,2g,
M,B,I,0o,0cean Front 11/1/39 IB 5151..
Harris, ^,D,granted beer and wine
license for Ye Old Cellar II/I/39 ig 352
H.S.N,Corp.granted parking lot for
Lots 1,2 and 3, Bik.3,0cean Beach -
11/16/39 12 390
Habershaw,Frank - granted parking lot
permit at S.E. cor.3Bth St.& Indian
Creek Drive 11/29/39 397"
Book Page
Hodffe,Alice - granted travel bureau
license 11/29/39 39^
Hackney's Miami Beach Restaurant
granted liquor license at I709-II
Alton Road 12/20/39 Ig ^-22
Huberman, Leo - denied permit to
have tent at his private school
- 2/7/40 Ig
JIarry's Sip and Bite Rest.granted _
beer and wine license 4/g/4d 19 7^
Hatfried Corp.request permit to build
cabanas - denied 7/26/40 19 201
—^ —_—Box)Jc—Eage-
Haines,Forrest L. denied permit
to move house 7/26/^0 19 206
Hatfreid Corp. —Res.objecting
to proposal to construct groyne into
ocean at Igth St.nntil application
is revised _ 7/26/40 19 211
Thos, Horobin_ will_pave south 1/2
of 73rd St. if City will pave
nor th 1/2 9/25/^ 19_ 2S4
: Book Page
Har^ Elec, Co. awarded contra.,c_t
for cable for WW-lS 9/25/^0 I9 3OI
Harry's Market granted beer and
wlneTlcense 10-9-^-0 I9
Horobln,Thos.H. asks for bldg.
" permlts for Parkview Sub. 10-21-^1-0 I9 3S3
Horobln,T]ios.H.agrees to dedicate
streets In Parkview Sub.—10-21 -4-0 3:9
Hutcheson, Service Station-granted
parking lot in rear of filling
station 10-23-40 19 371