H Miscellaneous_October 1940 to June 1947"H" MISCELLANEOUS 25.
Book Pflgft
Horobln,Thos.H.- tentative draft
or agreement w"ith reference to Park
Viow- property-j -approvod—aob jeet to ——
final approval of City Atty.City
BThgr. andTlTity Cleik' 10-23-40 19 ^372
agreement re .' dedication of
streets on Parkview Sub. reported
- approved and accepted -10-30-40 19 375
Hohauser, Henry - granted parking
-Irot-on Lot s-t, 2-&- 37Blkv48,-a.B^#3
Hall,Wm.F. lettW rip'riding ^
academy 12/11/40 4.fi2
Book Page
Hodge, Alice - granted travel Bureau
^ermrt for 1940-41 seas"on l/T5/tl 20 1"6~
Municipal Judge 1/22/41 20 23
Horn ,HeiirLe.tta^"^ own er_jDfL_LQt s 1,2^3
5c 4,White & Vifoodward Sub, to be offered
$1500.00 f^ca? clear title" to property
a/8/4r HO ^14-
Horn,Henrietta- Cierk to offer $2000.
Tor clear title to her Lots 1,2,3 & 4,
_Whlte_ & Woodward- Sub. 1/29/41 2Cl 51-
Book Page
Horowitz, Sol - appointed Ass.Mimidi-
pal Judge^ 2/b/41 2D 42
Harisfield,Mrs.Florence - settleinent_
of $100.00 authorized on accident
case 3/19/41 20 112"
Hannagan, Steve - his proposal for
summer publicity (1941) accepted— — 4/25/41 20 192^
Hampton,Geo. -Council sell him Sl/2
Lot 4,Blk.2,0cean Beach for $3500.
5/7/41 20 200-
Book Page
Horovitz,Chas. - transfers his
t p ermlt to "Bernard *3ha'unc®y
5/14/41 20 22:1
Hurtj _Joel - Sea Bay Corp-aslt-
Council to p^ss resolution to in
clude^ No rtn Bay Island in Miami
Beach City Limits.
act ion taken) 5/2S/^I 20
s,John J. - submits proposal to
sell to City,land at 10th St,and West
Ave,for Municipal Hospital 6/5/41 20^ 2&5-
Book Page
Horn, H. H. - reappointed Water
and Shop Superintendent 6/6/41 20 270
Hice, Harry M. appointed Tax Assess
or 6/6/41 20 271
Holder, Clyde - transfers his taxi
permit to Centnry Gab Co.
6/11/41 20 275
H.S.Hahn requests that window clean
ers be placed under sub-contractors
license 8/6/41 20 376
Book Page
Hannagan,Steve & Associates-awarded
1941-42 Publicity Contract at price
not exceeding ^40,000.00 8/8/41 20 420
Hartsfield, Florence - City orders
payment of $250.00 on accident claim
8/8/41 20 - 420
Health Juice Bar - granted beer
and wine license 10-2-41 20 427
Hagarty's Anchor Bar granted beer
and wine license 10-2-41 20 427
Hoffman's Cafeteria granted beer
and Ifcne license 10-2-41 20 428
Book Page
"Harbor Bar" granted beer and wine
license 10/4/41 20 461
Complaints filed against noise from
handball court at 2nd St. and
Washington Ave. 11/5/41 21 11
Estimate of $1135.20 presented for
moving handball court; also estimate
of $1658,25 for building new court.
11/19/41 ^ 21 54
Harry M. Hice appointed Ass't. City
Mgr. & DirectDr of Personnel
11/20/41 21 60
Haddon Hall Cocktail Bar granted
liquor license l2/5/i|-l 21 gy
Book Page
Paul Helden denied beer and wine
"llrcETise "at~1.440^r"e":xe-l-2tve. r:, rz12/5/41 21 97
. C^n s tnuc tion of-new- -Handballr Court
authorized by Council. Approp.
-of~$^2^075. 7G- -3Eb- -up- for saiae i-- 12/-i-77'^41:—21r
A:ss"'t. City^fgrr" Hi ce recornmended
amendmeh t '-tn Zoning - Or dinan ea- -to
permit frame cabanas on ocean front.
Hutchison Service Station granjbed
parking lot permit. 12/17/41 21
Book _ Page
Alice Hodge granted permit for_
Travel Bureau at 236 Fifth St.
12/17/41 21 106
Helen Mar Apts. ordered to remove
sign on bldg. by May 1, 1942.
12/18/42 21 117
Mr. I.L.Hunt reguests that Homestead
Exemption be allowed him for l94l.
1/7/42 21 128
Council agreed not to build new
handball court, but to limit
hours of play. 1/7/42 21 128
City won favorable decision in A1
Hickland case in Supreme Court
1/22/42 - 21 _„16a..
CoTincil granted homestead exemp- _
tion for 1941 to Mr. I.L.Hunt
on Lot 16, Blk. P, Pairgreen 2/4/42 21- 17-1
Hayneeworth Properties granted park
ing lot permit for rear of Lots 5 and
6, Blk.g,Normandy Beach South
Harborn Wilbert 2/20/4-2 ^ 21 207"naroorn, wiioert awarded cpntrac't for.
Surfside Park Life Saving Station at
$17,260.00 2/20/4-2 21^-210
^ Book Page
House of Prayers request jberralt to
move from Lincoln Rd.to 511-l6th St.
(Referred to Asst.City Mgr.)^/l5/^2 21 269
Hungarian Restaurant at 655 Wash.Ave.
granted beer and wine license ^/l5/^2 21 270
Hyman, Pearl - granted beer and wine
license for oOl Wash.Ave. ^/l5/^2 21 270
Harborn,Wilbert- estimate on Surfside
Park Life Saving station ordered paid in
amount of $5712.^5 V15A2 21 2Sg
Book Page
HammeljMrs. Florence -settlement
not to exceed |l79»00 ordered on
accident claim ^/6/k-2 21 299 '
Hohl,MrS.Minnie - settlement in
sum of $23,914- on accident claim
5/6/1I-2 21 300
House of Prayers granted temporary
permit at 1533 I'^ash.Ave. 5/6/14-2 21 3OO
Hart,Joe - authority given for payment
of 3 additional months salary 5/7/11-2 21 35.3
Halnes,F.L,-awarded automotive equipment
insurance contract 5/20/1+2 21 33I4.
_ Book Page
Harris Restaurant granted beer and
wine license at IO35 Collins Ave.
6/3/i|-2 21 33g
Harris RestaiArant licenses for
beer and wine and restaurant revoked
7/9/4-2 21 320
Henry's Bar and Rest.granted beer
and wine license 7/9/^2 21 3^0
Hannagan, Steve - awarded Publicity
contract on year round basis for
16,000. (194-2-4-3 season) 7/9A2 21 322
Book Page
"Hangar Rest." i^25-4-lst St.
granted beer and vjlne license 12/2/i]-2 21 Kl2
Hildrethp-Chas. D. granted beer
and wine license for 217-219 5"^^ St.
12/2/i|-2 21
Hellman's Restaurant granted beer
and wine license l/G/k-'J) 21
Hancock,E.M, appointed deputy in
City Clerk's office 1/6/4-3 21
HERR,EDW, asks Council to amend
zoning Ord.to permit him to install
synthetic %ry. cleaning unit 6/l6/4-3 22
" Book Page
Horn,H.H. - Res.#56SO authorizing
him to sign and endorse ration
checks for City gasoline ?/7/^3 ^2 15I
H.H.Horn authorized to sign monthly
change orders which are specified in
Army Water Contract Res.7^623 7/7/^3 22, 15^
S. D, Haynsworth reappointed member
Board Trustees, M.B. Hospital IO/6/I+3 22 1&6
Application of the Hangar for beer &
wine referred to City Attorney 10/20/43 22 IS9
"H" Miscellaneous ilO
Harry M. Hice appointed member of Dside
County Health Unit 10/20/4-3 22 203
City Attorney's opinion is that no
beer & wine license can issue to TheHa^l^^^under Sect. 4^ of Ord. #391 22 205
Dr. J. W. Henagan asks for veterinarian
clinic at l4-l4- Alton Road - referred
to City Manager 11/17/4-3 22 212
J. Edgar Hoover advises F.B.I, cannot
answer telegraphic inquiries about
records 1/19/44 22 25O
"H" Mlscellaneoua ^
Book Page
Res, #57^6 designating official
HOLIDAYS to be observed by city S/21/k-k- 22 352
Herman's (Herman Cohen) granted
beer & wine license S/l6/kk- 22 395
Holleman's Restaurant (Gershowltz,
Brown & Greenwald) granted
beer & wine license S/6/kk 22 ^01
"H" Miscellaneous
Dr. Wm. I. Heller given permit for
tutoring service On Lincoln Rd, lO/h/kk^
Hammond's Restaurant granted beer
& wine license (Ehrenreich) 12/20/kh
Beer & wine license granted
HARRY'S LUNCH granted beer
and wine 6/20/4-5
HITT STORES (Baron) granted
liquor license 6/20/4-5
"H" Mlaoellaneoue ,
Book Page
Mrs. Muriel Hirsch opposes
airport on Virginia Key and urges
Council to endorse Graves
Tract as future site 7/5/^5 23 lll-l
Haber's Sandwieh Shop (Blum
& Kessler) granted beer
& wine license 6/l/k-^ 23 lg3
Harry's Lunch and Henry's
Coffee Shop granted beer
& wine licenses 10/17/4-5 23 21+5
"H" Mlsoellaneoua 44
Book Page
Hen's Roost granted liquor
license 10/17/4-5 23 25O
John Haynsworth objects to
construction of cabanas at
71st and ocean 11/21/4-5 23
Hungarian Village Restaurant
given beer & wine license 11/21/4-5 23
Meier Held's application for
service bar license held up
pending his submitting floor
plan 1/2/4-6 23
Book Page
Harry's Delicatessen & Lunch
granted beer and wine license
6/5A6 2k 108
Hen's Roost granted liquor
license 6/5A6 2k 109
Meier Held's application for
service bar license is again
presented and is referred to
Building Department 6/5A6 2k
N, H. Hankoff urges the
Council to seek authority
from Legislature to construct
a public transportation building
rtn 4-Vi£> Mnn-tA-tnol ernl'T r»011l*SS 7/17/^^ 2k 207
Johnny Howard's Coral Room
granted liquor license 10/l6/h6 2h- 3^
Chris Hofer's request to
sell frozen foods from
retail truck Is referred
to Mr. Hlce 11/6A6 2h 377
Council denies Chris
Hofer's request to sell
frozen foods* from
mobile unit 11/20A6 2h ^3
Hammond's Restaurant grant
ed beer and wine license 12A/^ 2^ U-12
Book Page
Meier Held granted service
bar license 12/18A6 2h h29
Henry Hohauser's request
for partial building
permit for hotel at Mfth
and ocean is held up,
pending consultation
with owners of property 3/19/^7 25 39
Howard Holt's request for
space at Chamber of Commerce
Docks is taken under
advisement 5/21A-7
Edw, Herr makes various
requests in connection
with 19^7 election
Council continues to
take Howard Holt's request
for dock space under
5/2IA7 25
6/6 A7 25
Book Page
Howard Holt's application for
berth at Chamber of Commerce
Docks is denied 6/I8A7 25 221
Edw. Herr urges that more
adequate police force be
provided 6/18A7 25 22h
Frederick G. Henson given
permit to operate putting
course north of Surf
Theatre 6/18A7 25 23k-