Habiscus Island_March 1930 to December 1951HIBISCUS ISLAUD • . 1. Book jPage Petltioji. request resurfacing of _ sts, _ S, ^33 Refund of Taxes on Park Tracts requested g, 167 Report of Cpmrnittee^on above request g, 177 Refund of 1927 Taxes on above authorized 4-13 Agreement with County for repair of Bridge 3-19-30 10, lli^- Refund of_1930 T_axes on Park Tracts -10, Llpjrd M,Shepard: Perml_t to__move house on _ to Island 2-IS-31 10, ^75 Refund odf 1931 Taxes on Park Tracts 10-21-^i' HIBISCUS ISLAND Request for change in Zoning restrictions bl'm'b'b 12» 65 (See Zoning for further details on"°this subject) Hamilton Hopkins requests that water in artesian wells on Hibiscus Island be tested for medicinal purposes 9/26/31^ 13, 93 Revised Plat of a portion of Blks. C & D approved, V16/37 I6 2 Bids received for repairs to Palm & Hibiscus Island Bridges S-17-3^ 17 25I HIBISCUS ISLAND 3. Book Page Complaint made by Charles P. Wheeler re. Street closing on west end Hibiscus Island due to trees and shrubs planted by Sam Resnick. 11-21-51 32 200 Wheeler and Resnick to appear before Council re. Hibiscus Island street closing 11-21-51 32 200 Hibiscus Island street closing complaint discussed - taken under advisement. Investigation to be made re. all streets of similar character with obstructions on them. 12-5-51 32 225 HIBISCUS ISLAND 4, Book Page Photographs of obstructed Hibiscus Island streets filed. Former instructions to City Engineer to remove obstructions to be carried out. 12-12-51 32 245 Res. #7883 waiving encroachment on public property of residence on So. Hibiscus Dr., Lot 23 and easterly one foot of Lot 24, Blk 1, Hibiscus Island 12-19-51 32 255