Handbills_May 1951 to December 1952HANDBILLS
Ordinance regulating distribution
of handbills proposed by Sidney
Steiner, Dir. of Apartment House
Ass'n. 5-2-51 31 105
M.B. Apartment Ass'n asks passage
or ordinance prohibiting distribution
of handbills 8-1-51 31 42?
City Attorney to prepare ordinance
re. Handbills, in line with request
of M.B. Apartment Ass'n
11-21-51 32 200
Book Page
Propos'ed ordinance regulating
distribution of handbills given
to Coimcil but no action taken
2-6-52 32 343
1st and 2nd reading ordinance
restricting distribution of
handbills 11-19-52 33 379
Ordinance restricting distribution
of handbills given 3rd reading.
Action deferred. 12-3-52 33 397
3rd reading handbill ordinance -
No. 1033 12-10-52 33 tl6