Harbor Delvelopment_November 1925 to October 1945HARBOR DEVSLOPIJE^TT ' 1, JEAQE Res. 1209: Asking passage of Watson Bill, granting City of Miajni Bay Bottom ll-lg-25 6 Res. 1306; Waiving objections to construe- ' tion of bridge & terminal islandin Biscayne Bay 3-3-26 6, Res. 1^39: Waiver for dredging in Miami Harbor at Turning Basin and Main Channel 9-26-2g g Res. 1933: Waiver for annexation of Virginia Key by City of Miami"3-7-29 9, 167 riARBQR DEVELOPMENT ' ^ 2'. ^ BOOK, PAGE__ Res, 200^5: Protesting annexation of Virginia Key by City of Miami 7-23-29 9, 206 Chanber of Commerqe urges thati Miami Beach take steps toward the development of harbor ^— facilities IO/I7/II-5 23 257—