Health Clinic_August 1955 to April 1963HEALTH CLINIC 1. Book Page Councilman Shapiro suggests Alton Road Hospital bldg. be made available tor niarsery and clinic. City Mgr. refers Mr. Shapiro to Mr. Gertner of Mt. Sinai Hospital 8—17—55 37 3l8 Councilman Shapiro reports he had a preliminary discussion with Mr. Gertner of Mt. Sinai re. possibility of their operating clinic at old Alton Road Hospital. Complete report to be given later on subject. 9-7-55 37 3^8 Need of South Shore Clinic discussed (part of proposed 1961-62 Budget discussion) 8-16-61 44 178 HEAUH.CLINIC Reference made to City Mgr's efforts to get Metro Dade County to build clinic in South Shore Area and to communication he had received from county Mgr. McNayr in Aug. 1961 indicating that County would .proceed with its construction after 1962-63 Dade County budget is adopted. City Mgr. tequested to follow this up. 2-21-62 44 393 dounty Mgr. McNayr requests Council to adopt resolution pledging site for new public health center so that cost of construction can be included in County Budget. Res. #10723 adopted pledging Site center. 3-21-62 44 436 HEALTH CLINIC Book Page City Mgr. requested to make survey and submit recommendHtions as to site for new South Shore Clinic so that Metro can be advised accordingly. 6-6-62 44 538 HEALTHjCLINIC _ , _Book Page City Mgr. Pushkin recommends that city property on east side of Collins Ave. 70* north of 6th St., consisting of two 50-foot lots, 140 ' deep (Lots 10 & 11, Elk 11, Ocean Beach Addn #1) be designated as site for new South Shore clinic which is to be constructed by the County. This land now used as off-street parking facility and portion not occupied by clinic building will remain for this purpose. Council approves recommendation. City Mgr. to convey information to County Manager. 9-5-62 45 88 HEALTH CLINIC p • Res. #10903 authorizing execution of 5^^^" r"*" X# Warranty Deed conveying Lots 10 & 11, j Dade County for use as medical clinic -Block 11, Ocean Beach Addn No. 1, to and parking of automobiles therewith. ' ^ 1-16-63 45 297 Councilman Powell asks City Mgr. Pushkin to contact County Mgr. McNayr and request that County erect a sign on site where Dade County is to build the clinic, indicating their intentions. He said he understood they were seeking federal funds for this project. 4—17—63 45 416 SEE HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CENTER - PRIMARY