Heliport_November 1953 to December 1954HSLIPOBT '"7 ^ Book Page National Airlines requests use of portion of old municipal golf course as landing base to operate helicopter service from this city to airport. City Mgr to arrange for demonstration, and hearing for objections 11-18-53 35 178 National Airlines given 30 days' temporary use of area north of Auditorium for heliport landing field 12-2-53 35 205 HELIPORT ^ , ^2. —7- T Book Page Permissrlon granted National Airlines for use of grassed area northwest of Auditorium for heliport during automobile convention 12-30-53 35 257 National Air Lines asks for permanent site for helicopter landings. Meeting to be held with City Mgr.^2-30-53 35 259 Mr. Llpp reports on meeting with National Air Lines. National asks permission to use Audltorlxmi area for additional 90 days. Denied. Another site to be approved on 30 days* trial basis. Present area to be used until l_15_5i4 1-6-54 35 276 HELIPORT 3. Book Page National Airlines asks for formal approval to use area north of Municipal Auditorium for helicopter landing field. Petitions favoring helicopter service submitted. Permission to use landing strip until Feb. 4, 1954 granted. 1-20-54 35 297 Discussion re. helicopter landing field site. No further extension to be given National Airlines for use of area northwest of Municipal Auditorium. Effort to extend permit for one week fails. 2-3-54 35 311 HELIPORT ^ * •~7 T— Book Page National Airlines invites Council to attend demonstration of the use of silencing device on their helicopters, on June 9. 6-2-5^ 36 22 National Airlines to be advised that no action will be taken on renewal of their application to use area northwest of Municipal Auditorium for helicopter landing field until all Councilmen are present. 6-3.6-5^ 36 26 M. B. Hotel Ass'n presents resolution urging Council to establish centrallylocated municipal helipor;^ ^ ^ g HELIPORT 5. Book Page Communication from Planning Board filed, recommending heliport site he made available on portion of city-owned property in vicinity of First St. between Alton Rd. and Biscayne Bay. Petitions signed by South Beach residents objecting to this site were submitted and filed. 1-19-55 36 4l6 Simon Rubin suggests double decking Lincoln Rd. parking area, and using top deck as heliport. 2-2-55 36 433 HELIPORT „ - 6.^ Book Page Civic 'groups interested in establishment of heliport to be advised that Council approves idea and will welcome any sxiggestions and possible solution to site for heliport 7-21-5^ 36 99 Planning Board recommends establishment of heliport in this city. Clerk to ask Plan. Bd. for recommendations as to site. 9-1-5^ 36 146 Report of M.B. Taxpayers* Ass'n re. establishment of heliport filed. 11-17-54 36 343 M.B. Jr. C of C asks^Councii^to n iblishi— --------approve* establishment of heliport north of Mun. Auditorium. Motion to hold new hearing fails. ^6 367