Highway Signs_January 1928 to January 1939HiaHWAY SIGNS
Erect one at Fulford l-lS-2g Bk.^ Page 163
Additional Dixie Highway Signs requested S,
At Fulford & Hallandale authorized 9-17-30
10, 263
Permission for erection granted IO-I-3O 10, 251
Olaf Zetterlund permit to City to erect
sign directing traffic (laaxgSMKYIYgiBS
MjC filed with, data of 12-16-31) 11,252
Request for illuminated sign at Hallandale
1-20-32 11,270
Book Page
Year lease on highway sign lo
cated on Federal Highway near ~
Hallandale filed 2-I7-57L ^01
Conttract renewed with E.B.Elliott
Co, for 3 highway signs l-lg-39 17