Hotel Room Tax ( Proposed)_April 1949 to July 1957HOTEL ROOM TAX fPROPOSED) 1, Book Page Res. #68^2 opposing bill before Legislature h/6/h9 28 29 John B. Reid urges City to publicize proposed bill in newspapers ^/20A9 28 3^ HOTEL ROOM TAX 2. Book Page City Mgr. reports on outcome of meeting relative to a 5^ room tax on hotels used for convention purposes 8-5-53 3^ ^^8 City Mgr. advises he is ready to present contracts to Council re. 5^ hotel tax. Form of agreement read. Res. #8555 authorizing execution of said agreements 10-21-53 35 105 Res. #8570 authorizing agreements with 29 hotels for payment of 55^ tax on convention room rentals 11-4-53 35 141 HOTEL ROOM TAX 3. Book Page Res. #8589 authorizing agreements with 17 hotels for payment of 55^ tax on convention room rentals 11-18-53 35 178 Res. #8594 authorizing agreements with various hotels for payment of 5^ tax on convention room rentals 12-2-53 35 221 Res. #8618 authorizing agreement with Cadillac, Grossinger-Pancoast and Cavalier hotels for payment of 5^ tax on convention room rentals 12-16-53 35 HOTEL ROOM TAX Book Page Res. #8623 authorizing agreements with 15 hotels for payment of 5'^ tax on convention room rentals 12-23-53 35 252 Res. #8659 authorizing agreements with 8 hotels for payment of 5^ tax on convention room rentals 2-3-54 35 327 Res. #8677 authorizing hotel agreements relative to 5^ tax on convention room rentals 3-3-54 35 365 HOTEL ROOM TAX 5. Book Page Res.-;^687 authorizing 5% hotel revenue tax agreement with Fontalnebleau Hotel 3-17-5^ 35 384 Res. #8702 authorizing 5/^. hotel revenue tax agreement with the Crescent, DioBarry and Monterey- Hotels 4-7-54 35 ^15 Res. #8718 authorizing 5^ hotel revenue tax agreement with DlLldo Hotel. Agreement differs from others In that effective date Is Feb. 1, 1954, and City will not participate in any conventionsppcurflng p^or to this date 4-21-5^ 35 444 HOTEL ROOM TAX ' 6, ^ Book PageRes. #8776 authorizing 5^ hotel revenue tax agreement with Casablancaj Henrose and Allen Hotels. 9-15-54 36 194 Res. #8829 authorizing 5^ hotel revenue tax agreement with Vendome Hotel (formerly Hotel Good) 12-15-54 36 381 Res. #8846 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Waldman's Hotel (formerly Lord Tarleton) 2-2-55 36 431 HOTEL ROOM TAX 7. Book Page Res. #8847 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Ankara Motel and the Travelers Motel 2-9-55 36 437 Res. #8857 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Collins Park Hotel 3-9-55 36 466 Res. #8962 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Waldorf Towers Hotel 3-16-55 36 611 Res. #9024 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Coral Reef Hotel 4-6-55 37 92 HOTEL ROOM TAX 8. Book Page City Mgr. advises that approx. 120 hotels have signed up to extend contracts for 3 yrs. Hotel Advisory Committee asks appropriation of $2,500 from 55^ tax ftands to be used in further development of program. Authorized. 7-20-55 37 200 Res. #9175 authorizing extension of agreements with over 100 hotel operators re. payment of 5^ tax on gross room revenue accruing from conventions (3 year extensions) 11-16-55 37 ^52 HOTEL ROOM TAX 9. Book Page ReS. #9176 authorizing 1-year renewal agreement with Sea Isle Hotel re. payment of 5^ tax on gross room revenue accruing from conventions 11-16-55 37 ^58 Res. #9211 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Venetian Isle Motel 2-15-56 38 59 Res. #9227 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Empress Hotel & International Hotel & Apartments ' , 3-7-56 38 93 Res. #9262 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Hotel New Yorker, 5-lo-5o 38 205 HOTEL ROOM TAX 10. Book Page Res. #9312 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Lucerne Hotel 8-15-56 38 371 Res. #933^ authorizing hotel tax agreement with Brazil Associates, Inc. and Mantell Associates, Inc. 10-3-56 38 il^3 Res. #9390 authorizing hotel tax agreements with Collins Terrace Hotel and Kingston!^ Hotel & Yacht Club 1-16-57 39 75 HOTEL ROOM TAX 11 Book Page Res. #9^19 authorizing hotel tax agreements with: Pierre Hotel Royal York Hotel Billow Hotel Greene Hill Motel Apts 3-6-57 39 156 Res. #9^91 authorizing hotelr:tax agreements with Princess Margaret Apt Hotel and Her Majesty Hotel 5-1-57 39 328 Res. #9555 authorizing hotel tax agreement with Carillon Hotel ^ 7-17-57 39 46o