Human Occupancy, Density Of_June 1948 to February 1950mmm occupancy, density of i. Book Page Council discusses over crowding of buildings used for public assembly 6/l6/k8 26 ^0^ Council conference re, fire hazards in overcrowding of buildings 6/18/^8 26 U-13 Assistant City Manager's report in regard to building safety 11/3/^ 27 182 HUHAM OCCUPANCY. DENSITY OV Book Mr. Burbridge calls attention to overcrowding of night clubs 1/5A9 27 275 City Attorney is instructed to prepare ordinance based on Assistant City Manager's report submitted 11/3A8 1/5A9 27 275 Mr, Powell asks for report on auxiliary lighting systems in theaters 1/5A9 27 275 HtJMAN OCCUPANCY. DENSITY OF proposedDiscussion re ordinance Harry Plissner makes recommendations for regulations Council discusses proposed ordinance and takes under advisement until Jan. 26, 19^9 1/12A9 Book 27 1/19A9 27 1/19A9 27 3 Page 332 333 336 338 339 HUMAN OCCUPANCY. DENSITY OF Proposed ordinance is discussed Bernard Frank objects City Attorney is instructed to prepare ordinance 1/26 A9 l/26/if9 Ordinance regulating density of human occupancy given 1st and 2nd readings 2/2/k9 Bernard Frank, Harry 2/2/h9 Plissner & Sidney Davidson object Book Page 27 398 27 398 l/26/if9 27 27 ^2 27 ^2 HUMM OCCUPANCY. DENSITY OF ^ Book Page Sidney Davidson of M, B, Jr. Chamber of Commerce speaks on regulations 2/16A9 27 ^-22 Ordinance is taken under consideration until next meeting 2/16A9 27 M+0 J. J. Farrey, Chief Building Inspector, recom mends regulations governing density of human occupancy 3/2A9 27 M46 HUIvIAN OCCUPANCY. DENSITY OF 6. Book Page Mr. Farrey's recommendations read toward regulations 3/16A9 2? ^5 Council discusses and refers proposed ordinance to Board of Rules and Appeals for recommendations 3/16A9 27 Board of Rules and Appeals recommends regulations V6A9 28 2 City Attorney instructed to draw ordinance based on their recommendations ^■/6A9 28 3 human occupancy, density of 7 BOOK PAGE 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance regulating 1/18/50 29 138 3rd reading Ord. #914 regulating density of human occupancy. 2/1/50 29 I58