I Miscellaneous_April 1931 to January 1946"I" i'lSOELLAI^SOUS , I BOOK, PA^E Isle of Dreams Broadcasting Oomoajiy (See "W 1:0-D") Italy OutlDoard Motor Boat Races: Request for appropriation to send representa tive 11, IS Infantile Paralysis-Res.R^-yg-Prevention of epidemic at Miami Beach 9-16-31 H, 155 Indian Village - request for const. 11/1/33 " " " 11/17/3? ••I* MISCELLANEOUS 2. Book Page Ira's Supper Club license authorised transfered to Tom Farley 3/11/35 13 324 when issued Ira's Supper Club granted liquor license 3/12/35 13 325 Ira's Supper Club license transfer to Tom Farley,passed upon 3/11/35 rescinded 3/12/35 13 325 Ideal Employment Bureau granted license for white help only IO/16/35 14 147 Ideal Bar -733 -5th St. denied liquor license 9-1^-35 1^ 103 "I" MISCELLANEOUS Release for Insurance Co. on Fire Chief's accident ordered executed. 11/15/35 14 192 Ideal Bar granted beer and wine license 12/4/35 14 220 Ira's Supper 01ub granted liquor license 12/6/35 14 230 Ira's Supper Club granted night club license 12/6/35 14 231 International packers & Shippers granted Beer ^ wine permit 10/21/36 15> 1S3 "I" MISCELLANEOUS i|. Book Page ^international Fruit dippers granted beer and wine permit 10-11-37 l6 306 International Travel -Guild-granted travel bureau license l-lg-39 17 ^50 Imperial Hotel granted parking lot permit on Lot 1, Blk.ll,O.B.#l 12-6-39 " 1« ^6 Imatt, Michael N, -granted narking^lot permit Lots 1,2,19 and 207Blkj^7, F4^her«^s is t- Sub. — 10-lb-«) 19___J55- — Imatt^,M. N, parking, loi__p^ermit cancelled 10-21-^ 19 3^^ "I" MISCEUAH-EOUS ' 5 Book Page Irvin's Restaurant granted beer and wine" license at 44^I^4ist -St-i - 12/11/40 19 478 Ida Lee Corporaltion granted parking T.dt permit 12/18/40 19 491 Mr. "^ack Xnman grarlted extensibn oT si ck le ave-for—ano tlier-. 60 - days. 1/15/41 20 - 17 Mr. Jack Ininan granted extension of ' s ick^leave tkrbughllpriI 30/1941 Mr.Jack Inman granted e^e^^^n of ^ 195- sii^ leave thru June 15fe/il)!]20 221 "I" MISCELLANEOUS & Book Page International Pine Arts Ine. ask change in use classification on Lots 11 aid 12, Blk.45,Alton Beach 10/15/41 20 465' Interstate Realty Inc. granted park ing lot permit on S.E.cor.71st and Collins Ave. 10/15/41 20 468 Israel Aaron Parochial School granted permit for Private School at 1336 Pud id Ave. 11/19/41 21 48 Beer & wine license granted Island Pharmacy 7/5/ll.lf 22 36: r"l" MISCELLANEOUS 7 Book Page Ira's Restaurant granted liquor license for I750 West Ave. 10/2&/M-2 21, il-53 IDEAL BAR granted beer and wine license (Andre) 5/19/^3 22 99 Ideal Bar granted beer and wine license (Dechelle) 10/20/M}- 22 ^19 Beer and wine license granted IDEAL BAR (Joskowltz) 2/7/4*5 22 4*69 "I" Miscellaneous 6, BOOK PAGE IDEAL BAR (Jos. Smith) granted beer and wine license 3/1/^5 23 5 Ideal Bar (Krieger) granted beer and wine license 6/20/4-5 23 129 Ideal Bar (Sherman) granted beer and wine license 9/19/45 23 220 Italian Village Restaurant granted beer and wine license 4/3/46 23. 4S3 Mlseellaneoug Beer and wine license granted Italian Village Restaurant \/V7/^ Beer and wine license granted Ideal Bar Island Pharmacy granted beer and wine license Ilona's Restaurant granted beer and wine license 11/6A^ Book 2h 8/7A6 2»f 10/2A6 2h 2h 9 Page 15 319 380 "I" MISCELLANEOUS Book Inter-City Coach Co. files application for certificate of convenience & necessity l.l/6/h6 2h Isis Chicken in the Rough granted beer license 11/20/^ 2k- M, B. Kennel Club given permission to pave Inlet Blvd. upon signing of waiver of ownership 12/9A6 2k- k-23 International Beach Cabana Club granted liquor license l/7/k& 26 k-^