Improvements Contemplated_May 1928 to February 1944IMPROVEMENTS CONTEMPLATED Book, Page Highway on Collins Avenue 5-I6-2B g Sidewalk on Pine Tree Drive & Highway on N. Bay Road. 3-20-29 9 Sidewalk on N. Bade Blvd. 3-20-29 9 San, Sr. in Pine Tree Drive 4-22-29 9 San. Sr. in Sheridan Avenue 4-22-29 9 Improvements recommended "by City Mgr. 4-22-29 9 Highway-Airioso Way S-7»29 9 Program for sprix^ presented 12-24-29 9 IMPROTOMEIITS COIJTEMPLATED 2. ' BOOK. PAGE City Mgr. authorized to proceed 1-2-30 9, ^^-22 Paving three half blocks near Lincoln Road to be included 1-2-30 9» ^22 Progra,m discussed with Council 1-22-30 9» ^50 Tentative Election date set 1-29-30 9» ^50 Projects not to be laadertaken 3-20-31 10, ^93 Balance of projects in 1930 Im- Ree^^iSo9 cancelled 4-3-31 11^ 7LaGrorce Golf Course Vicinity 4^-20-^33 11,!519 n Response to Inquiries 6-1—32 11,335 IMPROVSIffiNTS CONTMPIATED 3. : ■* Book Page Various projects recommended byCity Manager 5/16/3^ 12, 4o6 Washington Ave. project authorized 5/16/3^ 12, 4o6 Improvement program recommendationspresented by City Mgr. jJt 329 Improvement program discussed 3/6/36 Ik 330Various municipal improvements recommended by City Manager II-I9-36 15 2^7 IMPROVEMENTS CONTEMPLATED n Book Page City Engineer, presents plans and sped- fications on Ocean Outfall,Sanitary Sewer Force Main and Sewera which are part_pf Collins Ave.paving project 4-7-37 15 510 Res. #3961 approving above ^7-37 15 511 Mr. Renshaw presents proposed construction program to start in 19^ & continue through1950, amounting to *6,746,000^^^^ __ __ _ ^IMPROVSl^ENTS CONTSMPLATSD Normandy Isle paving, to be assessed at 1/2 cost to property owners J)/€/kS Mr. Renshaw presents an improvement program with recommendation that it be snbmitted to freeholders 12/17/^7 Coiincil authorizes him to prepare necessary resolu-- tions to put improvement Book 23 26 program into effect 12/17/^7 26 5. Page 32