Insurance_ July 1927 to November 1957INSURANCE Policy cancelled on Golf Course Building. July 5> 1927 Bk, J,Page 50^ further letter on cancella tion of Golf Course Ins. July 6, Bk.S, * 4 Policy cancelled on Liberty Avenue Fis Station August 3» 1927 " 29 City Mgr. Renshaw instruc-^ ^ ^ ^ „ to get rates 3-7-2S " S, " 201 City Mgr. authorized to place on City Hall Bldg. S 412 INSURANCE 2, BOOK,PAGE Golf Course Buildings-No second to motion 7-9-30 10, 199 City Manager instructed to make study and make recommendations 7-9-30 10, 200 Lower rates asked by A. L. Bowes 3~2-32 11, 2&J Automobile Liability; Bids. Contract let to Sam R. Becker 6-I5-32 11, 3^ Discontinuance of Fire & T/indstorm 7"*22-32 " 3^ Bids received on auto insurance ^7/33 12> 70 Contract let to M.B.Ins.Agency 5/9/33 12» Sif I^URAHOE 3. Book Page Insurance during games played by N.Y.Giants left to OityMgr, 2/7/3^ 12, 257 Auto insurance contract awarded to M.B. Insurance Agency 6/14-/3^ 12 Waiver agreed upon to Insurance Co; in case of Fire Chief's accident h/nl35 13, 376 Bids received on automotive equip ment —(1935-36) awarded to Kennedy & Becker 13^» ^^6 Bids received on auto liability in surance contract (1936-3Z)-awarded to . G.L.Clements 5-20-36 li|- W INSURANCE 4. Book Page luto Insurance awarded to Tobln & Baker,Inc.Kahn & Aipert & C.L. •Elements Jointly (^obin & Baker to write policies 5/2^/37 HI Contract for auto insurance for 1933-1939 awarded to Kennedy & Becker 6/1/33 17 Contract, for auto insurance for 1939-19^0 awarded to Kennedy & Be/cker 5/17/39 13 31 Contract for auto insurance for 194-0-4'l awarded Forrest L.Haines 5/23/^ 19 I30 INSURANCI; BooI. Page' Contract for Autoaqbilfi Insurance ^ „ coverage awarded to ,Wm. K, Gordon at §2,130.00 5/23/ii-l 20 242 M.B.Hotel As3CO,^and Washington, , Ave. Assoc_. ask Counc 11 to establlsh Insurance rating bureau. 11/19/41 21 56 M.S.Realty Board petition Council to pass ordinance which would bring - — - Insurance Companies and rates under Municipal control. " 12/5/41 21 9^ Contract for Automotive equipment insurance awarded to Forrest L.Halnes 5/20/42 " 21 334 xWbURASrUET 6, Book Page City Manager authorized to take our War Risk insurance on all city properties 10-7-^2 21 ^(-36 City Atty.instructed to prepare reso lution seeking change in charter to make possible the passage of Ordinances— to regulate insurance rates ^/l5/^3 22 75 Contract for automotive equipment insurance awarded to C. L. Clements 5/19/^3 22 99 INSURANCE Book Proof of publishing notice to insurance agents for bids on insurance for city- owned automotive equipment 5/17/^^ 22 332 Bid of C. L. Clements for American Automobile Insurance Co. in amount of #1,126.69 for city-owned fleet insurance accepted 6/7/^^ 22 3^ American Automobile Insurance Co, given contract for automotive equipment insurance 6/6/4-5 23 11^ INSURANCE 8 Book Page Green-Keyes-Vanderpool Agency awarded contract for fleet automobile insurance to 6/1/^7 5/15A6 2\ 92 Council calls for bids for insurance on city-owned fleet of automotive equipment but votes to carry this insurance itself 5/21A7 25 189 Council sets up $5>000 in reserve for Insurance of motorized equipment 5/21A7 25 189 IMSURAIv^CB CoTjncil rejects all bids for insurance on city automobile fleet 5 City Manager instructed to call for bids on insurance for motorized equipment 2/2A-9 Bids received on motorized equipment - they are referred to City Manager for study 3/2/lf9 Bids on the above insurance taken under further consideration 3/16A9 Book 9 Page /21A7 25 189 27 M-10 27 A-7 27 ^99 INSUMCE 10 Book Page Contract for insurance for motorized equipment awarded to Tobin & Baker, Burritt & Subers & Feiner's Insurance ^ Agency jointly h/6/h9 28 26 Tabulation of bids for builders risk on auditorium insurance - they are taken under advisement 7/20/49 28 262 Builders risk insurance on audit orium awarded to Tobin & Baker and Feuer & Ossip 7/22/49 28 277 INSURANCE City Manager instructed to" call for bids for comprehensive liability insurance on risks not covered by insurance 9/7A9 2 weeks' extension of time granted for receiving bids for comprehensive insijrance coverage 1-18-50 Contract for comprehensive public liability insurance let to James Norton to be placed with Gen. Accident Fire & Life Insurance Corp.3-1- Book 28 29 11 Page 390 lif2 29 197 iNSURAilCE 12. Book Page Contract for comprehensive property damage insurance awarded to James Norton to be placed with Gen, Accident Fire & Life Insurance Corp. 3-1-50 29 197 Contract for automotive equipment insurance awarded to Frank A. Martin Insurance Agency, Inc. and Feiner's Insurance Agency lf-5-50 29 2^6 INSURANCE Book Cotincil is notified that General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co, are invoking 5-day cancella tion clause in compre hensive liability and propertydamage insurance 7- 5-50 29 ^-59 Comicil discussed matter and deferred action until July 7th 7-5-50 29 ^+59 Contract for comprehensive liability insurance awarded to American Indemnity Co. James H. Norton Agent 7-7-50 29 kyo INSmANCE Book Page Contract for fire and extended coverage Insurance on Auditorium for 5 year period divided equally between Feuer & Ossip and Mutual Agency 11-15-50 30 City Manager's recommendations for financing cost of fire and ext. cov. insurance at audi torium for 5 yr period accepted 11-22-50 30 199 IfiSURANCE 15: Book Page Mr, Renshaw advises that Feiner's Insurance Co, had given day-to-day comprehensive- insurance coverage on basis of $25,000/1150,000 public liability and 5,000/10,000 P, D, Bids to be called for on January 2^ 1/17/51 30 338 City manager authorized to enter into binding agreement with insurance company pend ing final approval of policy (retrospective—Liability) 2-7-51 30 35J IN^tTMNCE ,16 Book Page Mr. Bink advises that retro spective police has been taken out with American Aute- mobile Insurance Assn. of St. Louis 2-21-51 30 397 Deposit premium to American Auto Ins. Assn. $800,QO to Feiner's for coverage from 1/13/51 to 1/23/51; $1,500 to Mutual agency for coverage from 1/23/51 to 2/7/51 approved for payment 2-21-51 30 397 INSURANCE 17 Book Page Placing of insiarance confirmed. With Andrew Weir Insurance Co. of London - hodily injury $15*000/$30i000j property damage - $5^000/25,000. Excess coverage - $200,000/500,000 being written by London Cover Note (Lloyds of London) 8-1-51 31 ^21 City to notify Insurance Commissioner of opposition to proposed increase in insurance rates for this 8-15-51 31 482 area INSURANCE 18 Book Page Ordinance to be prepared amending Building Code so as to require "save harmless" clause in contractors' Insurance policies 9='12-51 32 47 Mayor Powell suggests amount of cleanup bond be increased 9-12-51 32 48 City Mgr. advises re. automobile insurance 2-6-52 32 337 INSURANCE 19 Book Page Fla. League of Municipalities submits proposal to collect delinquent occupational license fees for insurance companies. Action deferred in order to give Councilman Richard time to secure list of companies that write insurance and do not pay license 3-19-52 32 439 Councilman Richard submits ordinance requiring insurance agents to make affidavits as to companies they represent in the City of Miami Beach 4-30-52 33 13 INSURANCE 20 Book Page Payment authorized of automobile insurance premiimis due D. R. Mead & Co., totaling $5,236.46 7-2-52 33 133 Payment authorized of statement of Tobin & Baker for premium due for comprehensive and automotive fleet Insurance - period from July 29,1952 to July 29, 1953, $71,677.99 7-23-52 33 167 Additional premium of $8,471.34 on City's comprehensive liability ins\irance policy with Andrew Weir Ins. Co. authorized for payi^^t ^ INSURANCE 1st reading ordinance levying 1^ tax on all premiians collected on casualty insurance policies covering property in City (to provide additional pension benefits for police officers) 8-5-53 34 Report of Safety Engineer re. insurance on Lxaranus Park Auditorium and new Police Station Annex. Contract to Jas. H. Norton S-5-53 3^ Bill in amt. of $8^1,598.65 for comprehensive insurance approved for payment, subject to final approval of City Mgr. (3rd and final year, beginning July 21, with Lloyds of London, covering ovir fleets, sidewalks, 3H INSURANCE 22 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance levying 1^ tax on gross casualty insurance premiums covering property in City (to provide add'l pension benefits for police officers) Ord. #1075 8-19-53 3^ ^78 Previous award of Insurance on 8-5-53 to Jas. H. Norton covering Ltunmus Park Rec. Center and Police Sta. changed as company cannot comply. New award made to combination - D. H. Mead, Adae & Hooper, and Burrltt-Subers & Worley (builders risk insurance coverage) 8-19-53 3^ ^86 INSURANCE 23 Book Page Additional premium of $8,910.51 due over basic premiimi at end of insurance year (7/29/53) authorized paid. 11-10-q^ ^5 !<=,! 6aEiR°8ili?4a?®iPi3-53 35 Renewal of contract for euiiibreflui'imve ^^12-^6 > liability insurance with Lloyds of London, through Tobin & Baker, agents, for 3-year period commencing 7/30/55 authorized 6-2-54 36 20 Payment of $84,803.50 insurance premiiam authorized to Tobin and Baker - premi\am due on general liability for period of 1 year 7-29-5^ to 7-29-55. 7-21-54 36 95 INSURANCE 24 Book Page Report from Mr. Lipp re. renewal of City's comprehensive insurance policy. Tobin & Baker renewed contract with Iowa Home Mutual Casualty Co. instead of Lloyds of London. No action. Conference to be held. 8-18-54 36 134 Council rescinds previous action in awarding comprehensive primary insurance coverage to Andrew Weir of London. Awards same to Iowa Home Mutual Casualty Co. for 3-yr. period with right to cancel at any time on pro-rata basis. 9-15-54 36 159 INSURANCE 25 Book Page Offer of American Automobile Insurance Co. to refund $3»^82.15 on premium paid by City accepted 9_15-54 36 164 Payment of $3,069.22, authorized, to Tobin & Baker, additional premium due on the comprehensive gen. liability policy for period July 29» 1953 to July 29, 1954—result of audit of all of our facilities subject to insurance coverage 11-3-5^ 36 310 INSURANCE gg Book Page Mr. Llpp reviews City's insurance coverage^ reports on bids received. 2 letters from agents for Iowa Home Mutual Casualty Co. filed. Contract for primary liability policy awarded to Iowa Home, thru Tobin & Rose, for 3-yr period, renewable annually. 7-13-55 37 265 Contract for fire and storm insurance for M.B. Auditorium, awarded to Ossip Insurance Agency for 5-yf plan, $100. deductible, at their quotation of ^8,371. tit 12-7-55 37 t76 INSURANCE 27 Book Page Invoices of Tobin & Rose for 2nd year comprehensive Insurange coverage approved for payment. $58,93^.19 - primary policy with present carrier - Iowa Home Mutual; $15,810.00 - excess coverage. 7-18-56 38 315 Contract for fire and extended coverage insurance on contents of City Storerooms at 100 and 430 Alton Rd. awarded to Ossip Instirance Company, $775.78 9-5-56 38 383 INSURANCE 28 Book Page Payment to Tobin & Rose authorized for Insurance premiums - retrospective comprehensive liability primary policy of Andrew Weir Co. for 3 periods 7/29/51 - 7/29/52 $ 956.09 7/29/52 - 7/29/53 20,337.12 7/29/53 - 7/29/5^ 3,326.27 Sufficient funds to be appropriated from unappropriated current funds (above subject to final 10-3-56 38 435 checking by Mr.Renshaw, Mr. Llpp and City Auditor) INSURANCE 29 Book Page Statement of Bernard B, Davidson, $300.00 for special audit of retrospective Insurance premiums for policy years ended July 29, 1952 and July 29, 1953 approved for payment 11-21-56 38 525 Payment of $2,922.21 authorized, to Ossip Insurance Agency for 2nd year renewal of Municipal Auditorium insiirance policy 12-19-56 39 26 Payment of add'l premium $7,841.73 authorized, due under Comprehensive Retrospective Liability policy for year July 29, 1953 to July 29, IQ54((■Tdbin & Rose). Appropriatjcn 1-15-57 from u.c.f. 39 62 INSURANCE 30 Book Page Payment of $1,857.63, add'l premium due on City's primary and excess coverage insurance policies from 7/29/55 to 7/29/56, authorized to Tobin & Rose Insurance Agency, Inc. 7-3-57 39 417 3rd year renewal premiums for compre hensive insxarance approved for payment: $64,652.85 - primary policy with Iowa Home Mutual Co. $15,500 - excess coverage with Lloyds of London 7-17-57 39 442 INSURANCE 31 Book Page Renewal of honesty and performance bonds written by Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. thru Adae & Hooper approved. Purchase of 3-year policy for coverage against forgery also authorized. 7-17-57 39 442 Mr. Lipp's report re. bids received for Builders' Risk Insurance for the Exhibition Hall presented and discussed. Action deferred until next meeting. Mr. Lipp to determine if group bidders will use one adjuster. Mr. Lipp advises City will be self-insurer for 2 weeks until contract is awarded. 8-7-57 39 474 INSURANCE 32 Book Page Mr. Lipp reports further developments re. Builders* Risk Insurance for Exhibition Hall. Discussion held. Contract awarded to association of Levinson Insiirance Agency; Adae & Hooper; French Postal & Monfre; and Burritt, Subers & Worley, $13,928.79. One adjuster to be used in event of claims. 8-21-57 39 ^91 Statement of Ossip Insiirance Agency, $1,294.85, second year premium for fire and extended coverage policy on contents of warehouses at IDO and 430 Alton Road, approved, (period Sept. 5*1957 thru Sept. 5, 1958) 9-4-57 40 9 INSURANCE 33 Book Page Statement of Tobin & Hose Instance Agency approved for final retrospective audit premium for policy period 1953-5^* $1,9^9.06 (comprehensive liability policy) 10-16-57 ^0 70 Statement of Ossip Insurance Agency, $3,608.27, in payment of 3rd yr. premixim of 5-yr annual renewal Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance on Municipal Auditorium, approved for payment 11-27-57 ^0 144