Intracoastal Waterway_April 1931 to April 1949INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY f - BOOK. PAGE Res. 23OB leaving selection of route from RortH end of Biseayne Bay'to . Miami to U. S. Engineers g-Q-jn III, 2q1 _ Res. urging oon^jletion of 11 y 5 Request, of..Eader Knappen Tippetts Engineering Company foT^endoii^emeirt^f efforts to secure apprnpri at.1 nn fni- construction of the canal "to Gity~lSLgIh"eer 3716/^-9 27 INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY 2. Book Page Council taken no action on request for endorsement of waterway h/6/h-9 28 26