J Miscellaneous_June 1928 to May 1953BJB " i _ Book, Page James, Phil loaned to Boy Scouts for their camp, with pay 0-2O-2B Jesse Jay requests appropriation , for W I 0 D 5-15-29 Johnson, Mrs. Mary: |250.€X) settlement for injuries at polls 3-2O-31 " Request for add»l settlement denied « M M M K n &323 9 169 10 ^93 11 1 11 17 " Offer to settle for #650,00 7-l-;31 11 22 11 92 WJ« MISCELLAI?EOUS BOOK-. PAGE Johnson, Mrs. 15ary H; Settlement 11, 109 Release attached to Voucher Ko. 14-329 R. A. JOHNSON urges permission for erection of gas storage tanks in Block 78, 0. B. #3 2/13/35 13 290 R. A. Johnson again urges per mission for gas tanks in Blk. 78, 0. B. #3 2/20/35 13 294 Jennings,Richard -requests that he he allowed to serve wines .and liquors in Patio restaurant 0/2I/35 14 52 "J" MISCELLANEOUS 3, Book Page JaColDs, George - given permit to move office of Golden Rule Homes Go.to Lot 4,Elk.10,Normandy Beach South tliacobs-Henry given liquor license for "Mannies" 10-17-35 l4 152 David Jacob requests permission to operate sunbath project on Colllna Ave. between 6th & 7th Sts. Instructed to present plans to City Manager for consideration. II/13/35 14 188 ^Johnson Bros.Grocery CQrD.£rranted -^beer" license 14 193 "J" MISOELLANEOTJS -4.. Book Page Jacobs , Dav.ld.. granted -permi t f or- solarium in Harrison & Hayes Sub. " " ' 11/26/35 Vr 215" Juncrle Inn ordered removed 12/30/35 252^ James, T. E. former Mayor-Resolution bh death"of ^ 3/ 25/36 #3463 "Tip 3^5" Jean's - granted beer & wine permit 11/IS/3b J-eriy-' s-.Service .Station- Liberty Ave. between 22nd and 23rd,St.Parking lot oval "J" MISCELLANEOUS 5, Book Page Joe'8 Restaurant granted beer and wine license 12-30-5^ 15 311 Johnson~M.J, granted permit to pick up passengers for fishing' -pier 1-25-37" 15" Geo. P» Jacobs presented petition for Package GoodsStore to he located in Normandy Beach South. ^1-21-37 " l6 Evelyn Joseph granted permit for Private School at 14-10 Alton Rd. for .1937-38 jschpol year^ 6/16/37 16 I38 "j*'miscellaneous 6. Book Page Jacobs, G-eo. P. asks change i-n liquor zoning to pennlt,sales oko Oh 71st st.& vicinity 9-1-37 242 Jay» *" granted permit for constmiction of 100 foot dock 9-15-37 l6 25S Beatrice Jones-granted beer li cense for Piccadilly Club 9-16-37 16 260 Joe's Broadway Ddlicatessen , . granted beer and wine permit 10-11-37 lo 30° Johnson,Richard A.presents tenta tive plat for Council approval 10-20-37 I6 335 "J» MI30ELLANSOUS ' 7 Book Page Joe's Broadway Del. granted beer and wine 10-19-3^ 17 300 Juriet, W. Fi granted bakery permit at 505 W. il-ist St. 11/2/38 17 332 Jacobs, Geo.P,reminds Council of his ^plication for package goods store In 71st Street section 12/lK/'}^ 17 39^ Jack's Package Store granted liquor license 12/21/38 17 ^13 Jordan's Bar of Music denied right to operate patio in afternoons 1,--l-ii^3Q 17 to "J" MISCELLANEOUS g " Book Page Jordan's 3ar of .Musi grante<L night club permit l-aig-39 I7 Jaeger, Ohas. F.-again complains of L & A Garage maintaining nuisance 3-15-39 - IB 2 Jaeger, C. F.-jisks privilege of bidding on dock lease 5/17/39 13^ 79^ ).00 appropriated for Jewish War Veterans Convention 6/5/39 IB 57- JOEJ^S_RE_ST.granted beer- and wine. )ermit (Jesse Weiss) B/I6/39 IB 213' "J" MISCELLANEOUS 9 Book Page "Jack & Jill Nursery School" granted permit S/16/39 216" Josephthal - Louls, grant ed refund of liquor license lO-lg-39 12 322 Jordan's-Biii^ Bar of Music appllcap tlon for Nl^t Club filed 10-30-39 Ig 3^1-5 Jordan's - Bill, Bar of Music granted nl^t club license -subject to sound proofing 11/15/39 12 372 JoondephjH,granted parking lot at , Wash.Ave. south of 6th St, 12/6/39 12 407^ "J" MISCELLANEOUS 10 Book Page Jacobs, Geo, asks for zoning change for Block 36,Norraandy Isle 12/13/3? 1^ ^15 Jacobs, Geo.- no action taken on request for zoning amendment 2/j/^-O 12 ^53 Jewish Funeral Home DENIED permit for office at l^th St.& Collins Ave.4-/3/^0 I9 6^ " Jae Lai Fronton permit cancelled and -fee ordered returned 10-l6-i40 19 331 Jacobsen,Laura -Cafe granted liquor license 10-21-^10 19 363 "J" MISCBLmMguua ^ Book Page Jefferson Hotel granted parking lot ^rmlt Tl-^6r-?0 19 39^5^ Jean's Candy ^Lop denied permit to ei^ct~Ti ign on CTty "prdpei^y 11-6-40 19 399- Jims Seafood Grill granted beer and wine permit 11-20-40 19 416 JEFFERSON HOTEL owners to be paid f250.00 f^or-^se—of strip of -land as- outlet for delivery trucks 11-20-40 19 427 JEWEL BOX -(Embassy Hotel) granted liquor license 12/4/40 19 448— JORDAN,BILL - granted night ,club " license 12/24/40 19 493 "J" MISCELLANEOUS . ^ Book Page No action taken on Jewish ^'luieral Home hequest~To3r'runeT^a]r"hoiire"~per^^ r on io±_j6^HJkL, a4^^rd_ QnmiaeTo.iaJ__l/^y/41 2Q. 24_ -Howard Johnson ' s-Snanted-Beei'-&—Wine License 2/26/41 20 84 Jewish" Floridian given Passover "Edition ad in amount of 135.00 3/19/41 2.0 117 Joe's Sandwich Shop, granted beer and wine licenses 7/2/41 20 317 JACK'S PKG.STORE - granted liquor 1 icense 20 427- "j" 'MiSCELLAlJEOUS . 13 Book Page Joe's Broadv/ay Delicatessen granted beer and wine license 10/4/41 20 461 Jordan, Bill,Bar of Music panted Night Club license 10/22/41 21 4 Howard J^linson's granted beer and wine license 11/26/41 21 —82— Gxjssle Jacobskind denied permit to operate Pish Market at 420 Espanola Way. 11/26/41 21 82 "J" MISCELLANEOUS 14 Book_ Page G.M.Jennings granted parking lot permit on Lot 23, Lyle G. Hall 12/5/41 21 88 Jerry's parking lot granted parking lot license 1/7/42 21 129 Johnnie's Beer Barrel granted beer and wine license 4-/15/^2 21 2$9 Jules granted beer and wine license subject to receive of waiver by Waldorf Cgififeteria k/l^/k-2 21 269 Johnson,Richard A.asks City to deed - back to him portion of Lot 7,®lk.^, Flamingo Terrace Addn.not used as bridge approach 5/6/^2 21 J)01 "J" MISCELLANEOUS ' : - - ; 15 Johnson, Howard - Inc. granted beer and wine license ll/lS/4-2 21 ^63 Joe's Bar and Sandwich Shop granted beer and wine license Il/Wk2 21 k-63 Jacobs, Geo. P. asks Council to include Normandy Isle in ordinance change to permit package goods in that business district 12/16A2 21 4-79 JOHNNIE'S BEER BARREL (Esterkes) granted beer and wine license 3/3/^3 "J" MISCELLANEOUS l6 _ BOOK PAGE Joe's Blue Room (Jos. Meyerson) granted beer & wine license 10/6/^3 22 179 Council authorized service of beer & wine in Jefferson Hotel from kitchen only in connection with operation of dining room 1/5/^ 22 Res. #5713 adopted endorsing Palestine as Jewish homeland 2/^/kk- 22 Beer and wins license granted HOWiiRD JOHNSON'S lO/V^ " 22 "J" Miscellaneous Book Beer and wine license granted Jimmie's Restaurant 11/15/^ 22 Jack's Grill granted beer & wine licenses 1/17/^5 22 Gebhard and Rose Jaeger ask for abandonment of U-Jth Court- referred to City Attorney 23 ^6 Jack's Grill (Fuller) granted beer and wine license 5/2/1+5 23 Jack's Grill (Gunning) granted beer and wine license 7/1^/^5 23 "J" Mlsoellaneous Book Jack's Grill (Scearce) granted beer and x^ine license 11/7A5 23 Howard Johnson's Restaurant granted beer and wine license 1/2/4^6 23 Jack's Grill (Ansley) grated beer and wine license 2/6/4^6 23 R, Wm,L, Johnson appointed as Trustee of Police & Firemen's Pension System 7/17/^ 2^- "J" MISCELLANEOUS Book Dr. Paul K. Jenkins objections re, parking meters if referred to Captain Hoover 8/7A6 2^- 253 Beer & wine licenses granted Jack's Restaurant & Jean's Roadside Rest 9/18/^ 2h- 289 J.D.B. Realty Corp. given permit to put up sign on Lot 18 & N.i of Lot 19, Blk. 57, Fisher's 1st 10/2A6 319 "J" MISCELLANEOUS Book Jersey Food Center granted beer and wine license 10/l6/h6 2k- 3k6 Norman Jamison's request for permit to install pub lic address system in park ing lot is referred to City Manager ll/6/k6 2k- 377 Samuel Jamison's application for permit for boat dock at ^Ist & Biscayne Waterway is taken under advisement 12/l8/h6 2k- k26 "J" MISCELLANEOUS Book Junior's Snack Spot granted beer and wine license 12/18 2^ h29 Samuel Jamison's request for boat dock at Biscayne Waterway and U-lst Street is denied 1/2/^7 2h lf^-1 Jack's Luncheonette is granted beer & wine license l/2/h7 2k- kk^ Jewish War Veterans urge Council^to appropriate$3,(500 for veterans Housing Committee 1/15/^7 2^ U-59 "J" MISCELLANEOUS 22 Book Page Jehovah's Witnesses refused use of Flamingo Park band- shell for religious lectures 1/15A7 2h Joe's Bar granted beer and wine license 8/6/h7 25 Jack's Grill granted beer license 9/19A7 25 Beer and wine license granted Jack's Luncheonette 1/21A8 26 Book 2AXA8 26 MTSCELLANBOUS Jewish War Veterans request to hold carnival referred to Mr, Renshaw Joe's Restaurant & Bar granted beer & wine license ^/21/^8 26 George Jacobs asks for name of North Normandy Isle to be changed to Normandy Shores, name of Everglades Concourse to be changed, and for side walks on Everglades Concourse 6/2A-8 26 "J" MISCELLANEOUS Book Joey's granted beer license 7/7/^ 26 Jewish War Veterans disapprove of recommendation of Area Rent Board toward removal of rent controls 12/15/^ 27 2^+8 Lionel Cassel objects to canopy at Jewish Community Center 3/16A-9 27 ^2 Jerusalem Art Gallery presents painting to Council as gift of Albert Pick ^/6A-9 28 1 «.T" MTSCELt,MEOUS Council appropriates |2,000Q00 for Jewish War Veterans con- vent ion in October 9/21A9 28 ^32 Reques*- of M,B. Residen-'-ial Owners Ass*n« ^lia+ Mrs. Frances Joseph represent *-hein on Citizens Planning Coimni^-^ee referred ^o Planning Board 2-15-50 29 185 Mrs, Frances Joseph's request for endorsement ^ . (f mail box on 28th St. 3-22-50 29 21A- "J" MISCELLANEOUS 26 Book Page Mrs. Prances Joseph requests $200.00 appropriation to send four high school girls to "Girls State". Denied. 2-20-52 32 384 J\inior's Restaurant permitted to erect canopy for shelter for patrons at their parking lot at 2924 Collins Ave. - canopy to be 15' x 6' - for one year only. 12-3-52 33 412 Communication from Rev. Paul N. Jewett, pastor of St. John's on the Lake Methodist Church, thanking Cotmcil for City's cooperation in conr^ction with Easter sunrise ®®^^a°o!her c^urc^^oStside city, or his transfer to another 34 273 "J" MISCELLANEOUS ^2? Book Page $1,000 appropriation authorized for decorating City during Jewish War Veterans Convention 9-21-55 33 362 Jewish War Veterans and Ladies A\ixiliary adc permission to plant tree on City property and dedicate it to the Uilited Nations-lOth anniversary of granting of the UN charter. City already made arrangements for such tree planting ceremony at site north of Municipal Auditorixom 10-19-55 37 392