Jitney_March 1928 to December 1956JITNEY / Bk» Page- §i?y®A?l^y^5c§ay° 3-7-2g ^ 20k- 4 City Mgr. authorized to enforce Ord. 9' 52 Request of Miami Assoc. denied 9 53 26 permits confirmed by Council 9 ' SO Oouncilraan Keuling urges strict en forcement of Jitney Ordinance #251 9/20/33 12, lk.3 Committee appointed on above (Ralston,Hice,Keuling & Renshaw) 12, 1^5 JITNEYS 2. Book Page Jitney Association (E.L.Jones) asked permission to run three or four extra cars during rush hours. 1/16/35 13 233 Councilman Meyer urges additional Jitney service during busy season. ; 13 288 ^ City Mgr.granted authority to^issud additional Jitney permits I2-3O-36 I5 31I Mr.Renshaw reommmends discontinuance of colored Jitneys 3-2-38 I7 59 Mr.Renshaw given authority to use own discretion in operation of Jitneys 3-2-38 17.59 JITNEYS Book Page Colored Jitneys permitted to operate until July 1, 193^ 3-16-3^ 16 6y Request made for diverting 12 South Beach Jitneys to new route starting at 10th St.& Ocean Dr. 11/9/33 17 3^ New Jitney Line matter referred to City Manager with power to act. 11/23/33 17 363 Protests filed for and agtlnst new Jitney Line 11/30/33 I7 366 JITNEYS " 4 Book Page City Manager authorized, to_ approve new proposed route for jitneys 12/7/3^ -ll_ At ty.repr esen t in g M,B,Jit ne y As sn. protest issuance of permits to new Jitney line 12/g/3g 17 3^ Venetian Way Jitney Line object to any Jitney competition near their line 12/g/3g I7 "392 Lincoln Rd,Merchants Assn.ask that Venetian Way line travel over l6th _St. W2i/3g 17 JITNEYS . - Book Page "^Authorization given for ^Venetian Way Buses to travel over Lincoln Road 1-6-'39 17 ^1-3 5 Request of M.B.Jitney Assn. to re- route Jitneys over gth St.referred to City Mgr. - l-lg-39 17 R, A.Hendricks reque at s pern It t o'pi t on 3 oars on Twin City route 3/1/39 ~ 17 ^6 Sam Bender.Atty,,asks permits for 3 of his clients for Twin City Transit ^Oo.(aeniea)_ 5/3/39 ^ JITNEYS 6 Book Page T.M.G-, Corporation ask permit to operate 3 jitneys on Miami Beach line - no action 11/6/M-l 21 l6 Mechlow,Joseph asks permit to put his car on one of the jitney lines 11/10/41 21 2B Council takes no action on request of Jos.Mechlow for permit to operate two cars on jitney line ,/ ^,12/1^/41 21 3 readings 0rd.No.D4o amending Ord.No, 117 3 readings Ord.No.640 amending Ord.No, 251 as to seating capacity of jitneys 3/18/42 21 237 JITNEYS _7. Book Page Permit of John Thomas Oooke transferred to KING DANSKY 1C/20/U4 22 1+lg Application of colored Jitney operators to raise fares to 15?^ referred to Mr. Renshaw and Lt. Hoover with power to act 2/7/^5 22 ^1-69 Councilman Powell asks Mr, Renshaw to investigate reckless driving by colored Jitneys 7/5/11.5 23 llj.^ JITNEYS Book Council holds conference with representatives of Jitney conferences to negotiate for payment of gross revenue tax 7/9/^5 23 150 1 Motion loses to accept 3/^ gross revenue tax: 2/1/^5 23 I93 J Motion loses to accept gross revenue tax S/1/4^5 23 I93 "Motion to accept 3^ gross revenue tax loses for want of a second 8/17/4-5 23 204- JITNEYS 4 Book Council agrees to payment of 2^ gross revenue tax by Jitneys S/17/14-5 23 206 Council reaffirms action to accept 2% gross revenue tax IO/3A5 23 2l40 Council gives permission to Miami Beach Jitney Bus Corp. and Twin City Jitney Co. to increase fares 5^ until May 1, 1911-6 1/2A6 23 3^^ JITNEYS " 10 Book Page Request of Venetian Sedan Service for increase in colored jitney fares taken under advisement l/l6/4^ 23 3^7 j Resolution offered by Mr. Burbridge insisting upon payment of gross revenue tax by jitney companies fails to carry by vote of 3-3 1/22/^-6 2J 37^ No action taken on request of Venetian Sedan Service for increase in fare of colored jitneys 1/22/^6 23 377 JITN5Y3 xj Book Council discusses guess revenue tax paid by jitneys 3/20/46 23 Councilman Powell asks that the Chief of Police take some action about manner in which colored Jitneys are operated 3/20/46 23 ^ Council agrees to permit Twin City Jitney Co., South Beach Jitney Bus Corp. and colored jitney line to maintain 15^ fare but increases their gross revenue tax to 4^ 5/1/46 24 JITHEYS 12. Book Page Venetian Sedan Service is permitted to increase fare to 20^ between hours of 1:00 A. M. & 6:00 A, M, with no increase of gross revenue tax 5/1A6 2k 76 Request of Venetian Sedan Service to charge 200 fare on 71st St. route is refer red to City Manager 11/6A6 2k 389 JITNEYS Mr. Snedigar asks for checkup on Jitney operations 12/18/^ Insurance on jitneys is referred to Mr, Renshaw 6/18/U-7 Venetian Sedan Service's request for fare increase referred to Mr. Renshaw 10/15/^7 Book 2k 25 25 227 ^30 JITNEYS llf. Book Page Venetian Sedan Service given permission to increase fares 11/5/^7 25 ^6^- Venetian Sedan Service given permission to extend colored service to ^Oth & Pine Tree 12AA7 26 18 M, B. Jitney Bus Co. given permission to increase their fares during certain hours 12/10A7 26 22 JITNEYS Venetian Sedan Service request to extend service north of 71st St. is referred to Mr. Renshaw Compiaint about colored jitneys referred to Asst. City Manager Coxincll votes to hare survey 6/15A9 8/4^9 Book 26 28 28made of jitneys Request of business people at west end of ^Ist St, that jitney terminal be moved referred to City Mgr. 1-18-50 29 228 325 138 jiicMEys 16 Book Page Mayor Turk suggests that jitneys be routed on 17th Street and Washington Avenue instead of Lincoln Road and Collins Avenue 3-15-50 29 239 Request of Miami Beach Jitney Co, and Twin City Jitney Co, to cancel present insurance and insure with Rhode Island Ins, Co, re ferred to City Manager and City Attorney 6-7-50 29 1+00 Report deferred 6-21-^0 29 JITNEYS 17 Book Page Request of Miami Beach Jitney Co. to extend present route to include 12th St. and Collins A.ve. referred to City Manager for report 7-5-?0 29 h^2 Request of M. B. Jitney Co. to extend route withdravm— Mr. Renshaw recommended that it be denied 7-19-50 29 Council takes insurance policies covering the Miami Beach Jitney Bus Co. and the ^fenetian Sedan Service under advisement 9-20-50 30 69 JITlMfiYS Book Council approves insurance policies covering opera tions of Miami Beach Jitney- Bus Corporation and Venetian Sedan Service 9/20/50 30 82 Venetian Sedan Service asks to increase rate oncolored Jitneys from 15(^ to 2Q0 10-25-50 30 120 Venetian Sedan Service colored Jitney rate increase authorized 15^!? to 20(Zf 11-1-50 30 JITNEYS 18" Book Page Asst. City Manager Link to contact Safety Director Hender son in Miami relative to re-routing of Miami Beach jitneys in dovmtown Miami 1-17-51 30 338 Jitney operators appear in regard to re-routing of jitneys in Miami 1-2^—51 30 3lf6 Res. #7^33 adopted - requesting City of Miami to restore old stops l-2'+-5l 30 ^'6 Roth to attend hearing l-2'+-51 30 3^6 JITNEYS >6 If Book Page Asst. City Manager Link advises that City of Miami officials are taking steps to provide for addi tional stops for jitneys and express buses - also that they are going to pave streets now used for entrance to Mac Arthur Causeway 2-21-51 30 h02 M. B. Jitney Corp. requests authority to re-route jitneys. Action deferred. 8-8-51 31 ^38 Jitiiey route extension denied 8-10-51 31 ^^1 JITNEYS 21 Book Page Police Chief to call in all Jitneys immediately for complete inspection 9-12-51 32 48 Permission authorized for addition of one colored Jitney 10-30-51 32 125 Colored Jitney permit transferred from Mack Evans to Haywood Montgomery 10-1-52 33 209 Twin City Transfer Co., Inc. asks for permission to increase Jitney fare from 15^ to 20^. Retired to City Mgr. 11-5-52 33 34l JITNEYS . 22 Book Page Mr. Lipp's report re. Twin City Transit Co.'s request for permission to increase Jitney fares taken under advisement 12-10-52 33 417 Action postponed on request that Council adopt resolution for presentation at Miami City Commission's Jitney hearing on August 26th that this city endorses continued use of Jitneys between Miami Beach and Misuni 8-5-53 34 42? Mr. Lipp's report read on preliminary survey made in connection with Jitney hearing on Aiig. 26. Council to urge continued use of Jitneys. 8-12-53 34 458 JITNEYS 23 Book Page Venetian Sedan Service asks Council to approve fare increase for trips between Miami Beach and Miami, bringing fare up to 259^, the fare for local rides to be kept at 15^. Res. #8533 calling hearing 10-7-53 35 51 Hearing conducted re. above. Proceedings recorded by co\irt reporter 10-21-53 35 107 Hearing continued on Venetian Sedan Service fare increase request. Recorded by court reporter. 11-^-53 35 128 JITNEYS 24 Book Page Report of Asst City Mgr. relative to request of Venetian Sedan Service to increase Jitney fares. Request denied by Coimcil. Council asks that a committee meet with County Commissioners and Director of Port Authority. Various groups report on Jitney matter. 11-10-53 35 150 Committee to be appointed to consult with Port Authority and ask for reduction in Venetian Causeway toll 11-18-53 35 159 JITNEYS 25 Book Page Committee appointed as follows, to meet with Dade County Port Authority to request reduction in toll charged the Venetian Sedan Service;— Councilmen Spaet, Powell, Frank and Roth 12-2-53 35 205 Report of committee re. meeting with Co\inty Commissioners in attempt to get causeway toll for jitneys reduced. Commissioners awaiting auditors' report. Matter to he fixrther discussed on 12/30, after report is received 12-23-53 35 251 and 253 JITNEYS 26 Book Page Mr. Llpp advises that report in connection with age of various pieces of equipment operated by Venetian Sedan Service requested by County Commission has been forwarded 12-23-53 35 256 Venetian Sedan Service given permission to increase inter-city fare from 20^ to 25^, for trial period of 90 days commencing 1^5/5^• Financial statement to be submitted to City Mgr. at end of trial period. 12-30-53 35 260 JITNEYS 26a Book Page Twin City Transit Company asks for permission to increase inter-city fares only from 15{^ to 20^, all local fares remaining the same. Public hearing to be called on 2/17/54 2-3-54 35 328 JITNEYS 27 Book Page Mr. Lipp reports on study made re. increasing insurance requirements for taxicab, U-Drive-It and Jitney operations. City Mgr. recommends bodily injury limits be increased to $10/20,000 for tsocicabs and U-Drive-Its, and limits for jitney operations be given fxirther study. Figxires to be procured as to cost of $25/50*000 limits 2-3-54 35 328 Discussion re. increasing insurance rates for taxicabs, U-Drive-It and jitney operations. Mr. Lipp reports onsurvey of other cities' requirements. Reccommendatlona. Deferred. 2-17-54 55 546 JITNEYS 28 Book Page Hearing conducted re. fare increase Twin City Jitney line. Proceedings recorded by Coiirt Reporter. Fare increase to 20^ between M.B. and Miami granted for period of 90 days beginning 2-22-54 2-17-54 35 347 Objections made to proposal to increase insurance on Jitneys, taxicabs, etc. Matter deferred until next meeting 3-3-54 35 3^1 JITNEYS 29 Book Page Temporary extension for fare increase granted Venetian Sedan Service. Matter to be discussed at next Council meeting ^©-17-5^ 35 377 Action deferred on ordinances increasing instarance limits on taxicab, jitney and U-Drlve-lt operations 3.17.54 35 398 54 inter-city fare increase, Venetian Sedan Service, approved through Dec. 31, 195^ 4-7-5^ 35 405 JITNEYS 30 Book Page Discussion re. proposed ordinances Increasing Insurance limits on taxlcabs. Jitneys and U-drlve-It operations. Matter held over for 30 days. 4-7-5^ 35 -413 1st reading ord. Increasing liability Insurance requirements on Jitney and bus operations to $10,000 and $20,000 6-2-5^ 36 6 3rd reading ord. Increasing liability Insurance requirements on Jitney and bus operations to $10,000 and $20,000 Ord.1116 6-16-54 36 24 JITNEYS 31 ^ Book Page South Beach Jitney service to be sold to M. B, Railway Company. Council to give railway company assurances that additional permits will not be given for Jitney service in that area 7-7-5^ 36 50 Res. #87^8 assuring M. B. Railway Company that no further or additional permits to operate Jitneys in the area served by M.B. Jitney Bus Corp., Inc. will be issued, provided M.B. Railway service is adequate and meets requirementsof public convenience and^necpsity JITNEYS 32 Book Page Operators of colored jitneys ask for hearing on their application for increase in fare from 15^ to 20<li, Hearing set for 10/20/54. 9-22-54 36 198 Colored jitney fare increase authorized, from 15^ to 200, effective November 1, 1954 10-20-54 36 233 M.B. Jitney Corp. requests permission to Increase their^inter-city fares from 150 to 200. Hearing called on Dec. 8, 1954 11-17-54 36 342 JITNEYS 33 Book Page Hearing conducted on request of M.B. Jitney Bus Co.'s permission to Increase inter-clty fares from 15^^ to 2Q(^. Granted - effective 12/15/5^. ^ 12-8-54 36 362 Request of Jitney operators for relief from gross revenue tax referred to City Mgr. for study and report. 4-6-55 37 55 Action deferred on request of Edgar I. Jones to transfer his Jitney franchise to Prank L. Love 8-17-55 37 309 Council advises Mr,Jones that no approval necessary In above JITNEYS 3^ Book Page Report of City Auditor Bernard B. Davidson for quarter ended 6/30/55 filed. Jitney companies in arrears with gross revenues tax payments. Clerk to order them to make payments. 10-5-55 37 383 / Request of Twin City Jitney Co. to replace Jitney equipment with Volkswagens denied 12-7-55 37 ^73 Venetian Sedans to use temporary route on Collins Avenue between 41st Street and 71st Street while Pine Tree Drive bridge is under construction 7-5-56 38 274 JITNEYS Book Res. #93^2 opposing application of Twin City Jitney Co. to extend service to Surfside. Fla. RR and Pub. Utilities Commission to hold hearing on 10/29/5d on this application; Mr. Wanick authorized to oppose application. 10-17-56 38 468 ^Report of City Auditor Bernard B. Davidson for quarter ended June 30, 1956, filed. Jitney companies continue to he in arrears in their franchise payments. City Mgr. to investigate and make recom mendations. 12-5-56 39 22