K Miscellaneous_December 1941 to April 1958*'K" MISCELLANEOUS , 25
Book Page
King's Oceanic Gardens granted
beer and wine license 12/5/41 21 87
D, G. King granted parking lot
permit - Lot 7, Blk 2, Lincoln
Road Sub. "A" 12/5/41 21 88
Edison Kipp appointed as member of
Marine Inspection Board. 12/18/41 21 120
A. Kobel granted parking lot license
on Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 36, 0. B. #2 - -
1/7/42 21 129
Book Page
Res. #5449A passed granting permit
to Harry Sirkin and Barry Koretzsky
to construct groyne between Lots o
and 7, Blk. 29, Fisher's 1st Sub.
of Alton Beach. 1/22/42
taxi fare of patrons meets approval
of Council 5/20/42
Kate's Place granted beer and wine
license at 133 - St. 5/20/4-2
Kout,Atty.Herman requests vacation^ of
21 -319^
21 -319
g. encroachment 5/20/4-2 21 319
Book Page
Knopp, Bernard - taxi permit trans
ferred from Sidney Levy to him 6/3/^2 21 335
Knotty Pine Tavern granted beer and
wine permit 6/3/^2 21 33^
Kapner,Herman - no action taken on his
request to transfer his taxi permit
to Elmer Baldwin 7/9/^2 21 3^2
Kiwanis Club submit resolution endors
ing Port Authority 11/4-/^2 21, 4^59
Book Page
Klein,Maurice - asks City to furnish
his headquarter (Air Raid Warden)
with an automobile 12/16/^1-2 21
^Kahn, Albert L. - resignation from
'^ivil Service Board accepted 5/5/^3 22 90
Knopp, Bernard - given 3 taxi permiti
held by A. Harold Binder 6/16/^4-3 22 133
Kapner,Herman- asks permission to trans
fer his taxi permit to E.Baldwin 6/16/4-3 22 133
Book Page
KENNETT, D. C. - appointed Ohlef
of Fire Dept. 5/16/^3 22 137
Kapner, H. - his taxi permit trans
ferred to Elmer Baldmn 7/7/^3 22 I5I
Kasdln's Drug - beer and wine appli
cation filed under name of Burton
Drug Store 10/15/4-1 20 4-67
Albert L. Kahn reappointed on Board
Trustees, M.B. Hospital 10/5/4-3 22 IS6
King's Oceanic Gardens (Alfred J. King)
granted 194-2-4-3 liquor license
10/20/4-3 22 189
Albert L. Kahn/appointed on Re^ Est.
Examining Board 10/20/4-3 22
Trixie Kennedy applies for beer & wine
license at #lg Collins Ave. - action
defi-erred 11/17/43 22
Kitty Davis Airliner granted night
club license 1/24/44 22
King's Oceanic Gardens (John Morey)
granted beer & wine license 2/2/44 22
Beer & wine license granted
KELLY'S 2/16/44 22
"K" Miscellaneous
Dr.^il H.Kaplan objects to city's
selling Municipal Hospital 3/20/4^ 22 303
KNotty Pine (Bertholet) granted
beer & wine license 5/3/^^ 22 320
Kasdln's Wine & Liquor Co.
application for package store
at 117 5th St. denied 5/16A5 23 9I
Klwanls Club asks Council to
turn over Recreation Pier
for use of young people for
recreational purposes 9/5/^5 23 20B
"K" MlscellaneouB
Sam Kaplan's application for
permit for bus service deferred
until taxicab hearing in
October 9/^/^5 23 2llf
Knotty Pine (Malyszko) granted
beer and wine license 9/19/^5 23 220
Kelly's Steak House granted
beer and wine license 11/21/4-5 23
King Cole Hotel granted
liquor license 11/21/4-5 23
Book Page
J. C, Klmball's offer to sell
Lots 17, 18 & 19, Blk. 5^+,
Orchard, to city for off-street
parking is referred to Parking
Committee 7/3/^6 2k- 1^9
Council rejects offer of J, C.
Kimball to sell Lots 17, l8 &
19, Blk, 5^+, Orchard, to city
for off-street parking 7/3/k6 2h l8l
Alleged affiliation of H. L,
Sammons with Ku Klux Klan
is referred to City Manager
for investigation and report 7/17A6 2k 221
"K" Miscellaneous 33'
Book Page
E. D. Keefer asks for exchange
of alleys in Block 52A, Lincoln -
referred to Mr. Renshaw 1/2/4-6 23 3^5
King's Restaurant granted
beer and wine license 2/6/4-6 23 3^5
King and Queen Candy Store
given beer and wine license 2/20/46 23 409
Katz' Restaurant granted
beer and wine license 5/15A6 24 89
A, Frank Katzentine asks Council
to require contractors to give
some guarantee of completion of
buildings, to prevent "skeleton"
buildings 8/7/^6 2h 23C
Council takes above matter
under advisement 8/7/^6 2^ 230
Knapp's Fruit Juiee Stand grant
ed beer & wine license 9AA6 2h 272
Application of King Cole Motors
for sign permit is denied 9AA6 2k- 273
Book Page
City Manager reports on his
investigation of alleged affilia
tion with Ku Klux Klan of H. L,
Sanimons and says he has no proof
that Mr. Sammons is a member 9/h/h6 2^- 28^
Res. #6117 to Fire Chief D. C.
Kennett is passed, commending
him on completion of 20 years
of service with the city 9/18/^6 2h 31^
King Cole Motors' request for
permit for sign is referred
to Mr. Hice and Mr. Shepard IO/I6A6 2k- 3A
Edison Kipp is appointed on
Board of Marine Inspection IO/I6A6
21+ 373
King Cole Motors is given
temporary permit to erect
pole sign at 1525 Alton
Klein's Little Hungary is
granted beer license
KLwanis Club objects to
any change of dates of
holding general elections
12/27 A6 2h
Albert L, Kahn recommends
that all 100 room hotels be
permitted to have night
clubs 3/5/^7 25 2
Sam'l, J. Kanner represents
Eskay Package Store in request
to move from 29^+7 Collins to
2927 Collins - referred to
City Attorney Vl6A7 25 10^+
Frankie Keenan granted
beer and wine license 8/6A7 25 296
J, C. Kimball is sponsor
of "Cuba Day" 8/l8/kQ 27 52
Presidents' Council asks
that J. C. Kimball's name
be added to Auditorium
Advisory Committee-no action 10/15/^7 2?
Res. #6573 authorizing
execution of quit-claim
deed to Marie Kahlert
on easterly 10 ft, of Lot
12, Block 1, Harding
Townsite 5/5/W 26
Leonard Kimball's request
for reduction in license
fee for independent dry
cleaning & laundry trucks
11/17 A8 27 193
Matilda Krouse's request for
permit to operate social club
in International Hotel Cabana
Club referred to Bldg. Dept. 2/2/^9 27
A, J, Kaplan urges action
on housing for eity
employees 2/16/^9 27 ¥f^-
Hylan Kout*s proposal
for control of migratory
workers taken under
consideration ^/20A9 28 3^
A. J. Kaplan urges action
against proposed state sales J:ax • 28 k2
A. J. Kaplan urges ropes
in water for protection
of bathers
he objects to charge of
10^ for soft drinks in
Lummus Park
Keen's Restaurant asks
for public bar license
6/1A9 28
Keen's Inc. objects to
operations of service bars 7/6A9
A.. J. Kaplan asking the City
to consider purchasing A.lton
Rd, Hospital for office space 7-5-50 29 ^68
Kiwanis Club endorsing C of
C resolution urging that
Miami Beach Auditoriiim be
dedicated to City Manager
Renshaw 8-16-50 30 2k
Kiwanis Club presents United
Nations flag to City 8-16-50 30 2^
Book Page
Request for City inspector to
investigate Kosher restaurants
referred to committee 6-20-51 31 290
Bill of Walter C. Kovner
for legal services in
connection with condemnations
approved - $1,000. 7-18-51 31 373
A. J. Kaplan urges Council to
make their position clear re.
public or private ownership of
of electric light and power
to vote of people 9-19-51 32 72
Book Page
Klwanls Club resolution urging
Council to retain special coimsel
to defend suit re, rezoning 5 lots
north of Firestone Estate filed~,
11-21-51 32 202
Res. #7997 extending time of
occupancy of Kimball property
being purchased by City 5-7-52 33 22
M.B. Kiwanis Club resolution filed
urging Dade County Legislation to add
section to proposed bill consolidating
Miami & Dade County, providing for
approval of voters 4-8-53 34 1d3
Book Page
David Kletter asks aid in having his
3-year old daughter, now in custody of
Juvenile Co\u*t, returned to him. Also
complains about treatment he received
by M.B. police. City P%r. to get facts.
12-21-55 37 496
King Cole-North Shore Hotel given
permission to extend dock into Biscayne
Bay with modification in location of
northernmost pier 11-7-56 38 483
Marcos Kohly, Latin American representative
from Office of Public Relations, commended.
4-30-58 40 392