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L Miscellaneous_August 1939 to May 1942
"L" MISCELLANEOUS _ 25. _ Book Page Levay, Miss E. Marian files petition against issuance of permit for bus station at Euclid Ave. & 6th St. g-2-39 Ig lg3 Lear School property assessment for 1939 allowed to remain as fixed by _ Tax Assessor 3-7-39 13 169 Little Mike's - beer application Tpee Biscayne Lunch; ll-4~36 I5 20k Littman, Clara - granted private school permit "Drexel School" 9/6/39 13 2M'2— "qU" MISOELIANEOUS * 26 ^ Book age Little School granted private school permit for 1939-19^1-0 9-X3-39 Ig 262 Lill's Italian Rest.granted beer & wine license 9/20/39 18^ 276 Levine, Nat - requests permit for musical comedy license on Million Dollar Pier 10/V39 —291 LEAR SCHOOL - granted private school permit 10/5/39 IS 315 LEVINE,NAT - granted license to, op,erate . musi cal c omedy slro^r on: Pier 10/18/39 IS —323" "L" MISCELLANEOUS 27 Book Page Lobel's Fine Foods - granted beer and wine license lO/ig/39 322 Lee's Market - granted beer and wi ne lie ens e 10-50-39 Lipowsl^, Leo -granted beer and wine for The Tropics Wf\/y^ Ig 352 Lenox School - granted private school permit 11/16/39 IS 3S2- LINCOLN REST, granted beer and wine license 11/16/39 12 32^ Leader Market granted beer and wine license 11/16/39 IS "L" MISCELLANEOUS ' . 2g Book Page Levy, Mrs. Henry - complains of parking lot at 10th and Wash. Ave, 12/6/39 16 Lasker, Max granted parking lot permit in Blk.-11,0.B.#1 12/6/39 16 koS LENNY'S SMOKE SHOP and LANTERN INN n granted beer and wine licenses 12/6/39 18 M-13 LITTLE CLUB granted night club per- ^ mit 12/13/39 16 ^ , _ LECHT, Mrs. Msu?garet -settlement on her damage claim in amount of I50O.OO a i .h 12/13/39 16 ^19 "L" MISCELLANEOUS n ' 29 Boofc Page. - Levlne,Nathan - granted liquor license for Million Dollar Pier 12/20/39 18 ^2? Levlne,Nathan - to be warned not to use name of "Mlnsky" in advertlsIng 1/3 Ao IB 43g Levlson,Mrs.Harris - denied bakery permit on Everglades Concourse 2/7/^0 Ig Jj-53 Levlne, Nathan - again warned not to use name of Mlnsky In advertising H obKt't'Jto Belmar »L" MISCELLANEOUS 30, Book ?age Littman,Meyer - request for orivate school permit at Lenox Ave.betw,^ & 9th St. Mar.20,19140 19 2l|- Loftin,Galkins,Anderson & Scott ask if City wants them to carry Oil ^ank case to Supreme Court (Federal) 3/2gAO 19 ^6 Lord,W.E.-Vet erinarian-grant ed permit to operate at 1764 West Ave. lt-17-40 19 S6 Lhcoln Tower Co.dedlcata,20-foot allayIn Bik.53,R.?Q!fet?v^l9WO 162 "L" MISCELLANEOUS ' 3I Book Page Lajitaff -- resigns ail^^'^^cipal Judge 7/3AO 19 Levin,Leona -granted permission to operate nursery shhool at 6921 Harding,subject to her bringing in waivers of objections 6/7/^0 19 219 Leroy Hotel and Villas granted permit to erect cabanas in Blk.l7, M,B^ liOcean Front 9-25-4^0 19 2Q\- Li11le School grant ed renewal of private school permit 9-25-^0 I9 265 "L" MISOELLAJ^EOUS Book Leroy Hotel denied permit to use kitchen in Whitman House lO/2/kO I9 313 LEAR SCHOOL and LENOX SCHOOL granted licenses for 19^+0-4-1 10-2-^0 19 31^ LEAR SCHOOL request transfer of private school license to 1010 West Ave. 10-30-40 ^^J.9 3^76- - Ahove request denied until zoning^ change can be effected 10-30-40 19 376 Lantern Inn - granted beer and wine license 11/6/40 19 38' "L" MISCELLANEOUS 33 Book Page —LlncoIn ^ow-er-Cjorp^ re ques t—zonlng- ishange of Lots 2 and 3, Blk,53, Pine Ridge" 11/6/40 10^ 395 Lord, W, E. - granted permit for veterinarian office at 1764 West Ave. 11/6/40 19 390- Latin Quarter granted license to -sell.—liquior 11/20/40 19 ^2 LORD TARELTOK HOTEL granted liquor 1 ic ens e 12/4/40 19 44& JjITTLE club - granted night club "licehs e 12/4/40 ^ 19 454" "L" MISCELLANEOUS 34 Book Page Langle,Phll - employed to assist on rowing house inspel5tIons,etc. (temporary)12/4/40--19-A53l Xear Sch-ool-r^qnest-ciiange-of zoning for Blk.80, Bay Front Su^. to permit operation of private -school 12/^1/40 -19^-462 Long, Ai-W.— seeks pe^rmit for-Cap-- tains license for Yacht Marilda - (referred to Charter Boat Boardl ^12/11/40 19,464 ESicesTde Pharmacy (John Kosenbaxim) denied "L" MISCELLANEOUS St jVg 3,0 elate Book Page Lantaff, Wm, C. appointed^unicipal —1"0^ fiii anaxplF ©(3. t©3?iji - ol* Associate Judge Zxikernlck,deceased 12/18/40 W - iSS L^eslde Drug Store granted beer and lid.ne Xicense 12/24/40 19 492~ Lofton,Calkins, Anderson & Scott ad- vls^ with reference to Tlblgatlon as to -h^itle-of_iois---l--,-2, 3~and-4~of—Whl-t e & Woodwards Subdn. 1/8/41 20 14 Xew- Stark_Pafekage_Store_ name changed to "Arrow Package Stores,Inc.T./15741 20 16 "L" MISCELLANEOUS- 36 Book Pap;e Wm.Lantg-ff - given one month's pay as additional compensation owing to -faet^-4ie-haaH3^en called in^o-^yS^ Army service 1/15/41 20 16 --Llylngaion:^W /H •—gjcant ed._p erm i sai-on to -use City Hall for Red Cross 1st Aid classes^ 1/29/41 2C5 25" ant af f, Wm. - ^aubmi t s 1 e 11 er^ of resignation-as^-Aasoaiuni-cipal Judge 2/12/41 20 63 Latin Quarter - noises in their estahllshment complained of 2/19/41 20 ZL 'L" MISGELLAMEOITS 37 Book Page Lippow, Chas.Mrs, - asks for change in zoning T^'eguratXons on Tier ITol;"'2, Lh.-36^GoJLf-_-C.cair^-e---Suiu—2/26/41 20 S§- Lear Scho6l - No' action taken on request for rezoning of property at corner of 10th St, & West Ave. 3/19/41 20 113 Lippow, Mrs,Chas, -again^asks for zon- ing change for her lot 2,Elk,36,Golf « 4/2/41 ^0 132-Luoman Corp, awarded contract for firnishing steel on storm sewer pro-"O w** www*ui W"J ect (Collins Canal to 151i|i/f ft) 20 IJg "L" MI30ELLANEOU3 3S Book Page Lear School-property at lOth St,- & West Ave, - Coxmcll agree to call hearing as to change in zoning of Lots 7,8,9 and 10,less north 50' of Lot 7,Blk. 80,Alton Beach Bay Front Suh. 5/7/41 20 198 LONDON, B. H,- granted Homestead Ex emption for 19^0 taxes. 5/7/^1 20 199- Levine, Morris - transfers his for hire permit to Century Cah Co. 5/7/41 20 2L1- Lipp,M.N. - appointed City Engineer 6/6/41 2Cr 268 "L" MISCELLANEOUS " ' '^39 Book Page Lemon, J, B. - reappolnted General Recreation Officer 6/6/41 20 271 Hearing held with reference to changing zoning on Lear School property, 10th Street & West Aye. 6/11/M-i 20 27I1 London,B,H. - files objection to building permit issued for construc tion of hotel by Lynmar Hotel Corp. 6/11/41 20 276 Lynmar Hotel - Lot 13,Blk.l2,0.B. . - objections filed to issuance of bldg, permit 6/11/41 20 276 MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page Leedy-Wheeler Co. - Coig^cllpaneMeyer advises of proposal submitted by them for financing Municipal hospi tal 6/11/41 20 277 Lynmar Corp. - discussion with reference to Building permit issued for construc tion of Hoter by them on Lot 13,Blk. ^ 12,0.B.#1 6/12/41 20 279 Lynmar Corp.-furthen discussion on their permit - permit ordered revoked 6A2/41 20 282 Lindabury.E.H. & S.H.Saunders transfer taxi permits _ to Bernard Ghaxincey 6/18/41 _ "L" MISCELLANEOUS 41 Book Page Leedy-Wheeler & Co. - Councilman Meyer 20 302 Lantern Inn granted "beer and wine licenses 7/2/41 20 317 Lear School - property taxes to he charged off referred to ^ity Atty, Shepard for opinion 7/2/41 20 Lear School - taxes for 1938 through 1940, also 1940 Personal Property Tax ordered Charged off 7/16/41 20 "L" MISCELLANEOUS _ . _ 42 ; Book Page London, B. H., presents petition objecting to Qrd. No. 602 Amending Zoning 8/6/41 20 374 Lear School again seek permit to operate their private school at 10th St, & West Avenue 8/6/41 20 374 Lindabury, E. R., & S. H. Saunders Eight Taxi permits put back in above names and action of June 18 nullified 8/6/41 20 375 Lear School-action deferred, on their request until Aug.8th,1941 8/6/41 20 376 "L" MISCELLAMEOUS J 43 Book Page Langston ^onst.Co. - estimate for removal of bldgs.on Lots 2 to 5, Blk. 112, 0. B. #4 ordered paid 8/6/41 20 382 Lynmar Hotel request reimbxirsment of expense in connection with change in plans for their hotel on Lot 13, Block 12, Ocean Beach (referred to City Mgr.) 8/6/41 20 389 Lear School matter discussed and matter closed 8/8/41 20 399 LC Bar - Council agree to transfer bS liquor license fee to new owner 10/2/41 20, 426 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page La Tropical Fruit Shippers granted beer and wine license 10-2-41 20 427 Lindabury & Saunders transfer 8 taxi permits to Ray Orleman 10/2/41 20 428 Little School granted permit fon^ 1941-42 season 10-2-41 20 431 Langston Const. Co. -estimate for wrecking bldgs. on Lots 2 to 5, Blk. 112f 0. B. No.4 10/2/41 20 439 L. C, Bar - granted liquor license for 600 - 5th St. 10/15/41 20 467 "L" MrSGELLANEOUS 45 Book Page LINCOLN RD. Assoc. asks Council to appropriate #2000, to defray AttSys. expenses in defending Auction Ord. No action. 10/23/41 21 7 Lachman, Sam, granted Parking Lot permit for Lot 5, Blk. 25, Ocean Front Property 11/5/41 21 - 12 LeRoy Villas ask that paving of 32nd St. be deferred until spring. 11/5/41 21 13 Council grants above request. 11/6/41 21 15 ftT ft MISCELLANEOUS Book . Page Night Ciuh license granted _ _ "The Little Club" 11/6/41 21 23 W. E. Lord, Veterinarian granted nermit at 1764 West Ave. 11/6741 21 23 Latin Quarter -night club ll/10/\l 21 29 LeRoy Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 11/19/41 21 50 Liberty Arms Apt. files complaint of Jiy noise from Ryan Motor Car Go. 11/19/41 21 60 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 47 Book Page Mrs. Lfljttie LeVey asks reduction "~tn 1941 taxes "on her lot It Blk. 57, 0. B. #3. Denied by Council * "Tl^e/H 21 82 Arthur 5c Amy Lindau dedicate S. 10' Lot 8, BTk". 55, Orchard 2~5c 3, alley. 12/ 5/4X_l 21 90— Mr. Low (Whit_ehart_Hot elj_ gr.ant.ed parking lot permit 12/17/41 21 100 Langford asks refimdof license fees paid, over last y 4 years. ^ 12/18/41 21 125 -Referred City—Airtrorrrey ":L" MISCELLANEOUS 48 - Book Pag&- Theodore Leipold granted lot permit - Lots 10 and ll. Elk. 2, Fisher's 1st Sub. 1/7/42 21 129 Coxmcil authorized transfer of one taxi permit from Samuel Lazarus to Oscar Paris. 1/22/42 21 161 Lee's Pharmacy at 801 Washington Ave. granted beer and T»;ine license LINK,H.Milton appoint/d^^perin- ^ tendent of Parks 5/7/^2 21 31'^ "L" MISCELLANEOUS " Ks Book Page Lakeside Drug Store granted beer and wine license 5/6/4-2 21 301 Lear School real and personal property taxes ordered charged off on their location at I500 Collins Ave. 5/7/42 21 313 LIPP, M.N.- City Engineer granted Lea.ve of Absence while in Army service Res.#553lt (granted full 5/7A2 21 313 months pay) LINK,H.MILTON ~ granted leave of abeaaee xirhile in Army service Res. 5539 5/7A2 21 316