L Miscellaneous_June 1942 to June 1948"L" MISGElXANEOtJS 50 ^ Book Page Levy,Sidney - transfers his permit to Bernard Knopp 6/3/4-2 21 335 Lear School - request for tax exemption on their property at 1010 V7est Ave. Council refuses to take action 6/3/4-2 21 33^ LEMON, J. B, - Director of Recreation given military leave of absence and 1 month's vacation pay 7/15/4-2 21 363 MISGELL^EOUS Book Page J Lakeside Drug Store granted beer and wine license 10-7-^^-2 21 k-2^ Leroy Hotel granted beer and wine license 10-7-i<-2 21 i^-2g Latin Quarter licenses to be held up until later date 10-7-^2 21 ^2S LaGrange- A.W. asks permission to operate U-Drive-It business at N.E. corner of l6th St, & Alton 10/2S/4-2 21 ^53 Levy,Irving - granted liquor license for Ira's Restaurant 10/2g/l^-2 21 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 51 Bafik„ _„Pgige_ Liquor license for Lincoln Road Liquor Store transferred from Shehan to Bob Yates 10/2g/i|2, 21Lifter,Daniel -beer appli.il/25/il-2 21 4b9 Lockhart, Lee - Atty., asks for zon ing change for north side of Lincoln ^oad from James to Collins Avenues ll/lS/112 21 I^.62 Levy,Chas. granted beer and wine license forTurf Rest.7^17 Collins Ave. 11/25/^2 21 ll71 Little School granted 1942-43 permit 12/2/i;2 21 kjk Levy,Mrs. Rose and Miss Clemence ,,ob ject to 1942 tax assessments 12/16/42 21, 483 "L" MISCELLANEOUS ' ^3 Book Page Lear School seek cancellation of taxes on Lot le & S.150' Lot 9 Slton Beach Bay Front - 2/17/43 City Atty. instructed to prosecute pending jjase again^ Lear School 2/17/^3 22 33 Luigi's Restaurant (Molinari) granted beer and wine license 3/3/^3 22 ^■2 Luxton Apt. Personal Property taxadded to 194-2 Roll 5/5/^3 22 gg Leader Market (Blwnenfeld & Becker) granted beer & wine license 10/6/4-3 22 179 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 54 Book Page Lewis, D.H.-requests changin g coning on Washintgon Ave.from Espanola Way to Lincoln Rd. 1/6/4-3 21 500 "L" Miscellaneous ^ BOOK Little School given renewal permit 22 10/20/i^-3 Life Bar (Swartz, Inc.) granted liquor license 11/6/^3 22 205 Mrs. Henry Levy asks Council to waive interest on improvement liens in Normandy Beach South - Council takes under advisement 12/15/1^3 22 235- Above request of Mrs. Henry Levy denied 2./Z/m 22 25^ "L" Miscellaneous 56 Book Page Sherman S. Luban asks that 2 taxi permits held by Henry Barenblatt be transferred to him - referred to Mr. Frink, Mr. Renshaw & Lt. Hoover 5/17/^^ 22 33I J. N. Ltimmus suggests city purchase quantity of his book "The Miracle of Miami Beach" for publicity purposes - taken under advisement 6/7/44 22 342 Clerk instructed to obtain price on quantity of 1,000 copies of THE MIRACLE OF MIAMI BEACH by J. N. LUMMUS 6/21/44 22 353 "L* Miscellaneous 57 Book Page Council authorizes purchase of 1,000 copies of J. N. LUMMUS'S book "The Miracle of Miami Beach" @ 65^ 6/2B/kH- 22 357 Upon affidavit from DOROTHY LITTLEHALES Res. #57^9 is passed authorizing issuance of duplicate tax sale certifi cate #?3l<- dated 7/7/36 6/2g/i^ 22 Lundy's Market's request for "hot" beer license at 14-35 Wash. Ave. is referred to City Attorney 9/20/4-4- 22 "L" Mlsoellaneous Book City Attorney is of opinion no "beer end wine license can issue for Lundy's Market - application rejected 10/22 1^12 Latin Quarter granted liquor license and nl^t club license 10/20/^M- 22 Little School given renewal permit for private school 10/20/4-^^ 22 Mrs. Rose Levy's second request that Interest be waived on Improve ment liens denied 11/8/^^4- 22 "L" Miscellaneous 59 Book Page Maurice Levin Restaurant granted beer and wine ll/&/k^ 22 Liquor license granted LINCOLN ROAD PACKAGE STORE (Masters) 11/15^^1 22 S. Lasker Grocer granted HOT BEER license 1/17/45 22 J. N. Lummus* offer to sell Sam's Island to City for |25,000 taken under consideration 2/7/^5 22 Lee's Grill (Lee & Nass) granted beer & wine license 5/1^/^5 23 "L" Miscelianeous 60 Book Page Bette Lawson, Inc. granted beer and wine license 6/20/4-5 23 Lee Pharmacy granted beer & wine license 2/17/^5 23 Beer and wine license grant ed Lakeside Drugs 10/3/4-5 23 Life Bar granted liquor license 10/17/45 23 Lincoln Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license 12/19/45 23 "L" Miscellaneous 61 Book Page Liquor license granted Life Bar 2/6A6 23 3^6 Mrs. Henry Levy complains of inefficiency of Police Dept. 2/6/4-6 23 4o4 Abe Aronovitz, representing Arnold Luft, asks for settle ment of injuries sustained by reason of blow by police man - Council takes under advisement 3/20/46 23 453 "L" Miscellaneous Book Council votes to settle claim of Arnold luft in the amount of $1,780 VI8A6 2^- Ih Leader Market granted beer and wine license 6/5A6 2h I08 Res, #6061 passed, commending Morris N. Lipp, City Engineer, upon completion of 20 years - of service with city 7/3A6 2h iBl **L" Miscellaneous 63 Book Page Lincoln-Collins Corp. given permit to construct a trans portation building on portions of Lots 5 & 6, Elk, 5^« Fisher's 1st Sub, 7/17A6 2^ I87 Louis R, Libman's request for travel bureau license is referred to City Manager 7/17/^ 2h I8' Lottie's Steaks & Chops granted beer & wine license 7/17/^ 2h 192 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 6k . Book Page Beer and wine license granted The Little Grill 8/7A^6 2h 23^- Application of Ross Lully for pet shops referred to Mr, Hice PhilinXey|jie and Arthur G. Wein'^^'S^ermit to operate newsstand at iWf Collins Ave. 8/21A6 2k 257 "L" MISCBLLANEOUS 65 Book Page Philip Levine & Arthur G. Wein given permit to operate newsstand in window of Collins Drug Store at iWf Collins Ave, 9AA6 2h 27: Res, #6115 is passed commending Robert B, Loveland upon completion of 20 years of service with city 2^ 312 Edmond La Vertu's request for permit to rent beach chairs, etc, on property adjoining the Tower Hotel is referred to Zoning Board 11/6/^^ 2h 378 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Book Maxwell J, Lubin is reappoint- ed on Public Relations Advis ory Committee 11/6A-6 2k 378 Request of Board of Public Instruction that that portion of Lenox Ave. extending through the South Beach School property be closed is taken under advisement 11/20/^ 2k I+OS Little Campus Restaurant granted beer & wine license 12/18A6 2^ k29 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 67 Book Page Latin Quarter granted night club license 12/18A6 2k- 1+30 Polly Lux given permit to service cars at 1000 Alton Road 2/5A7 2k- kSO Res, #6207 closing to use for highway purposes that part of Lenox Avenue lying south of Vth St. and north of Alton Road 2/19A7 2k- AO "L" MTSCELLANBOTJS Petition filed objecting to proposed operations of Long Island Airways in Biscayne Bay 3/5A7 David Lessor's application for day camp at 69^9 Carlyle Ave. is referred to Kenneth Thompson Upon recommendation of Ken. Thompson above application is referred back to Building Dept. 3 V2A7 Book 25 /19A7 25 25 68 • Page 28 39 86 "L" MISCELLANEOUS - ^3 Book Page Lake Co. League of Municipalities urges City to endorse bill re, cigarette tax monies V9A7 25 101 Denied permission to amnng extend dock at #11 Belle Isle 5/21A7 25 173 Little Club granted liquor license 5/21A7 25 176 Luban School granted private school license 6/18A7 25 22h- Lums granted beer and wine license 7/2A7 25 238 "L" MISCELLANEOUS J. N. Lummus, Jr., County Tax Assessor, addresses Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization Life Bar granted liquor license 7/8A7 9/3A7 Book 25 25 Lincoln Tower Corporation's request to put in 2-ft, side walk in alley adjacent to Mercantile Bank Bldg, is denied 9/19/lf7 Little Roumania granted liquor license 11/19A7 25 25 "L" KISCELLANSOTjS 71 " Book Page "Latitude 26" granted beer license 12AA7 26 3 Lincoln and Ocean Beach Club granted permit 12AA? 26 5 Dave Levinson protests building being constructed on Flamingo Drive 12/17A? 26 28 Aeferred to Building Dept.) Lessee under Keen's, Inc. granted beer license 1/A/U5 26 9^ "L" MISCELLANEOUS Little Club granted liquor license l/21/k8 Andy Lichter's complaint about taxicab operator is referred to Ass't, City Manager 3/17/^ Lundy's Market granted package beer license only V7A8 Lincoln Tower Corp. request to extend parking area is taken under consideration 5/19A8 Book 26 26 26 26 277 360 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 75 Book Page Lincoln Tower Corp. denied permit to operate parking lot on Lot 8, Blk. 53, Pine Ridge 6/2A8 26 36I Objections presented to noise of operation of Land 0' Sim Dairy - referred to Sss't, City Manager 6/2/k8 26 377 Lincoln Club asks permit to operate private club at 3^5 Lincoln Road - taken under advisement 6/16/U-8 26 ^11 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Lincoln Tower Corp. given permit for parking lot on Lot 8, Blk. 53, Pine Ridge subject to stipulations 7/7A8 Lincoln Bridge Club refused permit Land O'Sm Dairies given permit for gas tank and pump 7/7/^ 7/21/U8 Lee's Luncheonette granted beer and wine license 8/^A-8 Book 26 26 26 27 ^52 3