L Miscellaneous_May 1929 to July 1939■'"L" miscellaneous ■ Book, Res. thanking Mayor Lumraus 9, Lemon, J. B. - Salary Raised 5-1^-29 9> LeGro.F.O.B,-Venetian Way Transportation " LaGorce.John Oliver-Res.2122 of Thanks 9. LaGorce,John Oliver-Letter of Thanks " 9, Lido, Club-Petition against i|-P_30 10, Lemon, J.B.-Washington Trip II-5-30 10, LaGorce.John Oliver-Res. 2332 II-5-30 10, LaGorce,John Oliver-Letter of Thanks 10, •'ij» MlBUlL-IiLAITEOUS g. BOOK.PAGI \liB8 Lechich requests removal of glass house used as flower shop II-IB-31 11,22^ Lumber Yard-Request for permit to operate on Commerce Street II-IS-31 Levine^MrS.Louis: Claim 3-29-32 Little River Laundry; License Fee Refund denied ^20-32 Little River LaundryJ -^gain request refund of license fee 9-30-32 11, 36g Refund authorized 10-12-32 It,. "L" MISGELLAHEOUS ^ , Booi:» Page Res. on death of the late W. B. Leddy Res. #2609 ^1-27-33 12» ^K) Lenox Co. go on record as paying de linquent taxes under protest 3/lV3^ 12t 305 Levy,Mr.Henry,urges concessions "be made on bach taxes of Isle of Normandy 2/15/5*^ 13 '^3 Leedel,Inc.,given quit-claim deed through Lots 10 & 11,Elk.14,Beach View Addition upon receipt of / .roent thru 11, & 12- ReB.?020 12/5/34 13, 177 "L" ' MISCELLANEOUS • 4. Book Page Levi, John H. - elected Pres. of Council - 12/19/34 13, 204 Council agreed to cooperate with the Sheriff in his campaign for Law Enforcement in Dade County 13, 291 Liquor license was denied the Paddock Grill. 13, 291 Levy, Arnold (Antique Dome) addresses Council re; iraoroperly dresses persons on Lincoln Road I3, 26? "L* MISCELLANEOUS 5, Boole Page Lincoln Road Merchants Assoc. by Arnold Levy, asks to have persons dresses only In bathing suits prohibited from entering ^—— stores and offices on Lincoln Rd. Also for additional police pro- tection in early morning hours. ^ Mr. Arnold Levy requests peddling stopped, also traffic lights and pedestrian lines on Lincoln Road I3 292 "L« MISCELLANEOUS 6, Book Page Councilman Burbrldge's statement regarding Sen. Hayes Lewis' Trial 13 294 21201-55 Closing of Lenox Ave. between 3rd & 4th Sts, requested for school playground. 3/6/35 13 321 Lincoln Road Subdn.^A" Plat approved 5/6/35 13 403 Levine,A.S. of Bade Pharmacy asks information re: liquor store in Patten Bldg. 7/3/35 13 468 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Larrick, Hugh - offers for Adas & Hooper- to purchase Lot 4, Bik. 12,Island View 7/17/35 13 507 Lincoln Road Assm objects to bars on Lincoln Rd. 7/17/35 13 507 Lincoln Road Assn.again objects to bars on Lincoln Road 7/19/35 14 1 Lincoln Road Assn. and Council discuss regulation of liquor selling on Lincoln Rd. 8/9/35 14 32 "L" MI30ELLANEOUS 8. Book n Page Little Dutch Mill given permit to erect Windmill eign 14 52 LaG-orce - John Oliver - thanks City Council for naming street after him. 9/18/35 14 100 QASLCjx^^ Liquor Zoning Ordinance discussed. Requests for changes and suggestions made regarding Lincoln Road, etc. 9 bo/35 Council passed several changes in Liquor Zoning Ordinance. 10/2/35 14 116 14 114 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Liggett Drug Co,Inc., denied package goods liquor license for 1632 Lenox Ave. and 506 Collins Sept.Ig,1935 1^101 Little Dutch Mill granted beer and wine license - Sept. IS, 1935 lH-102 Liggett Drug Co. granted beer and wine permits for two stores 10-17-35 ll^-151 ~ "L" MISCELLANEOUS 9, Book Page LiaGorce &olf Club House granted license to sell liquor lVjTh5 ~180~ llira. Bertha Leyine' 8 request for permission for fruit juice stand at 1426 Ocean Drive deniedv—11/15/35—14—191 Liggett Drug Company granted. license for package liquor store ut H02 Lincoln Road. 11/18/35 14 Lantern Inn-beer &~wine permit 12/4/35—14 22D Lincoln Market " 14 220 «L" MISCELLANEOUS 10. Book Paff« LoPP--0-P^]^ane r 1 de approved by Council subject to inspection by -Bldg. Inspector 12/6/35 iif 232 Leon'8,Inc. granted permit to sell beer and teine 12/11/35 233 LazarqUjC.A. grated parking lot per- mlt N.W.corner 10th and Ocean Dr. 12/30/35 — 14—233 Lee Phannacy granted beer and, wine permit 1^ 23^ "L* MISCELLANEOUS 11. Book Page Lear School permit - protested by Alfred Betancourt 1# —2B7 - Lockhart, Wm. ^-refused license—for bumper game 2-5-36 1^ 29m- Lummus, J.N. former Mayor, gives _ pictures of former Mayors to hang in Council Chambers W 3^" Hearing held on Lear School being ^ operated- as nuisance M-/1./36 ^1.^ 357_ Lear School-committee to Investigate charge 1^ 357 ML« MISCELLMEOUS 12. —Eaga.„ Lumber Rate Conference - City ap propriates $200,00 towards expenses "^ ^ ; 5/6/36 - ^ - LaGorce Island plat approved for __ record 7-I-36 1^1- 1^-95 Little School - granted 193^-37 permit 7-15-56 I5 I3 Lindberg Hotel-granted permit to construct sky- sign 7-15-36 —15 26 Lear School granted one. year permit only for private school 9-I6-36 15 126 »L» MISCELLANEOUS I3. __J Book Page Lantern Inn given beer and wine permit IO-7-3S ' I5 175 Little Dutch Mill - granted beer and wine permit IO/21/36 I5 133 Luncheonette granted l^eer and wine permit 11/4/36 I5 204 Lehman's Rest, granted beer and wine permit II/4/36 15 204 ^®ar School request permit to operate _ -at 1500 Collins Ave.Cdenied) 13^2/36 15 218 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 1^. BojdJc Eage,. - Lou's Bar Branged liquor license II/I2/36 15 219 LeRoy Villas Hotel application for liquor permit referred to City Mgr. ll/lg/36 15 232 Louis' Restaurant given permit to erect awning 12-2-36 15 25^ " Louis Grill,737 Lincoln Rd.,granted beer and wine license 12-2-36 15 263 LeRoy Hotel granted Liquor license Lindberg Hotel sign I5 27-5 approved 12-3-'36 15 275 "L° MISCELLANEOUS I5. Book Page Land 0' Sun Dairy early norning" noises complained of. btbllil Lindberg Hotel granted permit to erect arrow sign. 3l^3lyi 97 Liberty Ave. & Washington Ave. — steel girders sold to County. 16 1^6 Land 0' Sun Dairy again complained about. 7/7/37 16 176 ."L" MISCELLANEOUS l6. Book Page J. N. Luramus proposed to construct Bather's Parking Spaces in Lummus Park. 7/2g/37 202 liincoln Center Bldg. granted permit for marquee sign on Euclid Ave» side. 7/2g/37 16 205 Land O'Sun Dairies will build en closure around plant 9-1-37 1^ 24-1 Loomis-Hall Co,awarded advertising contract for 1937-3® 9-1-37 1^ 250 ^L" MISCELLANEOUS 17 Book Page Lowre;/»N.P, Requests closing of foot of Biscayne St, for ll,S,Life Saving Station 9-l§-37 3.® 256 Locket. Attyi S. L. presents petition; and letter urging zoning change in 2nd Ocean Front Subdn. 10-6-37 I6 3OO LaTropical Fruit Co.granted beer and wine license 10-11-37—-I6 J06 Leon ' s, Inc , , grant ed beer „ and wine,^ license 10-20-37 I6 333 Lincoln Tailors awarded contract for Police Uniforms 10-20-37 16 335- "L" MISCELLANEOUS Ig. Book Page Loeb's,Ino., granted beer and wine ncb^nse 16 55^r Longchamps,Inc.,gran ted liauor license TI-17-37^ . iB^ 370 Leonard!,John, granted parking lot permit lX-19^37 16 382 Little Sam-granted permit to rehang sign 11-X4^37 JBB Application—presented^by-Ihe-LittXe mub-Wrn.T. Seaborn 12-1-^7 1^ "L" MISCELLANEOUS 19. Book Page -Joltiile license 12-3"*37 l6 ^15 Loftin-Stokes & Calkins employed to defend suit for City re; liquor perait for bay front property north ^^ Dade Boulevard 12-3-37 l6 ^^-20 Lewis ,H^ B^ grant ed parking lot on Smith Co,property 12-22-3/ l6 ^5^ Lincoln Road Assn, protes^ Auction Sale by Belgian Lace Shops 2-1-6-32 17 ^ «L« MISCELLANEOUS 20. Book Page Loftin-Stokes & Calkins,Attys, - on Oil tank case report certain expenditures necessary in prose- cuting case (authorized) 17 93 Laundties and Dry Cleaners urge reciprocal agreement with Miami on License fee 5-12-35 I7 152 Leonard Bros, given permit to move house for Mrs,Olive J.Brown 6-1-32 I7 l62 Land '0 Sun Dairies given 10 days to complete enclosure 6-2-32 I7 172 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 21 fdoA ^ 6> - /^- ^ S Book Page^ Tgl Lowry,N,P, and Edmtind Friedman L explain new proposed 36th St. causeway 7-6~3S —17 210 Lear School denied exemption on taxes g-2-3S 17 232 Little School - granted permit for 1938-39 season 9-7-3^ 17 267 Lenox Private School granted permit at 1251 Eudlid Ave. IO-26-38 17 3^3 Lear Private School granted 1938-39 permit 11/9/32 17 3^0 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 22 Book Page LeRoy Hotel noises complained of 11/16/38 17— Lakeside Drug Store granted beer and ^fflne permit 11/16/53 17 yk6— Stokes & Calkins IAtty.,employed on Thos.H.Porde and Mlltbn H. Friendcases 11/13/33 17 —359 Little Club granted night club license 12/7/38 17 3^5 LlndrothjJohnG, given permit to Install a SasQllne^tanks . 12/3/33 17 393 "L» MISOSLUNEOU3 - 23 Book Page Lottie's Rest.granted beer andwine permit 12/g/3^ I? ^3^" Epicure Rest.again seeks license ^0r bar for 7433 Collins 12/14/3^ 17 - — LeRoy Hotel Bar license transferred to W. E. Pollock 12/21/38 17 413 Lewi a,Neman -denied parking lot permit for Lot 13,Blk.l2,O.B.#l i/ig/39--17-/W-9 Land 0» Sun- petition filed against noises Feb. 15,1939 17 "L" MISGELIANE0U3 . Book Page Lois Apt, - request for sign post permit c<»isidered (denied) 2/15/39 IT" ^72 L & A Garage reported maintaining nuisance 3/1/39 17 ^ L & A Garage again reported maintain- ing nuisance (^ity Mgr.to investi gate) 3/15/39 IS 2 Louis Grille given permit to have dancing 2 evenings a week 5/17/39 IS 79 "Larkmi" Subdivision on Belle Isle- plat approved 7/5/39 IS 15S