Legislature of State of Florida_1927LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA 1927< Urged to pass Act enabling Bade County to sell bonds Res. 159lf B-.7,P, ij45 for construction of bulkheads. Urged to pass proposed City Charter Res. I595 Book 7,P.il-50 Urged to pass Act creating " County of Mami Beach" . Res. 1596 " 7, B.^51 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA ~ 1929 " BOOK,PAGi Res. 19^6-0ppo8lng merging of City & Ccim- ty assessraents & (3olle^^og| ^ Representative at Tai3aa3iassee urged " 9,111 City Mgr. instructed to write Governor, Sen. & Reprs. re: Biscayne & n Virginia Key annexation 9,205 Res, 2003 sent Governor & Representatives -9,206 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA ° 1931 BOOK,PAGE Res. pil-lg-Authorizing advertisement of Bill fox Cliarter Changes ^22-31 H, 22 Res. 2^19~A-uthorizing advertisement of Bill to redistrict Bade County i]—22-31 11,24 Res. 2420-Opposing bill making State & Coun ty taxes superior to City 4-30-31 11,26 Res. 2421-Urging extension of State High way through Misuni Beach 4-30-31 11,26 Res. 2426-Opposing House Bill No. 55^j. Taxing Electricity 5-5-31 11,34 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA ~ 1931 ^ BOQg.PAGl Res,2i|-3S: Requesting passage of Bill to amend City Charter 5-20-31 11, 50 LEGISLATURE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA - 19*^5 Book Page Resolution No. 3120 endorsing 6 proposed Acts to amend City ^barter V3/35 13 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLP^BTrtA 1937 n BqoIs: Page Res. #19^9 endorsing srooo^ed Act to amend Charter 3/31/51 15 Res. #3950 endorsing proposed Act to __ amend barter 3/31/37 15 Res. #3951 endorsing act to amend Charter 3/31/37 ^5 Atty. Ben Shepard employed to attend Legislature on behalf of City and present proposed Acts 3/31/37 15—^5^ Res. ^3960 endorsing passage of Act to amend-Recall provision in City Carter4-/7/37 lb—pit LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA - I939 Book Pase Ben Shepard employed as Special Counsel to attend Legislature V5/39 20^ Representatives & Senators to be asked to refer measures regarding City Charter to Council before any ^ action is taken 4/19/39 IS 54_ LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA - 191^-1 ' Book Page Several Bills considered by Council fc submission to the State Legislature: Water Bill- which permits ity of M.3. fo Water Bill- which permits ity r to build its owr Bill to operate Bill to simplify Muni0ipal Court ^ill; City ^ iv is ion of Publi c ^ealt h & his assistants need not be M. B. residents 20 ISB Resolution of Council as being opposed to proposed bill providing for State In- come T^ V23/?l . 20 1S9 fcE&ISLATURE OF STATS OF FLORIDA -19^1 2 Bnnk Page Resolution of Council opposing proposed, bill to abolish ad valorem taxes - V25A1 20 193 Res. #5246 urging the State Legialature to pass a bill providing for free use of voting machines for use by munici palities 5/14/41 20 City Atty. to prepare a resolution^set ting forth view of Council on proposed "Hill tb~l;bhsoliaate^"ax~assessing"ahd~ -collectionr offices 2/V^3 22 Jlr LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA -1943 Book Page City Atty, to prepare a-resolution setting forth view of Council on proposed bill to consolidate tax 8.ssessing and collection offices Z/h/k-J 22 Res. #5627 — objecting to merging of County and City Tax Assessing and col- looting agencies 2/lf/H-J, 22 3^ Dan Chappell - employed to introduce _ bill in Legislature to permit City of M.B.to impose tax on admissions to n race tracks, etc. 3/3/% 22 36— LEGISLATURE OF STATE UF i?'L,UKlUA _ 19I4.3 Book Bag© Six resolutions Nos. 5^32 thru 5637 endorsing passage of certain Acts by Legislature 3/11/^3 ---22- -to-51- Res. No. 5650 opposing passage of House Bill No, 39 seeicing to put into effect uniform system of Municipal Gov't Vl5A3 22 Petitions from Civic bodies urge City Council to seek modification and change in Port Authority bill as presented by City-of Miami Vl5A3 22 -—jk- LS&ISLATURE STATE OF FLORlDA-lQlj-1 3/ _ Book Page Res. #5653 endorsing passage of Legi slat1ve Act proposing to i^end City Charter so as to permit the - City of M.B.to fix insurance rates 4-/21A3 22 ^ Res. #5637 opposing passage of Port Authority Bill as drawn by City of Miami 5/5/^3 22 g5 Res.5659 endorsing passage of Act known as House Bill ^90 and opposing passage of Senate Bill 312 575A3 22 [legislature of state of FLA. 4 Book Page Res. #5666 proposing an amendment to Constitution'of State of Fia. relating to Consolidation of Tax Assessing - _ _ and Collecting Agencies - same calling for Referendum 5/19/^3 22 HE LEGISLATUHS OF STATE OF FLORIDA'~"i9^5 Council goes on record as opposing Police and Firemen's Pension Bill & Clerk so notifies Legislators Ees. #5^11 endorsing passage of bill providing that registration for bond elections shall close not later than 15 days ,),_ holding of election Book Page Council requests Legislature to pass no legislation affecting Miami Beach or its employees without giving Council opportunity to consider and pass on it W^5 23 23 30 23 30 ^3 LEglSLATURS. -STATE" OF FLORIDA 19»+5 Book Res. #5^13 endorsing passage of Bill authorizing the City to acquire and operate gas works VlS/^5 23 Res. #5Sl6 endorsing passage of bill to amend Sec, 11 of Chapt. 7672, Laws of Florida V25/^5 23 57 Res. #5S20 endorsing passage of bill amending Sub-section "K", Sec. 2g, Charter 7672, Laws of Florida 5/10/^5 23 87 3 LEGISLATURE - STATE OF FLORIDA Book Pag< Res. #5^21, endorsing passage of bill authorizing City to construct hospital, library, auditorium, etc. upon the Municipal Golf Course 5/10/^5 ^3 ^7 Res. #5^22, endorsing passage of an Act to amend Sec. 5 Chapter 9S37, Lawi^ of Florida, Acts of 1923 5/10A5 23 gg Lake Co. I^eague of Municipalities urges City to endorse proposed legislation re. cigarette tax , ^ ^ ^ moSies V9A7 2? 10] LEGISLATURE. STATE OF FLORIDA 19I+7 f \ ' Book Page Res, #6272 , urging passage of act to return to municipalities that portion of cigarette tax collected within the municipality Vl6A7 25 11^ Res. #6301 urging passage of bill in connection with Employees Pension and Retire ment System 5/7A7 25 I6I Res. #6302, urging passage of bill eliminating require ment making each Councilman head of department, etc. 5/7A7 25 162 LEGISLATURE. STATE OF FLORIDA 19if7 Res. #6303, urging passage of bill enabling City to grant liquor licenses on population basis 5/7 A? Res. #6306, urging Legislature to pass bill which would exempt the M, B. Railway Co. from jurisdiction of State Railroad Commission 5/7A7 Book 25 162 25 169 IA9 Legislative program to be studied $1,500 appropriated for entertainment of members 8/9/W 27 18 ll/17/hS 27 215 LEGISLATURE. STATE OF FLORIDA 19^9 ' ^ Book Pagel^ Council confers on program for 19^9 session 2/9A-9 27 ^21 Res, #68^2 opposing proposed bill levying hotel rooms tax h/6/h9 28 29 Res. #6900, asking "passage of act " 6901, " " " " " 6902, " " " " 5/ifA9 28 121-123 Res. #6911j asking passage of housing act 5'/13A9 28 136 Res. #6927, asking passage of act " SfiQOP, H " n " 5/19 A9 28 165-166