Library & Art Institute-Miami Beach_May 1927 to February 1958LIBRARY $200,00 per mo. Appropriated 5/23/27 Bk,7 P.^60 llequeet be /Old City Hall/given for Library and Community Center 10-19-27 " " ^3 City Hall given for above purpose „ 10-22-27 " 90 $100, per month additional 4—13—20 " 3, ''236 Res. 2239 authorizing "The Library & Art Institute of M.B. to erect Library in Collins Park 4-2-30 "10, "121 Annual Report Filed ^20^32 11 313 THS LIBRARY & ART IMSTITUTE OF MIAMI^BSAOHriNC. V- ^ BOOK. PAGE Res. 2239 authorizing erection of Library in Collins Park k-2-'^0 10, 121 Letter from Atty.W.EiWalsh re: Federal loan for completion of building 12» 1^3 Citizens request that Library be named "Collins Memorial Park and Library".1/3/3^ 12,213 Renaming of Library again discussed 1/17/3^ 13 226 I250O.OO appropriated for conpletion of 1st floor of new library 7/26/3^ I3, 13 3 glasses for skylights needed 9/20/3h 13, 91 LIBRA.RY B. PUBLIC; ' ~ (Also see Library & Institute) Appropriation reduced to $135• 6~22r32 11, BOOK,PAGE Financial Reports of Miami Beach Public Library - Oct. 1935 thru March 1936 - July 1st, I936 li}- 101 Financial Reports of M.B.Public Library Apr,1936 thru March,1937 and April 1937 thru March 1936 May il-th,193S 17 ^14-1— LIBRARY ART INSTITUTE OF MIAHI BEACH t Boo^ Page Committee appointed to make final s'orvey of likrary building to see what appropriations necessary 9/20/3^ 13 91 Above committee reports - $1912^^ appropriated 10/3/3^ ^3 1^1 THE LIBRARY & ART INSTITUTE OF MIMI BEACH s" Book Papce G-us Bohland p;lves estimates on certain sculptural work 3-3-37 ^5 ^23 $100.00 appropriated for entertain- ment of visiting State librarians 3-10-37 15 i|.20 - Offer of Mrs. T. J. Paiicoast to build new wing on Library Bldg Council authorized completion of Library Bldg. at cost of |l6,000. accepted by Res. #il-062 7/14-/37 x6 Ig6 ition of 116,000. 7/1V37 16 IS 6 THE LIBRARY & ART INSltETUTE OF MIAMI BEACH Book Page Mr. Renshaw and Gounell;aan Hlce asked to confer on letting of contract for completion of bldg. 7/2g/37 16 20ll- to be New bids/called for on completion of library g-2-37 I6 206 New bids received g-^»37 J,G,Horning,Inc. awarded contract on completion of library 3-5~37 211 Increase In library appropriation requested - no action 8-16-37 221 LIBRARY & ART INSTITUTE OF MIA^ViI BSAUH j __ Book Page Estimate to J.C,Horning,Inc., on additions to Library ordered paid 9-16-^7 264 Estl.to J.C,Horning,Inc. 10-6-37 293 Estimate to J.C,Horning ordered paid on addns.to Library 11-3-37 3^6 Estimate to J.C.Horning ordered paid on library additions 12-3-37 ^35 Report of M.B.Public Library filed 12/1/38 17 377 Report of M.B.Public Library filed iA5/39 IS 51 LIBRARY AND ART INSTITUTE OF MIAMI BEACH <? ^ Book" " Page M.B.Public Library reports filed from April thru August, 1939 12/20/39 1^, " 42S Report of Librarian of M.B.Public Library for the month of Get.1940 -presented and filed 11-13-40 19, 411 Report of M.F.Public Library for Feb. 1941,filed 4/2/41 20 144 Res.#5590 authorizing leasing of upstairs portion of Library Bldg. to U. S. Government for Army use 7/2B/i^2 PI ^15 LIBRARY AND ART INSTITUTE OF MIAMI BEACH Book Page Res. #5907 passed, authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to accept redelivery of classrooms leased to Army 12/5A5 23 3^3 Request of Wm. Singer to hang exhibit in Library referred to Mr, Renshaw 2/16A6 23 34-7 Mr. Renshaw asks Council, to give some thought to future LIBRARY fMIAMI BEACH PPBLICV Book Page 1st reading of ordinance creating Board of Trustees, requiring annual budget, prescribing duties, etc, Vl7A6 2^+ 36 3rd reading Ordinance #765 creating Board of Trustees of M, B. Public Library 5/1A6 2h 7^-5 Appointment to Board of Trustees' Mrs. R. L, Ellis, Mrs, D, Richard Mead, Mrs, John J. Hutcheson, Mrs. Arthur Sporborg, Mrs. Harold Lynch, LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book Page Mrs. Leo Huberman and Miss Katie Dean 5/l<A6 2h- 76 Miss Mabel Tucker appointed on Library Board to take the place of Miss Katie Dean who is unable to serve 5/15/^6 2k- 97 Mrs. R. L, Ellis and Mrs. A. J. Sporborg reappointed on Library Committee for 3-year terms 5/7A7 25 168 All committee appointments hereafter to expire ,on 5/7/k? 25 Suat. 30 cjoiucjfp Siseai LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book^^age 1st and 2nd readings of an ordinance amending re. tems of office of members of Library Board 5/19A8 26 3A 3rd reading Ord. 8^2 amending Ord. #765} creating Board of Trustees 6/2/k8 26 36^+ Request of Temple Isaiah to use Memorial Room for worship denied 1/12A9 27 333 Mesdames Lynch and Hutcheson reappointed on Board 3/2/^9 27 ^71 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book Page Russell Pancoast employed as architect to complete north wing of library. City Mgr.. to proceed with preparation of plans 9/7 A9 28 391 1st & 2nd readings ordinance creating Board of Trustees for Library and manner of operation 11/16/^9 29 6l Ord. 908 adopted, Board of Trustees of Library 12/7/^+9 29 76 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEA.CH PUBLIC) Book ^fTage Mrs. D-. Richard Mead and Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers appointed to Board l-k-50 29 12k- Malvina Weiss appointed on Board 1-11-50 29 13k* Mr, Renshaw to advertise for bids for north wing 1-18-50 29 lk-1 Contract for north wing let to Chalker Construction Co. 3-1-?0 29 $10,000 appropriated to ; couplete the addition 3-1-50 29 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PmiC) Book Page Statement of Russell Pancoast for architectural services approved ^/5/50 29 2^6 Contract for flooring 1st floor of library awarded to Lotspeich Flooring Go. Vl9/50 29 292 Mrs. Anna B. Meyers and Mrs. Leo Huberman appointed to Library Board for l+-year terms 11-15-50 30 I92 LIBRARY ( MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) /6 ^ Book Page $2,295.00 appropriated from CPS for ornamental lighting reconstruction of Library Park 2-21-51 30 403 Final payment for architectural services in connection with north wing addition to Library approved - $1,086,00 to Russell T. Pancoast & Associates 8-I-51 31 4l8 Purchase of bookmobile authorized. Funds allocated in Library budget. 10-11-51 32 104 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book Page $350.00 Library expendit\ire approved - purchase of cards and misc. items in connection with Library's 25th anniversary. 3-26-52 32 ^41 City Mgr. reappoints Mrs. R.L. Ellis and Mrs. Seymour Liebman on Board of Trustees of Public Library, both for 4-year terms to expire Sept. 30, 1955. 7-16-52 33 159 Appointments to Library Board: Mrs. H. J. Lynch, Mrs. Reba Engler Daner, Mrs. Evelyn T. Daoud 10-21-53 35 IO9 LIBRARY (MlfiMI BEACH PUBLIC) " l9 Book Page Mrs. D, Richard Mead appointed to succeed herself as member of Board of Trustees of Public Library 11-18-53 35 173 City Clerk advises that Board of Trustees has passed resolutions commending Mrs. Guy E. Snavely and Mrs. Robert L. Ellis 2-3-5^1 35 320 Res. #875^ providing authority for an additional account on the Mercantile Nat'l Bank, to be known as Library Account , also providing authority for signing of vouchers drawing on said account 7-9-54 36 76 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) /f Book Page Mr. Lipp submits, unopened, one bid received for construction of wheel chair ramp at Library. Recommends it be rejected and readvertised. Action deferred. 1-19-55 36 4l4 Councilman Powell suggests pay telephone be installed at Public Library. Referred to Mr. Lipp. 1-19-55 36 ^15 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLEC) Vt? Mrs. Leo Huberman appointed to Board Page of Trustees 10-20-54 36 268 Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers appointed to Board of Trustees, ao-20-54 36 268 Res. of Bd. of Trustees submitted, asking Council to take steps to credit Bertha Aldrich, head librarian, with number of years she served before library personnel was taken into Pension System. City Manager to implement this resulution. 1-5-55 36 392 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) >/ Book Page Bd of Trustees request Council to pass whatever measure is necessary to give Bertha Aldrich, Head Librarian, a pension upon her retirement, based on service from Jime, 1927> when she became librarian. City Mgr to study matter and report to Council 3-16-55 36 ^71 1st reading ordinance increasing salaries of Head Librarian, Art Director, and Asst Art Director 5-^-55 37 150 1 bid received for construction of ramp at Public Library rejected asEd Work to be re-advertised y_5_55 37 253 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book^"^age $15,000 appropriated to cover cost of partially air conditioning library. 8-17-55 37 331 Request for a branch library at south end of City referred to Planning Board. 11-16-55 37 ^61 Planning Board reports re. branch library site at south end of City. Board Is Instructed to look Into possi bility of finding sites for branch libraries at both the north and south end of city. 1-18-56 38 30 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) V3 Book Page Report of Planning Board re. branch libraries. Recommendations to be submitted at later date. 3-7-56 38 9^ $1,500.00 appropriated from unappropriated cxirrent funds for Library Convention reception Jxine 17, 1956 , 3-21-56 38 99 Mrs. Joseph asks Council to take into consideration construction of new Municipal Library 3-28-56 38 122 Statement of Henry Nelson in connection with plans and specifications for air-|gi^ditloning library approvedgfo:^ payment, LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Vf Book Page Statement of Henry J. Nelson approved $183.36, engineering services In connection with preparation of plans and supervision of air conditioning library 6-20-56 38 247 City Mgr. advises he Intends Including Item of $5,000 In new budget for survey of City's library facilities by American Library Association. M.B. Woman's Club urge no hasty action be taken re. this survey. Objection made to this expenditure. M.B. Citizens Library committee (newly formed) fecommend; survey. No action. 7-18-56 38 310 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Book Page Petition bearing names of members of the Citizens Library Committee (requested by the Mayor at the last meeting) was presented and ordered filed. 8-1-56 38 348 Libary Board appointments confirmed: Mrs. Irving Lehrman to replace Mr. Isidore Simkowitz; Mrs. Evelyn Daoud whose term expired Sept. 30, 1950 to serve an additional term. 8-15-56 38 372 LIBRARY ( MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) ~ Book Page Resolution of Library Board requesting City to make available funds set aside in 1956-57 Budget for survey. City Mgr. to advise Board that City Council will make selection of the party to make survey IO-3-56 38 ^44 Resolution of Library Board re. employment of John Hall Jacobs to make survey. Council acquainted with method of selecting Mr. Jacobs. Council authorizes employment of Jacobs - amount of survey is not to exceed allocated funds. Sugges- 2-20-57 39 129 tions made by Councilmen re. siu-vey. LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) V7 Book Page Mrs. Reba E. Daner and Mrs. H. J. Lynch reappolnted to Board of Trustees of M. B. Public Library, terms to expire Sept. 30, i960 2-20-57 39 14? Res. #9456 authorizing execution of agreement with John Hall Jacobs of New Orleans,to make sxxrvey of M. B. Public Library 4-3-57 39 246 Mr. John Hall Jacobs of New Orleans to meet with Planning Board to discuss the survey of library facilities 5-1-57 39 319 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Vf Book Page Resolution of Library Board filed recommending sabbatical leave for Head Librarian, Bertha Aldrich. Council votes to grant leave for one year with full pay. City Mgr to investigate ways and means of retirement pension for Miss Aldrich. 6-19-57 39 382 Action deferred on award of contract for air conditioning Library until report on library building is ready. 7-3-57 39 ^09 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC) Vf Book Page Res. #9527 adopted granting Bertha Aldrich, Head Librarian, leave of absence for one year with pay. Miss Aldrich to advise Council if she does not want the leave 7-3-57 39 ^10 $7,500 appropriated for Librsiry improvements. Mr. Renshaw requested to give study to plans for improvements. Letter from Bertha Aldrich accepting year's leave of absence. Res. #9527 corrected to reveal proper amount to be received by her. „ 7-17-57 39 ^36 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH, PUBLIC) Book Page Statement of Henry J. Nelson, Consulting Engineer, $512.10, for services in connection with Library air conditioning, approved 7-17-57 39 439 Appointment to Library Board Mrs. D. R. Mead, to succeed herself, term expiring 9/30/61 9-18-57 40 40 Res. #9627 providing for the signing of certain Library Account Vouchers by Ruth Perry as Acting Head Librarianinstead of Bertha Aldri^ ^ ^^2 LIBRARY (MIAMI BEACH. PUBLIC) 3/ Book Page Statement of Henry J. Nelson , design and supervision of air conditioning for M.B. Library, $102.42, approved 1-15-58 40 222 Transfer of $7,000 from M.B. Library Contingency Fund 730D to Capital Improvement F\md 962, to cover cost of heating system for Library, approved 1-22-58 40 234 Statement of Henry J. Nelson, for services in re. development of plans and specifications for M.B. LibraryHearing System, $277.00 appropd^