Liens_May 1933 to March 1955LIENS /
Book Page
Res. endorsing passage of
Act "by Legislature for ad
justment of Imp. liens Res.2613 5/6/33 12» 4
Liens to date and Lien Sale Cert.
#120 ordered cancelled Res.271^ 12/15/35
Lien Certificate against Lot I3,
Blk. 3nd Commercial, cancelled
and over-amount of $10.00 charged
off Lien Account 9/5/3^ 13 72
Liens & Lien Certificate against Lot 16,
Blk.81,0.B.#3,tqtaling$484.74 chargedoff. 7/15/35 13 4f3
Book Page
City Manager makes recommendation
re: basis of assessment for corner^^atB-^n--bfgbway-^s4A^ai;^and^-]ilte- ^
way improvements l/29/^o
Connc 11 conf lrms-^bov-a-reoQmmen4a t Ion
of City Manager 2-19-36 14- 299
Lien Sale Cert.#l4gO sold 9/5/32
charged off 5-'^3^ 17
Collept1on qf 11ens against School
Board discussed 9-7-3® 17 27®
Dr7F7r,Farver reimbursed To^ purchasV
of—1931 Lien Sale GeT»'h- 1971 /33 17 3^G-
LIENS n ' " 3
- Book Page
Clerk Instructed to proceed to
collect paving lien against Lot
Board 2/26/41 20 84
Clerk instructed to treat liens against
School Board the same as in Individual
cas es 4/23/41 20 IQO
Milton,Jelas_reported-as having been
successful in having bill passed to
provide for payment of School Board
liens 6/6/41 . 20^ 272
Council charges of^ H-I66 assess
ments on 3 lots <Sc SR-271 on 1
lot 2/2/i|4 22 255
Res. #572^ accepting compromise
settlement of liens on E. ^ Lot
6 Elk. 16, Island View,
Lien Sale Cert. #133A 3/15/^ 22 299
Res. #57^3 accepting compromise
settlement of lien sale certifi
cates on Lots S & 9, Block B,
Fairgreen 2/7/4^5 22 ^1-71
Book Page
Res. #5^03 accepting compromise
settlement of lien sale certifi
cate No. 374-A W^5 23 32
Council denies Joseph Edell's
request for cancellation of
paving liens on Lots 10 and 15>
Blk. 3^, Ocean Front Prop. 3/19A7 25 38
Res. #719^ accepting conveyance
of Lots 7 & 8, Blk 36, 0B#3
and assuming pending whiteway
lien against property 5/17/50 29 360
Book Page
Whiteway liens totaling
I1I+I.6O against Lots 2, 3,
and k, Block 30, 0B#2,
charged off - property
purchased by City for
off-street parking 3-7-51 30 ^33
Whiteway lien against
Lot 3 and S 25' Lot
h, Block 36. 6olf
Course Sub, charged
off if-if-51 30 537
Book Page
City to assiame bulkhead liens
on property being purchased
from A. E. Woolfe - Lots 17^
18,19, 20 and 21, Blk3, 2nd
Ocean Front Sub 4-10-51 31 54
6% interest waived on following
improvement liens on Temple Beth Sholom,
4l44 Chase Ave.:
H-273 confirmed 8-7-46 $1,625.66
SK-114 " 8-7-46 360.98
H-341 " 8-15-51 299.46
3-2-55 36 453