Life Guards & Life Saving Equipment_December 1926 toJune 1957IIFB 5UARD3 & LIgB SAVIIIS BQUIPMSIfT ^ ,.^'■ /'^£-''^3^ ^ ^ ^ t/. .:iD-^y " y n "iy&^C-^uS ^-vie^ a^^ d , ,— ^-/f- s^S- *' ^ ' zSC XX ^ Ci-ixx^ Z--^'' 2.^ LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT 2. BOOK.PAGE Station at St^i^'^discontlnued by County 11-5-30 10, 313 Granted appropriation of |l4-2,00 to s end Cap t. We i s s and men to Nat '1 Tournament 7/5/3^ 12^-431 Request made for Life Guard-at ~^tli Street ^/l/3^ 13, 29 Roland Jlranat urges more Lif e Guard facilities for South Beach 13 233 1/16135 Appropriation of I150.OQ made_fnr life guards to attend meet in Atlantic City 7/24/35 —^ LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVINS EQUIPMENT 3. Book Page $150.00 appropriated for life guards to Attend National Meet g-19-36 15 EO Councilman Ralston suggests life lines be placed in ocean in frort of public beaches g~19-36 15 Bids received for Life Guard Station referred to City Engineer & Architect for tabulation 9-6-39 IB 227 Tabulation of above bids to be con sidered 230 Contractors submit additional bids on 10th St.Life Guard Station^ LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQiriPMSNT ^ Book Paga— Contract for 10th St.Life guard station awarded to W.G.Mangham at $16,720. 9/20/39 Ig 279 Estimate to W.G.Mangham on Life Guard Station ordered paid 11/1/39 362- Estimate No. 2 to W.G.Mangham on Life Guard Station ordered paid 12/6/39 ^7 Estimate No.3 to ^.G.Mangham on Life Guard Station ordered paid subject to approval of Mr. Renshaw 1/17/40 Ig 446 Removal of old life guard station authorized if no.^ 1/17/40 Ig- - 447 LIFE GUARDS AM) LIPE SAVIHG EQUIPMENT 0 Book Page $893.00 appropriated for subxirban Chevrolet for Llf e ^ard^ Dept^ 1/2/41 20 7 _ $500. appropriated for sending life guards to convention in Atlantic Gity 8/B/41 -20 410- CounciIman Klein asks Personnel Director to investigate Ernest -Gardoa^^ -elaiim—that-he ^aa deprived of rights in hearing before Personnel Board 2/16/1+9 27 1+3^- LIFE GUARDS 6 Book Page Ernest Gardos complains of operation of Beach Patrol - matter referred to committee consisting of Councilmen Klein and Powell and Mr» Renshaw '+/ 6 A9 28 Ernest Gardos makes further charges h/20A^9 28 33 On request of Melvin Richard City Attorney is instructed to draw ordinance regulating -private life 5/^/^+9 28 85 Q ■iLtlM.H/jil LIFE GUARDS Book Ernest Gardos makes further charges against Beach Patrol 5/^/^9 28 85 Ernest Gardos makes further charges against Beach Patrol 5/18/^9 28 Ih-1 Ordinance regulating private life guards held up 5/18A9 28 lM-2 Ernest Gardos makes further charges 6/1A9 28 l82 Ernest Gardos makes further charges 6/15A9 28 210 Ijm GQAiRDS 3 Book Page Committee reports on investigation of Gardos charges 7/6/49 28 235 1st & 2nd reading of ordinance regulating qualifications of life guards working on private property 7/20/49 28 251 3rd reading of Ord. #887 regulating qualifications of private life guards 8/3/49 28 301 LIFEGUARDS Ernest Gardos objects to committee report on alleged conditions in Beach Patrol. Mayor Turk appoints com mittee to investigate charges of Anfc'i-Semiticism and asks Milton Weiss to serve as chairman Statements of Beach Patrol members re. Gardos referred to committee ^/7/^9 9. Book Page 9/7A9 28 36? 9/21A9 28 \25 LIFEGUARDS Book Mayor appoints Stanley Phillips and Harry Plissner to serve on com mittee appointed to investi gate Beach Patrol 10/i9/lf9 28 ^-97 Report of above committee 2-1-50 29 150 Mr, Richard objects to report 2-1-50 29 150 Council authorizes Mr, Richard to appoint another committee to investigate operation of Beach Patrol 2-1-50 29 150 LIFE GUARDS 21. Mrs, Hortensi Arvan, Book Page Phil Gallagher and Col. H. I, Robinson appointed on committee to investigate Beach Patrol ^-19-50 29 315 Report of committee re. lifeguards pre sented - Council asks for supplemental report 8-16-50 30 3lf Supplemental report sub- mitted 10/25/50 30 102 Conference set IO/3O 10-26-50 30 I36 atlARPg 12 Book Page Statement of questions asked Capt. Pinder submitted by committee investigating Beach Patrol 11-22-50 30 202 Injury pay extended Harry Berkowitz 8-1-51 31 421 Hr^ Lipp.to investigate to find whether or not each life guard station is equipped with respirator. 8-27-52 33 225 LIFE GUARDS 13 Book Page Mr. Llpp reports on respirators at life guard stations. City Mgr. to investigate to determine whether or not a respirator is needed at each life guard station and to report 9-3-52 33 235 Report from E. R. Pinder, Capt. of Beach Patrol read relative to respirators 9-17-52 33 268 Painting of interior of 10th St. life guard station authorized 12-16-53 35 242 LIFE GUARDS l4 Book Page 4^-hOTar work week for lifeguards 37 126 $6,300 appropriation to cover cost of providing life guards at ocean front park at 46th St. for "balance of present fiscal year authorized 5-4-55 37 150 Earl Finder reappointed Beach Patrol Captain 6-15-55 37 208 Earl Finder reappointed Beach Patrol Captain 6-19-57 39 384