Liquor Licenses_May 1949 to December 1950LIQUOR LICENSES Book GrantedShoreham-Norman Hotel and Prado Corporation 5/^/+9 28 89 Granted Tomac's, Coral Room (Ritz Plaza) and Tov/er Cocktail Lounge 5/18A-9 28 lU-3 On request of D. J. Casey City Attorney is instruct ed to prepare amendment to Ord, #391 permitting window signs advertising liquor 5/18/^9 28 150 LIQUOR LICBNS3S Keen*s Restaurant seeks amendment to liquor ordinance so as to permit them to sell liquor at public bar 6/15A9 Referred to City Manager for investigation Licenses granted Sorrento Lounge and Deauville Package Store Morris Berick, for Keen's Restaurant, objects to service bar establishments' Book 28 6/1 5A9 28 6/15/^9 28 7/6.A9 28 216 Page LIQUOR UCMSES 217 Book Page Iforris Berick asks for amend ment to liquor zoning ordinance to permit public bar at Keen's Restaurant at 6950 Collins Ave, 7/20/49 28 251 Wm, Penn Hotel license transferred 7/20/49 28 256 Xenia's Restaurant seeks public bar license 8/3/49 28 295 City Attom^ to report Veterans of Foreign Wars granted license 8/3/49 28 301 1st & 2nd jreadings of ordinance amending Ord, #391 to confonn with 1949 legislative act 8/3/49 28 320 LIQUOR LIGENST^S City A.ttorney's opinion that City cannot comply with request of Xenia's Restaurant for Puhlic Bar license Council defers 3rd readihg ordinance amending Liquor Ord. #391 to conform with 19^9 Legislative act 21a Book Page 8/17A9 28 338 8/17 A9 28 338 LIQUOR T.TCF.NSRS 219 Ord. #892 adopted, ^ conforming Liquor Ordinance No. 391> to 19^9 Legislative Act. 8/22 A9 28 357 Granted Mel Murray's Continental Lounge, M. B, Employees Assn., Five 0' Clock Clut), S. L. Kramer, Maurice's Restaurant 9/7/^9 28 373 Granted Poinciana Hotel Cocktail Lounge, Al's Bar, Barken's Sea Food Rest. 9/21/^9 28 kO^ LIQUOR LICENSES - 220 Book Page Clerk advises of sub stitution of officer in Giro's 9/21/I+9 28 1+29 City Clerk apprises Council of action taken in regard to service bars being operatedtiin violation of Liquor Ordinance 9/28/^9 28 1+37 Granted Delmonico Cocktail Lounge; National Hotel; Deauville Enterprises, Sea & Surf Hotels; Oklahoma Bar; Mardi Gras, Monroe ifyi's 10/5A9 28 1+1+9 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted Gypsy Room Shore- ham-Norman Hotel; Paradise Room 4lamac Hotel; Ba^joo Room, St. Morltz Hotel IO/5A9 Book 28 221 Page lflf9 Granted Club Beachcomber, Albion Cocktail Lounge, Robt. Richter Cocktail Lounge, The Steak House, Monte Carlo Hotel, Georgian Hotel Cocktail Lounge IO/I9A9 28 hS8 LIQUOR LICENSES 222 Book Page Granted Chatterbox Cocktail Lounge; Fleetwood Hotel, Shore Club Hotel; Fro- - - 11/2/1+9 29 22 Council defers action on application of Promenade Hotel pending inspection by- Clerk to ascertain that they comply with ordinance governing 11/2/1+9 29 22 Granted Haddon Hall Hotel, La Gorce Country Club, Tahiti Bar & Grill, Nether- , ^ land Cocktail Lounge;, 11/16A9 29 1+1+ Promenade Hotel LIQUOR LICENSES 223 Book Page Granted: Flamingo Hotel Company, Mother Kelly's, William Perm Hotel Piamp Room 12/7A9 29 7k Action deferred on application of Chez Paree 12/7A9 29 75 Liquor licenses granted Dorchester, Broadripple, Cromwell Hotels, Inter national Cabana Club, Blue Sails Cocktail Lounge and Arrow Package Store and Chez Paree 12-21-^+9 29 92 LIQUOR LICENSES 22if Book Page Granted Patrician Tap Room, Club 22, Sea and Surf Cock tail Lounge, Belaire Hotel, Al's Tower and-eatka l-V-50 29 n't Application of Cathay House for service bar license held up l-if-50 29 11^ Old Forge granted imrestricted liquor license 2-1-50 29 163 Xenia's Restaurant and Prado Restaurant given 60 days in which to comply with service bar regulations 2-1-50 29 163 LIQtTOR LlCMSES 22$ Book Page Granted Golden Package S^ore and Lincoln Road Package S+ore 2-15-50 29 170 Morris Berick seeks amendment to permit Xenia*s Restaurant to have unrestricted liquor license - no action 3-1-50 29 195 Council votes to take an appeal in case of Samuel Cohen vs. City re. provision of Ord. #391 relative to enter tainment in bars 3-8-50 29 22h LIQUOR LICENSES Book A & B Package Store given permission to move package store license to 1002 5^ St. 3-15-50 29 236 Mayflower Bar and Loimge, Inc. given permission to move liquor license to 1716 Alton Road ^-5-50 29 275 Granted Deck Bar, Prado Restaiirant ^-5-50 29 275 Granted Paradise Lounge, Alamac Hotel U-19-50 29 312 LIQUOR LICENSES 22? Book Page 1st reading Ord. amending Ord. #391 by redefining "night Clubs; defining "cabarets" and extend time during which entertainment is permitted in cabarets until 1:00 A. M. on week days and providing for forms of entertainment per mitted in "cabarets" 5/3/50 29 3^2 Ord. #932 adopted, re. night clubs, cabarets, etc. 5/17/50 29 362 LIQUOR LICENSES 228 Book Page Granted Poinciana Hotel Cocktail Lounge 5/17/50 29 366 Permission granted to Tom Douglass to move liquor license to 122 2hth St. 5/17/50 29 367 Granted President Madison Hotel; A.lan Gale Celebrity Club 6/7/50 29 385 Granted Wofford Package Store; Deck Bar, Del- monico Hotel 6/21/50 29 ^20 LIQUOR LICENSES Book 1st & 2nd readings, amend-* ment to Ord. 391> correcting error in former amendment 6-21-^0 29 ^2^- Ord. #9^0 adopted, correcting error caused by omission of a line in a former amend ment 7-5-50 29 ^60 Granted Weinkle's Package Store 7-5-50 29 W Granted Blackstone Hotel Cocktail Lounge and Copa City 7-19-50 29 LIQUOH LICENSES " ^30 Book Page Granted International Hotel Cocktail Lounge 8/2/50 29 509 Application of Sea and Surf Hotel held up for investi gation 8/2/50 2 9 509 Granted Harris Leveson 8/16/50 30 15 Granted Sea and Surf Hotel Cocktail Lounge 8/16/50 30 32 Granted Mayflower Liquor, Inc. 9/20/50 3 0 73 LIQUOR LICENSES 231 Book Page Authority given to transfer liquor license of Alan Gala's . Celebrity Club from 209 22nd St. to 215 22nd Street 9/20/50 30 77 Council approves deletion of Irving Kipnes in liquor application of the I9OI Collins Corp. (Shore Club Hotel) 9/20/50 30 77 Tentative approval given Monte Carlo Hotel Cock tail Lounge 10/V50 30 86 LIQUOR LICSNSSg 232 Book Page Granted, Al's Bar, Sea and Surf Cocktail Lounge 10-if-50 30 86 Turk suggests ordinance to require all persons having interest in liquor esta blishments to be named in application lO-lf-50 30 88 City Attorney to report on building of Separate pack age store by Old Forge 10-^4—50 30 88 LIQUOR ^33 Book Page Granted: Delmonico Hotel, Casey's Oasis, Robert Richter Hotel, Monte Carlo Hotel, Bel Aire Hotel, Rendale Hotel Embers Restaurant 10-25-50 30 IQlf Cocktail bar license granted Lord Tarleton Hotel 10-25-50 30 105 City Attorney renders opinion on "package store" at Old Forge premises 10-25-50 30 IO6 LIQUOR LtCSNSEg ► Book Page Granted:' The Pixie Room; ■ Lombardy Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Good Hotel Cocktail Lounge; El Morocco Bar & Restaurant; Shore- mede Hotel Cocktail Lounge 11-1-50 30 I38 Granted SeaGull Cocktail Lounge 11-15-50 30 I65 C, Richard requests investi gation relative to location of Sea Gull Hotel in relation to bulkhead line 11-15-50 30 l65 LIQUOR LICENSES $3^ Book Page Carl Hoffman asks for revocation of Old Forge liquor license 11/15/50 30 175 Decision deferred until 11/22/50 11/15/50 30 176 Service Bar license authorized Cathay House 11/15/50 30 178 Action on Old Forge deferred until 12/6/50 11/22/50 30 192 LIQUOR LlCBHgBS 236 Book Page Mr. Link advises that Sea Gull Hotel was not violating zoning ordinance 11/22/50 30 199 Granted: Casa Blanca Hotel, Dorchestor Hotel, Dream Bar, Wofford Beach Hotel Cocktail Bar, Broadripple Hotel Cock tail Bar, Haddon Hall Show Bar, Yacht Club-Alamac Hotel, Ciro's, Combo Room-Wm. Perm Hotel 12/6/50O 30 210 LIQUOR LICENCES Granted LaRue, subject to receipt of favorable police report and also subject to conformity of the premises with ordinances governing 12/6/50 Granted Fan & Bill's, sub ject to conformance with ordinances governing - lo cation of service bar questioned 12/6/50 Action on Old Forge deferred until 12/13/50 12/6/50 237 Book Page 30 210 30 210 30 211 LIOUOH LlCEN^aS 239 . ^ Book Bage Granted; cotton Club, Bamboo Room, Paddock Club, Boulevard Cocktail Lounge, Music Box (Good Hotel) 12/20/50 30 252 Ord. #960, amending Ord. ^02 to permit sale of liquor in lOO-room hotels in Blocks 1, 10, Townsite of Harding, "Blue Waters Hotel) 12/27/50 30 283 Remodeling of Capri Hotel cocktail lounge is dis cussion - action deferred 12-27-50 30 288 LIOUOK IICENgEg 23B Book Page 1st & 2nd readings given amendment to Ord, ^02, liq-uor in Bine Waters Hotel 12-7-50 30 229 Res, #7369, revoking Liquor License #15 to Old Forge 12-13-50 30 2h7 Council denies claim of La Rue Restaurant that they are entitled to open bar li cense 12-13-50 30 2^7