Liquor Licenses_September 1947 toMarch 1949LIQUOR LICENSES 19lf Book Page Granted St. Moritz Bamboo Bar and Life Bar 9/3A7 25 352 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending Ord, #391 so provide for issuance of licenses on population basis and permitting license to be moved 300 ft. 9/3/^7 25 358 Oceanside Improvement Ass'n. go on record as opposing additional liquor establish- ments at north end of City 9/3/^7 25 383 LIQUOR LICENSES Book Rendale Hotel, Haddon Hall Hotel, Paradise Lomge and Bancroft Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 9/19A-7 25 366 Ord. #818, basing issuance of liquor licenses on population and permitting license to be moved 300 ft. 9/19/^+7 25 379 Licenses granted Coral Reef Cocktail Bar, Famous Door, Sports Bar and Georgian Hotel 10/1A7 25 3^9 LIQUOR LICENSES E. W, Groover files application for liquor license at ^1 ^Ist St, contrary to zoning 196 Book- Page IO/IA7 Licenses granted Raleigh Room White's Fine Foods & Wofford Hotel 10/15 A7 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance amending Ord, #391 hy eliminating pro vision for issuance of new licenses to purchasers of business at bona fide sale 10/15/^7 25 389 25 ^21 25 LIQUOR ORDINANCE 197 Book Page Ord, #823 passed, amending Liquor Ord. by eliminating provisions for issuance of new licenses to purchasers of business at a bona fide sale 11/5/^7 25 ^51 Licehses granted Embassy Hotel, Hotel Atlantis, Fan & Bill's, Marseilles Hotel, Mother Kelly's, Floridian Hotel, Shoreham- Norman, Sovereign Hotel, Paddock Club, Flamingo Hotel & Trocadero 11/5/^7 25 ^53 LIQUOR LICENSES Book Granted Monroe Towers, Regal Cocktail Bar, Gray's Inn, Colony Restaurant, Little Roxamania, Fleetwood Hotel, National Hotel and Russian Bear 11/19 A7 25 1+79 Public bar licenses granted STEAK HOUSE and PICCIOLO'S (formerly service bars) 12/1+A7 26 1 Oklahoma Bar and Blackamoor Room granted liquor licenses 12/^A7 • 26 3 LIQUOR LICENSES 199 Book Page Pomeroy's Restaurant granted public bar license (formerly service bar license) 12/10/^7 26 19 Tides Hotel Cocktail Lounge, Bancroft Bar & Coffee Shop, Tony's Bar, Olmsted's, Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge granted liquor licenses 12/17/^7 26 28 Granted International Beach Cabana Club, Old Forge, Hen's Roost Bar and South Wind Bar 1/7A8 26 Ml- LIQUOR LICENSES Russell Stroud asks Council to amend Liquor Ordinance to permit games of skill or chance in liquor bars - City Attorney is instructed to draw the necessary ordinance 1/7A8 Daniel J, Casev asks for rezoning of 75^ Washington Ave, to permit public bar 1/1 1st & 2nd reading of ordin ance rezoning west side of Washington Avenue;* to "A" <4 ..J VLDistrict 200 Book Page 26 62 26 9^ 26 95 LIQUOR LICENSES 1st and 2nd reading of an ordinance deleting frcan Ord, #391 provision against games of skill or chance in Book liquor bars 1/1^A8 26 Licenses granted Inter national Hotel, Little Club and Stevens Hotel I/21A8 26 3rd reading Ord, #836 amending Liquor Zoning Ordinance to place west side Wash, Ave, .from 7 to 9 / , m "/9" ifziNs 95 LIQUOR LICENSES 3rd reading Ord, #837 deleting provision in Liquor Ord, #391 against games of skill or chance in public bars 1/21A8 Daniel J, Casey given permission to move liquor license for Casey's Oasis from 815 Washington Ave, to 7A Washington Ave. 1/28A8 Book 26 26 202 Page 153 Liquor license granted "^3 Room" in International Hotel 2/h/k8 26 168 LIQUOR LICENSES Ben Cohen submits petition asking for extension of hours of package store dealers 2/l8/k8 Clerk is asked to canvass package store operators to ascertain their views Council votes to have ordinance drawn extending hours of package stores Book 26 2/I8A8 26 2/I8A8 26 225 225 LIQUOR LICENSES Book Coimcil votes to retain present hours for package stores 3/3/^ 26 Ralph P. Cook given permis sion to transfer liquor license for Deck Bar from 717 5th St. to 627 5th St. V7A8 26 Club El ChiCO (Mary Nathanson and Jos, J. Catalano) granted license '+/7A8 26 LIQUOR LICENSBS 205 Book Page Mr, Powell asks for check of liquor establishments before licenses are issued for 19^8-^-9 ^/7/l+8 26 279 Deauville Package Store granted license h/2lAi-B 26 299 Application of the Holland House held up pending investigation h/21/k8 26 299 Copa Cabana and El Morocco Bar granted licenses 5/5/^ 26 322 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted Shoremede Cocktail Loimge, Wofford Package Store and Famous Door 5/19A6 Liquor licenses granted Hyde Park Hotel and ^-3 Room Granted Grand Hotel, Paddock Club and Billows Restaurant Mr. Turk suggests that study of liquor zoning ordinance be made Book 26 206 Page 3^ 6/16 A8 26 i+06-7 7/7/kQ 26 if21 7/7/^ 26 ^3 -LIQUOR LICENSES 207 Book Page Riptide Club granted liquor license 7/21A8 26 Tahiti Bar granted license 8AA8 27 3 Application of Entertainers* Recreation Club taken under advisement 8AA8 27 3 Granted Ciro's and North Shore Hotel 8/18A8 27 21 LIQUOR LICENSES 208 Book Page City Clerk is instructed to check all liquor licensed establishments licensed on 600-chair basis to see that they comply with ordinance 8/I8A8 27 23 Licenses granted Floridian Hotel, Club 22, Broadripple Cocktail Lounge, Gas Bar and Peter Barre Restaurant 9/1/^8 27 57 Messrs, Turk, Renshaw and Saperstein appointed on committee to study liquor ordinances 9/15/^ 27 9^ LIQUOR LICENSES 209 Book Page Granted Turf Bar, Coral Reef Cocktail Lounge, Good Hotel, Cadillac Hotel, Famous Door, "^3 Room (International Hotel), - Gypsy Room (Shoreham-Norman) 9/15/^+8 27 95 Granted King Cole Hotel, Life Bar, Bancroft Hotel, Hyde Park Hotel, Sherry Frontenac Hotel and Lincoln Road Package Store 10/7/U6 27 11^ LIQUOH LICENSES Granted Shoreham-Norman Hotel, El Morocco Bar, Johnny Howard's Albion Lounge, Stevens Hotel, Poinciana Crystal Room, & Embassy Hotel Granted Jamaica Room, Kingston Hotel 210 Book Page 10/20 A8 10/20/kS 27 135 27 139 Committee appointed to study liquor ordinances recommends liquor zoning change -10/20/^+8 7 STfi. Golh ws - fti&bo 27 LIQUOH LICENSES Granted National Hotel, Georgian Hotel and Honey Plaza Hotel License for Surrey Hotel held up until door lead ing into ¥fth St. is sealed Granted Surrey Hotel, Atlantic Towers, Haddon Hall, Ritz Plaza and Continental Hotel 11/3A8 Book 27 11/3A8 27 211 Page l66 166 11/17A8 27 LIQUOR LICENSES 212 Book Page Keen*s, Inc. requested to move bar to rear before license can be granted 12/8A8 27 237 Granted Bouche's Villa Venice, Monte Carlo Hotel, Bancroft Hotel, Sovereign Hotel, Caribbean Hotel, Saxony Hotel and Alamac Hotel 12/15/^ 27 2^2 Keen's, Inc. at 6950 Collins Avenue granted service bar license 12/15/U3 27 2M-3 LIQUOR LICENSES 213 9 Book Page Package store operators petition for extension of hours - no action 12/2 27 261 8 package store operators petition for extension of closing hours - other operators object - Coiuicil takes no action 1/5A9 2 7 273 Licenses granted Sagamore, Tower and Delano Hotels, Danny Davis and Arrow Package Store 1/5A9 27 275 LIQUOR LICSNSES Little Club granted permission to move license from 2218 Collins Avenue to 2^5 22nd St.1/ Book Granted Broadripple Hotel Granted Delmonico Hotel and Embers Sorrento Hotel and Tahiti Bar granted licenses Cas Bar (Ohio Hotel) granted license 5A9 1/19A9 27 27 2/2A9 27 2/16A9 27 3/2A9 27 21^ Page 275 338 hOO h2h ^50