Liquor Licenses_August 1965 to October 1967LIQUOR LICENSES 490
Book Page
Applicationsof Tahiti Bar, 244-23rd
St. for liquor and night club licenses
approved/ subject to satis^^^8-4-65 49 203
Request of Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge
for liquor license. Objections presented.
Motion to place this property in new zone
to be known as Liquo^ Zone H-1.
1st reading ordinance placing this property
in H-1 Liquor District. 8-18-55 49 221 &
Clerk advises receipt of satisfactory report
on Tahiti Bar operators and that he will issue
licenses accordingly. 8-11-65 49 218
liquor LlCSNggg ,4^1
Action deferred on application of Book Page
Basin Street Lounge, 1610 Alton Road.
Applicants to appear before Coiancil
at next regular meeting. 9-1-65 49 257
Action deferred on application for
Safari Bar liquor license. 9-15-65 49 270
Liquor and night club licenses for Basin
Street Lounge approved. 9-15-65 49 271
Police to keep check.
Liquor license for Safari Bar granted.
9-24-65 49 293
Book Page
Discussion re. Belmar Hotel's application
for liquor license. Belmar granted liquor
license provided door from lounge to parking
area is sealed and another means of egress
from bar to lobby is made.
10-7-65 49 305
Request is made for liquor license at
the "Four Seasons" 5005 Collins Ave.
Leon Chaves, owner, told to procure statement
from Building Dept. as to number of hotel rooms'
10-7-65 49 308
Atlantis Hotel granted liquor license.
10-20-65 49 332
Liquor license authoriz
Lounge (Seashore Hotel)
,, . ^ Book Pag
eLiquor license authorized Gas Bar
-3-65 49 390
Matter concerning the request for
consideration of existing requirements
for service bar licenses deferred
to Decem ber 1, 1965. 11-3-65 49 397
Clerk reports violations of State liquor
laws by Club Cabarets: Sea Isle Hotel,
Eden Roc;"3,nd Surf comber. 11-10-65 49 417
Council discusses Four Seasons request for / \
liquor license. Letter from Bldg. Dept. ^ u
filed. Motion to grant license fails. ^ -
11-10-65 49 418
No action taken on proposal of Book^ Page
Pour Seasons to pay hotel license for iall rooms in order to get liquor t j;""'
license. 11-10-65 49 421
Permission given Lincoln Road Package Store
to move license to 1656 Alton Road.
11-17-65 49 443
Epicure Market liquor license
granted. 11-17-65 49 443
Caribbean Hotel liquor license renewed.
11-17-65 49 443
Council is asked to consider changing^°°^ Page
liquor ordinance relative to liquor
licenses for restaurants. Report to be
given by City Attorney. 12-1-65 49 445
Hours of package stores extended to 10:00 P.M.
during holidays. 12-1-65 49 446
The Seasons, 5005 Collins Ave., asks for
liquor license as 100-room hotel. Motion
to approve fails. 12-1-65 49 446
Licenses granted: Golden Sands Cocktail Lounge,
Wong's Rice Bowl Restaurant, Martinique Hotel,
Club Intimo. 12-1-65 49 450
LlOtfoR LlCgNggg .
Renewal liquor licenses authorized: Page
Flamingo Lounge
Birdie's Capri Lounge 12-1-65 49 452
Request for issuance of liquor and night
club licenses for Piccadilly Hotel made.
City Atty comments. Research requested
by Mr. Richard re. lapsed licenses. No
action taken. Report from Mr. Wanick &
Mr. Shepard requested. 12-15-65 49 471
Liquor license authorized: Howard Johnson's
Motor Lodge, 4000 Alton Road.
12-15-65 49 473
Book Page
Burnett Roth asks for liquor license
for The Seasons, 5005 Collins Ave.
on basis of being hotel having 100 or
more rooms. Members of Council make
arrangements for on the spot inspection
of The Seasons. Discussion resumes re.
liquor application . Council votes to ^
issue license. 12-15-65 49 479
Re above: Mr. Richard"suggested that
legislation be adopted to permit apartment
hotels such as the above to have liquor
licenses. Ben Shepard advises this requires
charter amendment. 12-15-55 49 480
Mr. Shepard reports on Picadilly Hotel°°^ Page
liquor and night club licenses.
Motion to approve Picadilly applications
fails, then motion to defer to next 3 and
meeting passes. 1-5-56 50 9
The Seasons liquor application
approved. 1-5-66 50 9
Reinstatement of Copa City liquor license Ben Levin. Council approves.
1-5-66 50 17
Matter of reinstatement of liquor Book Page
license for Venetian Package Store and
request to move license to 1325 Bade Blvd.
(1750 West Ave. Copa City) deferred.
1-13-66 50 38
Venetian Package Store license
reinstated. License moved to
1750 West Avenue. 1-19-66 50 47
Liquor application of Copa City Lounge
approved. 1-19-66 50 47
Picadilly liquor and night club Book Page
applications withdrawn. i nn rr, /lo
1—ly—bb bU 4o
Action on liquor license for
Flamingo Residence Club deferred.
to Feb. 16. 2-2-66 50 68
Transfer of Bucky's liquor license
and night club license approved.
2-2-66 50 69
Action on liquor license application
for Dipper,and night club license
deferred to March 2. 2-2-66 50 69
Dipper, 640 Collins Ave., liquor Book Page
license approved. 2-16-66 50 98
Veterans of Foreign Wars, M.B. Post #3559
Lincoln Lane Restaurant & Lounge
3-2-66 50 134
Application for liquor license for
Flamingo Rasidence Club deferred until
next meeting. 3-16-66 50 186
Hearing on Flamingo Residence Club
liquor application .continued to
Aprij. 13, 1966. 4-8-66 50 211
Book Page
Hearing on transfer_of liquor license
Charcoal House continued to April 13,1955.
4-8-55 50 211
Hearing re. transfer of liqqr license
Charcoal House continued to Apr. 20, 1955.
4-13-55 50 225
License for Flamingo Residence Club
approved. 4-13-55 50 225
Hearing on application for license to
sell liquor at Edwards Hotel (Colonial)
Charcoal Lounge, 951 Collins Ave.
License authorized. 4-20-55 50 257
Book Page
Tiny's Liquors #8, 1440 Washington
Ave. license approved. 5-4-66 50 277
Discussion re. request of M. B.
Restaurant Association that liquor licenses
be issued for service bars in certain
restaurants in areas where such licenses
are now prohibited. Action deferred.
5-4-66 50 286
At request of City Atty, action on request
of M. B. Restaurant Ass'n for consideration
of issuance of liquor licenses for restaurants
deferred to June 1, 1966. 5-18-66 50 302
Discussion re. liquor licenses for Page
restaurants not meeting seating
requirements, etc. City Atty to pursue
matter with restaurant representatives
re. possible legislation by State.
6-1-66 50 332
Hearing re. transfer of liquor license
Basin Street Lounge continued to 8/3/66.
7=20-66 50 421
Hearing re. transfer of liquor license
Dipper Bar continued to 8/3/66
7-20-66 50 422
Book Page
Basin St. Lounge, 1510 Alton Rd.,
license approved. 8-3-66 50 443
Dipper Bar, 640 Collins Ave., license
approved. 8-3-66 50 443
All 1966-67 liquor, beer and wine
renewals authorized with following
exceptions (liquor):
Mayflower Bar, 1716 Alton Rd.
Basin Street, 1610 Alton Rd.
Barbary Coast Saloon, 401 Ocean Dr.
Cas Bar, 1390 Ocean Dr.
(cont' d.)
Pin Up-Nite Owl-Grate, 2228 Park Ave.,
Alton Alley Lounge, 1685 Alton Rd.,
Dipper Bar, 640 Collins Ave.,
Tahiti Bar, 244 - 23rd St.
Tropical Bar, 616 Collins Ave.
Playboy Lounge, 3001 Collins Ave.
City Manager requested to schedule
hearings for excepted licenses.
8-17-66 50 485
Application for liquor license for
The Naked Eye, 427 - 22nd St.,
denied. 9-7-66 51 7
Barbary Coast Saloon, 401 Ocean
Drive, liquor license approved.
9-7-66 51 7
Junior's Restaurant, 2947 Collins Ave.,
liquor license approved.
9-21-66 51 35
Eden Rock Hotel, 4525 Collins Ave.,
liquor license approved.
Mayflower Bar, 1716 Alton Rd.,
liquor license approved. 10-5-66 51 76
Calypso Lounge, 1137 Washington Ave.,
Transfer of liquor license approved.
10-19-66 51 116
City Atty requested to seek State
legislation to give City Council
authority to deny or revoke license
to sell intoxicating beverages when
character of applicant justifies it.
City Mgr. to notify all applicants
for beer and wine and/or liquor
licenses to appear at time of
consideration of application.
10-19-66 51 128
Action on renewal of liquor license
for Colonial Lounge (Edwards Hotel)
961 Collins Ave., deferred to
10/26/66. 10-19-66 51 129
Action on liquor license renewal
for Colonial Lounge (Edwards Hotel)
deferred. 10-26-66 51 142
License authorized for Roney Plaza
Hotel , 2301 Col l ins Ave. 1 1-2-66 5I 1^
License authorized Colonial Lounge,
961 Col l ins Ave. 1 1-2-66 51 I60
Book Page
Suggestions for ful ler understandingand proper completion of appl ications
for alcohol ic beverage l icenses, to be
put into effect, 11-23-66 51 l8l
Permission granted package stores to remain
open unti l 10 P.M. from 12/19 through
12/31/66, excluding Sundays (Pre-hol iday
period) 1 1-30-66 51 212
Council considers late renewal of l iquor
l icense for Caesar's Forum. Discussion
on basis on which l icense was issued.
Deferred to 12/15/66 for further information.
12-14-66 51 239
LATE renewal of l iquor l icense for
Caesar's Forum authorized. 12-15-66 51 266
Liquor l icense for Monkey Bar,
2000 Col l ins Ave. approved. 12-21-66 51 271
Liquor l icense for Hotel Albion Lounge,
1650 James Ave. approved.
Liquor l icense- for Place Pigal le,
215 - 22nd St. approved. 1-4-67 51 294
Liquor l icense for Tahiti Bar, 244 - 23rd
St. approved. 1-4-67 51 295
- 511
Liquor l icense for The Pin Up; The Grate,
Nite Owl, 2228 Park Ave. approved.
Liquor l icense for Hol iday lnn-23rd St.
approved. 2-1-67 51 358
Transfer of l iquor l icense for Tahiti
East, 2kk - 23rd St. approved. 3-1-67 51 ^26
Transfer of l iquor l icense for Hugh
Matthew's Ship Ahoy Sea Food Restaurant,
21 1 - 22nd St., approved. 5-3-68 51 569
Liquor l icense for Sea Isle Hotel , 38OI
Col l ins Ave., approved. 7-19-67 52 116
Liquor l icense for Hol iday lnn-87th St.,
8701 Col l ins Ave., approved. 8-9-67 52 153
Liquor l icense for The Seasons, Inc.,
5005 Col l ins Ave., approved. 8-9-67 52 153
City Atty to review existing charter and ordinance
provisions and report re. more effective l iquor
l icense programming at high rise apartments.
Hearing concluded & 8-9-67 52 155
/Liquor l icenses approved for Lincoln Lane
Rest., 1670 Meridian La., & Playboy Lounge
& Pkge. Store, 915 Wash. Ave. Playboy subject
to favorable FBI report. 9/6/67 52 2^5
Hearing concluded & Issuance of l iquor
l icense for Sans SoucI Hotel , 3101 Col l ins
Ave. authorized. lO-A-67 52 311
Hearings concluded and transfer of l iquor
l icenses authorized as fol lows: PIcclolo
American Ital ian Restaurant, 136 Col l ins Ave.;
Hugh Matthews' Ship Ahoy, 211 - 22 St.
10-18-67 52 339
Hearing continued to 11/1/67 at 10:50 a.m.
re. transfer of l iquor l icense for Howard
Johnson's Motor Lodge, AOOO Alton Rd., with
permission to appl icant to file amended
appl ication with License Division of City
Clerk-Finance Department. 52 339
Counci l voted to designate the Forte Towers
as an apartment-hotel having 100 or more
guest rooms, hearing cal led on 1 1/8/67 at
11 a.m. re. request for l iquor l icense,
and City Attorney to prepare complete
report re. requirements for High-Rise
apartment complexes to secure l iquor li
censes without coming to Counci l for
designation as hotel to get it. 10-18-67 52 362