Liquor Licenses_December 1963 to June 1965LldUOR LICENSES 465 Book Page (cont.) Ben Shepard advises that only applicant's veracity is questioned; Council may request dismissal of employee of questionable character. Clerk instructed - in future / applicants seeking renewal must filed \) .n' ' applications 60 days prior to submissionJ to Council. Action deferjcedrbn request to transfer license. Clerk to notify applicants. 12-4-63 46 319 Moe Berick, representing applicants for transfer of liquor license for Pierre's on the Bay, to meet with City Mgr. to discuss corrections of Zoning violations referred to in report. 12-4-63 46 326 LiQtrOR LICENSES 466 . . Book Page Dxscussion resumed on Ixquor applxcatxon of Pierre's on the Bay. City Mgr. reports on correction of zoning violations. Police report again examined. Application re- approved and license authorized. 12-18-63 46 344 Applications approved: Fontana Hotel Atlantic Towers Hotel Windjammer Inn 12-18-63 46 345 Council rescinds previous instiructions to Clerk that applicants seeking renewal of appJ ^ 12-18-63 46 347 LIQUOR LICENSES 467 Book Page Application of continental Hotel liquor application presented without FBI and local special police report. Detective conducting investigation advises because of number of principals involved, report was not ready; also advised that this license had previously been revoked by State Beverage Department. Police Dept. to find out from State Bev. Dept. why license was revoked or suspended. Action deferred. 1-2-64 46 gj 37' Windjammer Inn liquor application approved 12/18/63 without special/report. Clerk files this report at this time. No action. 1-2-64 46 379 LIQUOR LICENSES 468 late Book Page Renewal of/liquor licenses approved: Patrician Hotel Bucky Gray 1-2-64 46 381 Applications approved: Club Deuce Bar & Grill calypso Bar & Grill 1-2-64 46 387 Approved: Al * s Bar Barbary Coast 2-19-64 46 440 Application for liquor license for Si's Hideaway, 3010 Collins Ave. (Capri Hotel) withdrawn. 3-4-64 46 455 LIQUOR LICENSES 469 Book Page Applications approved: Capri Hotel Monte carlo Hotel 4-1-64 46 487 Foremost Liquor application for permission to move license from 1695 Alton Rd. to 1683 Alton Rd. approved. 5-6-64 4#7 46 No action on Cy Gottfried's request to move his liquor license to 1662 Alton Road. (Venetian Package Store, 1257 Dade Boulevard) 6-3-64 47 49 LIQUOR LICENSES 471 Boo^: Page Approved: Billows Hotel Big Lou's Edwards Hotel Gas Bar Lounge (Seashore Hotel) 6-3-64 47 54 Approved: Trayraore Hotel Cocktail Lounge La Tou Restaurant, Inc. 7-1-64 47 Proposal made that CityCode be amended to prohibit minors from entering bars, saloons or night clubs in City, unless accompanied by parents or guardian. City Atty. compares City of Miami's ordinance with City of M. B. recTulations. City Mgr. to discuss matter (cont.) lildtlOR LICENSES 472 ^cont.) Book P^ge further with City Atty. and report back to Council. 7_1_64 47 io4 Life Bar liquor license approved. 7-15-64 47 128 Further study to be given ordinance re. minors frequenting establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold. 7-15-64 47 135 calypso Lounge license approved. 8-5-64 47 146 Owner of ideal Bar advises he is sole operator of this bar with 'exception of liquor licenses 473 Book Page Council reapproves transfer of liquor license for Calypso Lounge 8-19-64 47 173 Caesar's Forum, Inc. requests permission to operate private club at 6820 Indian Creek Dr. and approval of liquor license, (houseboat to be moored at rear of former M. B. Athletic Club). Mr. Irving Schulman, atty. requested to meet with City Atty. before Council takes any action. 9-2-64 47 198 NO action re. Cy Gottfried's request to move liquor license from Dade Blvd. (bldg. demolished) to Carillon Hotel. 9-17-64 47 213 LIQUOR LICENSES 474 that Book Page Place Pigalle advises/clerk's office declined to accept money for City's 1963-64 and 1964-65 night club licenses. Motion made that City accept money for the 1964-65 liquor and night clvib licenses and all other monies owed the City ~ City atty advises against such action. No action by Council until current lawsuit Is adjudicated. 10-7-64 47 246 Applications approved: Lincoln Lane Restaurant Weinkle's Package Patsy's Place store Can can Lounge-Georgian Hotel Promenade Hotel cocktail Loxi^e^ 247 liquor licenses 475 Book Page Application approved: iBill Jordan's Bar of Music 10-7-64 47 247 License deferred, Kingston Hotel-Jamaica Lounge 10-7-64 47 248 Dream Bar, johnina Hotel application approved. 10-7-64 47 248 Hickoairy House liquor license moved to 247 - 23rd Street. Liquor license for Soony's Italian Restaurant authorized, at 247 - 23rd St. 10-7-64 47 249 LIQUOR LICENSES 476 Book Page Permit granted Caesar's Foram, inc. to operate private clixb on houseboat at 6820 Indian Or. Dr. (building to be used in conjunction with private clvib operation) 10-21-64 47 270 Applications approved: Raleigh Hotel Caribbean Hotel Beach Tower Hotel SHore Club 10-21-64 47 272 Jamaica Lounge (Kingston Hotel) application approved. 10-21-64 47 272 liquor licenses 47*3^ Book Page City Atty reports on proposed ordinance pertaining to minors entering premises licensed for sale of alcoholic beverages. Copies of report and proposed ordinance to be sent to members of Council. 10-21-64 47 283 Letter from Cil^ Atty re. lawsuit in connection with Place Pigalle. Monies properly due in connection with night club and liquor licenses to be accepted, and licenses issued, as recommended by City Atty. 11-4-64 47 292 Patrician Hotel liquor license approved. 11-4-64 47 293 JUXyUUK IiICENSES 478 Book Page Applica-tions approved: wofford Beach Pleetwood Hotel Atlantic Towers Hotel 11-4-64 47 294 Surrey Hotel application deferred. Bldg. Dept. instructed to see that door and sign violations are discontinued. 11-4-64 47 295 Clerk to investigate South Wind Bar andESOarin' 20's - as to whether there are two operations at each bar. 11-4-64 47 295 LIQUOR LICENSES 479 Book Page Kingston Hotel liquor application discussed. Discussion re.Mayflower Bar arrears for night club and"liquor licenses. Mayflower 1964-^65 night clvib licenses approved and conditions for payment of judgment. Transfer of Mayflower license to be advertised. City Atty. comments re. Mayflower Bar judgment. Kingston Hotd liquor license approved. 11-4-64 47 ^ 297 Application of Mayflower Bar rescheduled for hearing on 12/2/64. 11-18-64 47 319 LIQUOR LICENSES 480 Book Page Transfer of license for Surrey Hotel denied. Violations re. entrance to lounge and signs to be corrected. 11-18-64 47 319 Sea Isle Hotel liquor license renewed. 11-18-64 47 351 Peirmission granted package stores to remain open until 10:00 P.M. from Dec. 14 to Dec. 31, 1964, excluding Sundays. 12-2-64 47 358 Licenses authorized National Package Store! and charcoal House. 12-2-64 47 364 LIQUOR LICENSES 4S1 Book Page Action deferred on licenses for Golden Sands Hotel, Venetian Hotel and Mayflower Bar. 12-2-64 47 364 Liquor License for Surrey Hotel approved. 12-2-64 47 380 Application s approved: Playhouse Bar Calypso Bar 12-16-64 47 397 Mayflower license deferred at recommendation of Building Dept. 12-16-64 47 397 Licenses authorized: Venetian Isle Motel 12-16-64 47 397 LIQUOR LICENSES 482 Book Page Licenses authorized: Golden sands Cocktail Lounge Capri Hotel 12-16-64 47 397 Licenses authorized: Alan Gale Celebrity Club Sea Isle Hotel , , 1-6-65 47 Clerk instructed to notify Police Dept. z; to enforce 2:00 A.M. closing at Pine Up, Grate and Nite Owl Bar ^^ 1-6-65 48 302 Council defers action on approval of transfer of liquor and night club licenses of Mayflower Bar 1-6-65 48 303 LIQUOR LICENSES 483 Book Page Pin Up, Grate and Nite Owl Bar asks Council to reconsider previous action, in connection with night club application. Motion to continue 5:00 A.M. operation fails. Police Chief requested to submit more comprehensive report on this bar with recommendation to renew or deny. Police Dept. requested that this same information befurnished in all future reports on liquor and night club applications. 1-6-65 48 303 Caesar's Forum (private club on houseboat) requests service bar liquor license. Liquor license authorized to compliancewith all regulations. 1-6-65 48 308 LIQUOR LICENSES 4d4 Book Page Lucerne Hotel granted liquor license. 1-20-65 48 328 Mayflower Bar submits up to date floor plan. Transfer of licenses not approved due to change of officer of corporation. 1-20-65 48 328 Transfer of night club and liquor license for Mayflower Bar reconsidered. Approved. 1-20-65 48 329 Lincoln Lane liquor license approved. 2-3-65 48 345 Objections to application of Caesar's Forum^^fpr liquor license. Letter from (houseboat) t.tDTTOR licenses 485 (cont.) Book page Gity Clerk to city Atty. asking for clarification as to type of license to be issued is read. Discussion re. zoning of waterways. City Atty to look into use of City's waterways as to zoning, etc. and report back to Council. Hearing continued to Feb. 17, 1965. 2-3-65 48 346 Hearing in connection with application of Caesar's Forum for service bar license on houseboat moored at 6820 Indian Cr. Dr. Zoning of Indian Creek and use of waterways discussed. Motion to deny license fails. Liquor license granted. City Atty, City Clerk and Tax Assessor requested to confer re. tax structure houseboats. City Atty requestgd,{ OOXH w • J LIQUOR LICENSES .486 Book Page (cont.) to put in writing his comments re. use of waterways. License granted. 2-17-65 48 360 & 372 Licenses authorized: Famous Restaurant Club Intimo 3-3-65 48 389 M.B. Taxpayers Assn requests Council to reconsider its action re. Caesar's Forum private club and liquor licenses. Atty.Gen. Faircloth to be asked fpr ruling on whether or not the Council can issue permits to transact business on navigable waterways in Miami Beach. Motipn that Council s previous action be rescinded and (cont.) LIQUOR LICENSES 48"? Book Page (cont.) that all licenses granted Caesar's Forum be withdrawn fails. city Atty states in his opinion Caesar's Forum does not come under definition of private club. Motion that city institute suit to enjoin operation of Caesar's Forum fails. Bldg. & Fire Depts. to check Forum to ascertain whether it complies with all requirements. 3-24-65 48 409 Motion to approve application and issue license to Monkey Bar fails. 3-24-65 48 416 Action deferred on application of Albion Lounge. 3-24-65 48 416 LIQUOR LICENSES 488 Book Page Authorized: Crown Hotel 71st St. Liquor Store 3-24-65 48 416 Liquor and night club license for Albion Hotel approved. 4-7-65 48 431 City Clerk to again seek ruling from Atty Gen. Faircloth re. commercial use of waterways. 4-7-65 48 527 Action on transfer of liquor license of Chatterbox Lounge, Broadmoor Hotel, deferred until all zoning violations have been corrected, 4-21-65 4Q 2q LIQUOR LICENSES . 489 Book Page Resolution of Biscayne Property Owners Assn opposing Caesar's Forum filed. 5-5-65 49 77 Liquor licenses authorized; Sovereign Hotel Chatterbox Cocktail Lounge 5-19-65 49 94 Liquor License granted Cadillac Hotel 6-16-65 49 118 Application of Tahiti Bar for liquor and night club license. Discussion, 176 & Applications deferred until next meeting.184