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Liquor Licenses_January 1956 to March 1957
liquor licenses 3^0 Book Page Approved: Royal York Bar Biltmore Terrace Hotel 1-18-56 38 20 ■\fene,tiam isle Motel application • tentatively approved, subject to passage of ordinance on 3rd reading permitting cocktail bar at this 8 location. I-I8-56 38 22 Approved: Sea & Surf Cocktail Lounge-SurfcomberHotel 2-1-56 38 37 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^1 Book Page Action deferred on liquor applications of Place Pigalle and Patio Restaurant. Clerk to ascertain who the real parties in interest are and report back at next meeting. Councilman Spaet s\iggests our application form be made over. 2-15-56 38 53 Approved; MacFadden-Deauville Hotel 3-7-56 38 7^ City Mgr. instructed to have investigation made to determine true owners & operators of night clubs and other places selling liquor 3-7-56 38 75 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^2 Book Page Patio liquor application approved. 3-7-56 38 80 Place Plgalle liquor license denied. Clerk to notify them that they are to cease sale of liquor and terminate the / operations as a liquor establishment ^ wlthln48 hrs. of notification. 3-7-56 38 95 Cromwell Hotel Liquor license approved 3-21-56 38 103 Discussion re. recent denial of Place X Plgalle liquor application. Investigation £/ of ownership of liquor,establishments tobemade; also Pl.Figalle matter. 3-21-56 38 103 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^3 Book Page Approved: Venetian Package Store 38 135 Action deferred on application of Place Pigalle 4-4-56 38 135 / Place Pigalle application again discussed. Denied. Mr. Cypen's request for further hearing granted. 4-18-56 38 150 Liquor application for Place Pigalle approved 5-2-56 •/ 38 178 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^^ Book Page Liquor application of Poodle Lounge« Carib Hotel approved 5-2-56 38 183 & 193 License authorized Derby Bar, 915 Washington Ave. 5-I6-56 38 200 License authorized Sovereign Hotel 6-6-56 38 221 Transfer of liquor license of Riptide Bar from 2030 Collins Ave. to 20§4 Collins Ave. authorized.. 6-6-56 38 237 LtQUOR LICENSES Seville Hotel liquor license approved 6-20-56 Book 38 Harem Club license approved subject to determination by City Mgr's office re. removal of any objectionable signs if such are found 6-20-56 38 Bel Aire Hotel liquor license approved 7-5-56 38 Casablanca Hotel liquor license aiproved 8-15-56 38 345 Page 245 245 273 352 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^6 Book Page Coimcll advises Jack Samuels it is without power to grant his request to move package store license beyond 300-foot area permitted in Code. 8-15-56 38 373 Application of Lucerne Hotel approved. 9-5-56 38 385 City Mgr. siiggests informal meeting with Council regarding certain liquor applications before licenses are transferred or rei beert^J^ted ,g ,o. LIQUOR LICENSES 3^7 Book Page Request of A & B Package Store, 1002 - 5th St., to exchange package store license for an open bar license held over until next Council meeting. 9-5-56 38 385 City P?gr. to submit to Clerk a list of establishments whose licenses should not be renewed until Council has had opportunity to discuss them, 9-5-56 ^ 38 385 No action on Jack Samuels' request to move liquor license beyond 300' Councilman Shapiro's motion to amend ord. so as to,permit moving^license to kmlSR 500 feet 33 398 LIQUOR LICENSES 3^^ Book Page Discussion held re. renewal of liquor licenses of establishments that have violated ordinances. Res. #9321 calling hearing for determining qualifications of 11 licensees for sale of alcoholic beverages for renewal or transfer of licenses. Clerk to send resolution to establishmentsinvolved. 9-19-56 38 2|06 A & B Package Store license exchanged for open bar license, as of Oct. 1, 1956 9-19-56 38 2|19 LIQUOR LICENSES Book Page Hearing conducted re. qualifications of certain licensees to sell alcoholic beverages. Purpose of hearing explained. Renewal licenses granted; Harem Club Nite & Day Club Paper Doll Club Life Bar Little Club Club Chareles Renewal license for Five O'clock Club granted subject to dismissal of an act involving certain dancer. No action re. Club Echo. Clerk to advise if request for transrer of license is made. (continued) LIQUOR LICENSES 350 (cont.) Book Page Place Plgalle renewal license denied. No action on request of.Riviera Snack Bar for transfer of beer & wine license because of change in corporation seeking transfer. New application to be filed. Operators of Bar advised to cooperate with Police re. Juvenile situation at establishment. Club Benni renewal license denied. Washington Properties,Inc., owner of building in which Club Benni is located asksCouncil to take action Cm. its request for transfer of the liquor license. 10-3-56 38 LIQUOR LICENSES 351 Book Page Councilman Spaet advises that he plans to introduce ordinances for adoption which he feels will enable City to have better control over liquor establishments 10-3-56 38 439 1st reading "B Girl" ordinance. Legal Dept. to check fiArther into matter for possible additional suggestions for strengthening the ordinance. Copy of proposed ordinance to be sent to all holders of liquor licenses. City Atty instructed to prenare ordinance providing' for revocation or any liquor or other occupational license for cause 10-3-56 38 44a LIQUOR LICENSES 352 Book Page Applications approved: Atlantic Towers Hotel Continental Hotel IO-3-56 38 446 No action on request of Arrow Package Store to move package store license to location beyond the 300 foot limit IO-3-56 38 446 Applications approved: Coral Reef Hotel President Madison Hotel 10-17-56 38 459 LIQ.UOR LICENSES 353 Book Page Applications approved: Picciplo's Itallan-Amer. Restaurant Gattl's Restaurant Mayflower Hotel Lounge Tatem Hotel IO-I7- 56 38 459 Action tabled on applications of Place Pigalle and Washington Properties (Club Benni) after City Atty advised that injunctions have been issued to prevent action on transfer of these licenses IO-I7-56 38 460 LIQUOR LICENSES 354 Book Page Clerk advises that license for Five O'clock Club is being held up until a matter is straightened out with the Building Department 10-17-56 38 460 Hotel Assn requests that action on "B Girl" ordinance be deferred, / that ordinanace is too restrictive. 3rd reading of ordinance tabled. City Atty to prepare better ordinance. 10-17-56 38 461 Temporary permission granted new ownersof Pan & Bill's Restaurant to sell liquor iintil formal application is approved dy Council 11-7-56 38 479 LIQ,UOR LICENSES 355 Book Page Applications approved; Dorchester Hotel Venetian Isle Motel Fiji Lounge-South Seas Hotel 11-7-56 38 483 Circus Bar application approved. Police reports to be returned to Council upon receipt at request of Councilman Richard. 11-7-56 38 4? Tatem Hotel application for,license to sell liquors at 4543 Collins Ave. withdrawn 11-7-56 38 4i LIQUOR LICENSES 356 Book Page Proposed amendment to "B-Girl" ordinance discussed. AGVA representative appears and asks deferment of action; advises his group feels situation can / be controlled without legislation. Action on ordinance deferred. Hotel Ass'n to be sent copy of proposed amendment. 11-7-56 38 491 Club Benni renewal liquor license granted conditioned on it not being issued until sale of license to new owners is formally approved. 11-21-56 38 515 LIQUOR LICENSES 357 Book Page Approved; Mount Royal Manor Hawaiian Room-Blackstone Hotel Chandler's Fan & Bill's Restaurant Roney Plaza Hotel & Cabana Sun Club 11-21-5^ 38 523 Discussion re."B -Girl" ordinance. Proposed amendment i-e^ad; carries; Ordinance as amended given third and J final reading. — Ord. #1240 11-21-56 38 534 LIQUOR LICENSES 358 Discussion re. Circus Bar liquor license. Notice to be given applicants to appear before Council to show cause why liquor license should not be revoked. 11-21-56 38 537 Hearing held re. failure of Circus Bar liquor license applicants to reveal a conviction in their application. Atty assumes responsibility for omission. Liquor license reapproved. Amended liquor and night club applications to be filed. 12-5-56 39 11 LIQUOR LICENSES 359 Book Page Beach Club application approved. 12-5-56 39 16 Cotton Club (Beachcomber) application approved. Councilman Richard asks for investigation to determine if parties named in application are true owners. 12-5-56 39 16 Action deferred on Lincoln Lane Restaurant application. 12-5-56 39 I6 Package Stores granted permission to remain open until 10 P.M. during Christmas holidays 12-5-56 39 21 LIQUOR LICENSES 360 Book Page Approved; Rocking M. B. Lounge Collins Terrace Cocktail Bar 12-19-56 39 30 Report of Police Dept. re. ownership of Cotton Cluh (Beachcomber). Ben Cohen advises that Murray Weinger has charge of producing shows and does not participate in management of establishment. 12-19-56 39 ^0 Service Bar license authorized for Lincoln Lane Restaurant subject to final approval of City Clerk and Bldg. Dept. , , 12-19-56 39 ^0 LIQUOR LICENSES 361 Book Page Clerk to advise Rocking M.B. Lounge operators re. differences in application and police report; applicants to submit affidavits why they omitted reference to fact that one party had been convicted 1-2-57 39 50 AUTHORIZED: The Sea Gull New Cadillac Hotel 1-2-57 39 51 Action on application of Rocking M.B. Lounge for liquor license deferred. (Affidavits from applicants requested at last meeting not received) 1- 0-51 (( LIQUOR LICENSES 362 Book Page City Atty submits report on affidavits received from applicants for liquor license for Rocking M. B. Lounge. Applisants to be advised that Liquor and Night Club licenses are now in order 1-23-57 39 86 Refund of liquor license fee of $750. paid by late Murray Weinger for renewal of liquor license at 1750 West Ave. (Copa City Productions,lnc.) granted if present signs are removed from building 2-6-57 39 90 LIQUOR LICENSES 363 „ ,, Book PageHellzapoppln' liquor license authorized 2-6-57 39 111 Application of Lincoln Lane Restaurant for 'Service Bar" liquor license presented for final approval. Discussion re, passageway between lounge and restaurant area. Council to visit restaurant. 2-6-57 39 112 Atty Ben Cohen contends Lincoln Lane Restaurant owners have complied with given liquor license,scussion re. passageway separating Licence autlWrizedsubject to passageway being closed. 2-6-57 39 122 LIOUOR LICENSES _ 364 Book Page Mr. Jack Samuels asks CoTincll to change liquor ordinance to permit him to move package store (ARRow) from 2208 Collins to another location, beyond 300',and to exclude City parks when computing the 3OO feet. Mr. Samuels is requested to present definite location f©? Consideration. 2-20-57 39 IS Lincoln Lane Restaurant and Lounge permitted to open five foot portion of arcade by substituting swinging gates for fixed gates 3-6-57 39