Liquor Licenses_July 1962 to December 1963LIQUOR LICENSES 440 Book Page Chief Fox asks for enactment of ordinances re. "B Girls" and banning strip tease acts. City atty to prepare ordinance. 7-5-62 45 8 Report from Police Chief re. strip tease and "B Girl" shows. 7-5-62 45 8 Howard's Bar & Lounge asks permission to convert existing package store license to an open bar license and to add the name of Louis A. Sabatino on the application. License approved. 7-18-62 45 25 LIQUOR LICENSES 441 — Book page Action deferred on request to transfer Singapore Night Club liquor license 8-1-52 45 41 Liquor license for Singapore Night Club approved. 8-15-62 45 55 Venetian Isle Motel liquor license approved 8-15-62 45 55 city Atty advises ordinances re. "B Girls'^' will be presented in near future.. 8-15-62 45 58 LIQUOR LICENSES 442 Book Page Procedure to be followed in connection with renewal of alcoholic beverage licenses approved. 9-5-62 45 82 Bombay Hotel liquor license authorized 9-5-612 45 87 Seville Hotel and Sands Hotel Lounge liquor licenses approved. and cabaret 45 97Blue Bay liquor/licensesrenewal considered. Letter from Chief Fox read recommending against renewal of liquor and cabaret licenses. Licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 102 LIQUOR LICENSES 443 Book Page Cabaret Club liquor and night club license renewal considered. Letter from Police Chief recommending same be denied. Licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 102 Club Charles liquor and limited cabaret licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 103 Club 23 liquor and night club licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 103 ^ &B 1 . OnyxCoray^Bars liquor & night club licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 103 LIQUOR LICENSES 444 Book Page Kingston Hotel liquor and cabareti.clnses renewed. ^^3 Question arose at this meeting as to whether or not any bar license in a hotel was supposed to be in the name of the hotel. City Atty advised that State Law requires license to be issued to the hotel. Mr. wanick said he thought license should be in name of hotel but City has never required anyone to do this. 9-19-52 45 104 liquor licenses 445 Book page Billie Lee's liquor and night club licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 104 Picadilly Club liquor and night club licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 104 Place Pigalle liquor and night club licenses denied. 9-19-62 45 104 City Atty Wanick to work out problem in connection with liquor license at 211-22 nd St.. (Murray Frankin had abandoned the premises and liquor license was in his name) 9-19-62 45 105 LIQUOR LICENSES 446 Book Page 1st reading ordinance prohibiting female entertainers to drink any beverage for which a customer pays. (Amending Chapter 15, by adding new Sec. 15.19.9) 9-19-62 45 105 1st reading ordinance banning "strip tease" acts (Amend. Chapt. 15, by adding new Sec. 15.19.10). Police Chief instructed to send plain clothesmen to the various clubs at frequent intervals and to make as many arrests as violations found. 9-19-62 45 106 LIQUOR LICENSES 447 Book Page 3rd reading ord. prohibiting female entertainers to drink any beverage for which a customer pays. (Amending Chapt. 15, by adding new Sec. 15.19.9) Ord. #1462 10-3-62 45 134 3rd reading ord. banning strip tease shows (Amending Chapt. 15, by adding new Sec. 15.19.10) Ord. #1463 10-3-62 45 134 License authorized - M. B. Elks Lodge No. 1601, 720 West Ave. 10-10-63 45 141 LIQUOR LICENSES 448 Book Page License authorized jack's package Store 10-17-62 45 152 Application of Nautilus Hotel withdrawn. 10-17-62 45 152 Agenda item "proposing amendments to Chapter 15 of Code re. intoxicating liquors deferred to Nov. 21, 1962 at request of James H. Ruby. 11-7-62 45 159 No action re. renewal of liquor license for Blue Bay Lounge 45 (Note: Renewal of this license was denied on 9/19/62) LIQUOR LICENSES 449 Book Page Actign deferred on liquor application of Pin Up, Nite Owl & Grate 11-7-62 45 161 Transfer of Nautilus Hotel liquor license approved 11-7-62 45 161 Council declines to act on request of Regular Veterans Ass'n for permission to create a street entrance to their club room in the Seville Hotel and to grant them a special club liquor license. City Atty advises Council is without authority to do so. special . Act cited. 11-21-62 45 194 LIQUOR LICENSES 450 Book Page Council authorizes renewal of Blue Bay Motel liquor license after a discussion. Operation to be subject to close scrutiny of Police Dept. 11-21-62 45 195 Application for transfer of Pin Up, Nite Owl and Grate liquor license approved. 11-21-62 45 199 James H. Ruby's matter of proposed amendments to the liquor ordinance withdrawn from agenda at Mr. Ruby's request. 11—21—62 45 199 LIQUOR LICENSES 451 Book Page License renewed - Surfside Plaza Hotel 11-21-62 45 212 Permission granted package store owners to remain open until 10:00 p.m. during period Dec. 17-31, 1962 (excluding Sundays) 12-5-62- 45 215 Capri Hotel liquor license renewed. 12-19-62 45 238 Barbary Coast liquor license authorized. 12-19-62 45 240 LIQUOR LICENSES 452 Book Page Applications approved: M. B. Kennel Club King Cole Hotel & Apts. 1-2-63 45 267 Renewal liquor licenses authorized: Sovereign Hotel Life Bar & Package Store, Inc. 1-2-63 45 268 Doral Beach Hotel liquor application approved. 1-16-63 45 287 Licenses authorized: JaZZ-Un=Ltd /nor, x. X Weinkles Liquor Stores o c LIQUOR LICENSES 453 Book Page City Clerk advises that in regard to liquor license at 2300 Collins Ave. which was revoked by State and City, the State now rescinded its revocation and authorized issuance of license for same provided there is a bona fide sale to another party within 30 days. 2-6-63 45 331 Council authorizes reinstatement of Hickory House,Inc. 2332 Liberty Ave. liquor license upon payment of 1961-62, and 1962-63 license fees and upon payment of taxes owed the City. 2-20-63 45 341 LIQUOR LICENSES 454 Book Page Cathay House liquor license approved. 2-20-63 45 342 2000 Collins Ave. Corp. ask for re-issuance of liquor license previously issued to this location to Five Sky, Inc. During discussion, report of city Atty re. case of Shell City,Inc. vs the City was read. Council declines to take any action on request. 3_6_e3 45 351 Golden Sands liquor license approved. 4-3-63 45 402 LIQUOR LICENSES 455 Book Page Council takes no action on request for re-issuance of liquor license for 2000 Collins Avenue. 4-17-63 45 407 Request to move liquor license from 729 Washington Ave. to 701 Washington Ave. by Tom Heeney and Marion Heeney granted. Transfer of this liquor license from Heeney to Percy's Inc. given tentative approval subject to advertising. 4-17-63 45 410 Approved; Percy's Bar Windjammer Inn 5-1-63 45 431 LIQUOR LICENSES 456 Book Page Permission granted for operation of the Lairibs Club, 1405 Bade Blvd. until next regular meeting, June 5, 1963, pending formal transfer of liquor license. 5-15-63 45 441 Blue Bay Motel Cocktail Lounge liquor application approved. 5-15-63 45 458 Applications of Lambs Club and Calypso Lounge approved. 45 479 No action taken on transfer of Club 22 (Cafe 22) license. 6-5-63 45 480 LIQUOR LICENSES 457 Book Page Approval given to moving Coral Bar liquor license to 1660 Alton Road (former Southwind Bar site) and to transfer of the license to Irving Thai or Epicure Market, subject to certain provisions. 6-5-63 45 481 Applications approved: Traymore Hotel Raul's Venieuno 6-19-63 46 4 Letter re. application for transfer of liquor license at Club 22, 2200 Park Ave. read. Council approves license. 6-19-63 46 5 LIQUOR LICENSES 458 1608 Alton Rd. Book Page Request of Moose Club/for liquor license presented. Request referred to City Atty for opinion. 8-21-63 46 97 Action deferred on application of Moose Lodge fof^irq^uor license at 1608 Alton Road. Referred to 9-4-63 46 134 City Atty for opinion. Report of City Atty re. application of Loyal Order of Moose for Club liquor license read. City Atty's opinion is that they are entitled to Club license. Council authorizes license. 9_]^g_g3 45 I43 LIQUOR LICENSES 45$ Page 5 o'clock Club Shell's (liquor only) Book Letter from City Clerk re. disapproved liquor and night club licenses at the followingi Cabaret Club Coral Club Mayflower Place Pigalle Picadilly Club a few of which are operating without licenses because of court injunctions. City Atty to see if court action can be hastened in these cases. 9 46 152-18-63 LIQUOR LICENSES 460 Book Page Licenses approved; caiatterbox Cocktail Lounge (Broadmoor Hotel) Sagamore Hotel Cocktail Lounge 9-18-63 46 158 City to be represented by member of Legal Dept. at meeting to be held by Bade County Ccanmission Committee on unifom liquor hours, on Oct. 3, 1963. 10-1-63 46 166 LIQUOR LICENSES 461 Book Page Request made by Crystal House 5055 Collins Avenue, to change its classification from apartment house to apartment hotel. Lengthy discussion. Motion to change classification and approve issuance of liquor license carries. 10-2-63 46 190 Approved: Sea Isle Hotel Miami Beach Lodge #1651 10-16-63 46 223 Approved: Murray Franklin's , Gplden Sands Hotel-Bwana Sherry Frontenac Hotel Lounge 11-6/63 46 247SUi LldUOR LICENSES 462 B09IC Page Renewal liquor license authorized: Surfside Plaza Hotel 11-6-63 46 247 Permission granted Southwind Bar, Inc. to move liquor license from 1661 Alton Rd. to 1685 Alton Rd. 11-6-63 46 265 Place Pigalle attorney requests liquor and night club licenses. City Atty's report read. Council votes to appeal Judge Crawford's Order. City Atty requested to ask for State law to require deposit of license fees with Court where mandamus suit is involved. City Clerk authorized to accept 1962—63 and 1963—64 liquor licenses only. (cont.) LIQUOR LICENSES 463^ (cont.) City Atty instructs Clerk (after Council Meeting) to accept 1962-63 night club license fee in addition to the liqiior license fees) 11-20-63 46 282 Applications approved: Old Forge Bar & Restaurant Shoreham-Norman Hotel Southwind Bar Pierre's Hideaway 11-20-63 46 291 Club Deuce Bar & Grill license re-approved. 11-20-63 46 293 LIQUOR LICENSES 464 Book Page Package store operators granted permission to reftiaid open until 10*00 P.M. during diristmas holiday period, Dec, 16 thru 31, 1963 excluding Simdays. 12-4-63 46 309 License granted Edwards Hotel. 12-4-63 46 317 Atlantic Towers Hotel request for tentative approval for transfer of liquor license approved. 12-4-63 46 318 Lerk advices license had already been issued sub3ect to police Report. (cont.)