Liquor Licenses_November 1967 to December 1969515 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Hearing concluded and transfer of l iquor l icense for Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, AOOO Alton Road authorized. 1 1-1-67 52 375 Hearing concluded and issuance of liquor l icense for Hilton Plaza Hotel , 5^^5 Coll ins Ave. authorized subject to receipt by License Dept. of Certificate of Occupancy, etc.; also favorable FBI reports. 1 1-1-67 52 375 City Attorney report re. enabl ing high-rise apartment complexes to secure l iquor l icenses without having to come to Counci l to be pre- 516 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE sented 11/15/67. 11-8-67 52 398 Liquor l icense appl ication reapproved for Hi lton Plaza Hotel following deletion of name of Arthur Franza from said appl ication. 1 1-15-67 52 kO] Liquor l icense renewal approved for Miami Beach Kennel Club. (Late renewal) 11-15-67 52 A16 517 LiaUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE City Attorney to prepare another ordinance with Councilman Weinstein re. high rise apartment complexes l iquor licenses as ordinance submitted unsatisfactory. 12-6-67 52 ^3^ Permission granted package stores ta remain open unti l 10 p.m. from 12/1.8/67 through 12/31/67, except Sundays and that action on request for Sunday openings deferred to 10 a.m., 12/20/67. 12-6-67 52 kk5 Request of package store dealers for Sunday "operation of liquor stores on 12/24/67 and LIQUOR LICENSES 12/31/67 denied. Cari llon Hotel request for 1 placed on 1/3/68 agenda. 12-20-67 518 BOOK PAGE 52 quor 1 i cense to be 12-20-67 52 Liquor l icense request for Chandler's Restau rant deferred to 1/3/68, particular note to be made that service bar license only previously held and only entitled to such--no stand-up bar. 12-20-67 52 Hearing concluded and issuance of l iquor l icense (service bar) to Chandler's Restaurant, 220-21 St. authorized subject to compl iance with al l S\9- LiqUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE governing regulations. 1-3-68 52 A76 Issuance of bui lding permit for cocktail lounge in lower arcade portion of bui lding authorized to Cari llon Hotel subject to compl iance with all governing regulations. 1-3-68 52 477 Late renewal of l iquor package store l icense for Kasdin Package Store, 2927 Coll ins Avenue approved. 1-3-68 52 477 Late renewal license approved for Big Lou's, inc. 721 Washington Avenue. Request to move license to 6732 Coll ins Ave. deferred to 2/7/68, 1-17-68 52 520 - .520 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 2/21/68 re. Big Lou's, Inc. request to move l iquor l icense to 6/32 Collins Ave. 2-7-68 52 550 Hearing concluded and l iquor l icense authorized Forte Towers Complex, 1 100-1200 West Ave. City Attorney again requested to report how high-rise apartment complexes can secure l iquor l icenses without having to appear before Counci l . 2-21-68 53 6 Moving Big Lou's Liquor License from 721 Washington Ave. to 6732 Col l ins Ave. denied as being contrary to provisions of Code governing. ^ 2-21-68 53 10 LIQUOR LICENSES Book Page Action deferred to A/3/68-Chand1ers Rest. request for open bar l icense instead of service bar as approved 1/3/68. 3~6-68 53 37 City Atty. to report A/3/68 re. legislation l iquor l icenses for high-rise apts. 3-6-68 53 60 "open bar" l iquor l icense issued to Chandlers Rest., 220 - 21st St., in place of service bar. A-3-68 53 93 City Atty. to review requirements for City to obtain l iquor l icense at Convention Hall and report to Counci l on A/17/68. A-3-68 53 111 522 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE License authorized to Copa City, 1750 West Ave. if-3-68 53 Report re. l icenses for high-rise apartment bui ldings deferred to V17/68. 4-3-68 53 Liquor l icense authorized to Rowe Motel , 6600 Col l ins Ave. 4-17-68 53 Request for l iquor l icenses for high-rise apart ments—City Attorney to have legislation which may be required for l icense on 5/1/68. 4-17-68 53 523 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE City Attorney reported meeting with State Beverage Department re. l iquor l icense for Convention Hall & their wi ll ingness to cooperate. He wi l l take steps to secure l icense. if-17-68 53 150 City Attorney report submitted to Weinstein only re. High-Rise l iquor l icenses. 5-1-68 53 177 Liquor l icenses authorized to King Cole Cocktail Lounge, 900 Bay Drive & Barken's Bar & Restaurant, 211 - 22nd Street. 5-15-68 53 184 Hearing concluded, l iquor l icense authorized to Bi l l Jordan Bar of Music, 427 - 22nd Street. 7-3-68 53 280 524 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Appl ication for Pagoda Restaurant, 211 - 22nd Street, to transfer l icense given tentative approval subject to hearing 10/9/68. 9-18-68 53 465 Hearing re. transfer of l iquor l icense for Pagoda Restaurant continued to 11/6/68. Hearings concluded and transfer of l iquor l icenses au thorized for: Weinkles #28; Weinkles #33; Shel l 's City Liquors #5. 10-9-68 53 4/6 Renewal appl ication for l icense approved for Barbary Coast Saloon, 401 Ocean Drive. 10-9-68 53 501 525 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Hearings for transfer of l icenses continued to November 6, I968: Kasdin Drugs, 2927 Col l ins Avenue; The Pagoda Restaurant, 211 - 22nd Street. 10-16-68 53 5^2 Hearing for transfer of l icense continued to November 20, 1968 for Kasdin Package Store, from 2927 Col l ins Avenue to 2897 Col l ins Avenue. 1 1-6-68 53 552 License transfers approved: Cass-El Restaurant (Edwards Hotel); Old Forge Restaurant; Pagoda Restaurant. 11-6-68 53 553 526 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE City Attorney Wanick or his representative to attend County hearing on November 8, 1968 re, uniform hours for sale of l iquor and express Counci l 's request that City's present hours be preserved. 1 1-6-68 53 578 Hearing continued re. Kasdin Liquor appl ication at request of appl icant's attorney to December k, 1968--transfer of l icense from 2927 Col l ins Avenue (new corporation officers) to 2897 Col l ins Avenue. 1 1-20-68 5^ ^ 526a LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Carriage House, 5^01 Col l ins Avenue, request approved to designate IA7 studio units as hotel units subject to compl iance with al l City ordi nances and State law requirements. Before any l icenses are issued, report to be submitted that al l requirements of hotel commission are met. Weinstein and City Attorney working on proposed changes re. revision of regulations providing for l iquor or accessory services in high-rise apartment houses. 1 1-20-68 5^ 22 527 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Hearing re. transfer of l icense, Kasdin Package Store, 2927 Col l ins Avenue continued to December 18, I968; also request to move l icense to 2897 Coll ins Avenue. 12-4-68 54 36 Permission granted Package Store Owners to keep stores open to 10 p.m., December I6 - 30, 1968, SUNDAYS EXCLUDED AND WITH EXCEPTION STORES ARE TO BE CLOSED AT REGULAR HOUR OF 8 P.M. ON CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY. 12-4-68 54 57 529 LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE as required to entitle them to l iquor l icense; also claimed Plaza 800 was not paying resort tax on hotel rooms. City Clerk-Finance Director to supply Seiderman with statement to effect that resort taxes on appl icant's property indicate they are up-to-date. Dave Herman, representing High Rise Association, advised they would work with Counci l in preparation of remedial legis lation to up-date City's ordinance governing sale of l iquor to el iminate requiring high-rise bui lding to designate 100 units as hotel rooms in order to obtain l iquor l icense. City Clerk- Finance Director to check records whether al l 52« LIQUOR LICENSES BOOK PAGE Transfer of l icense as result of change of officers approved for Kasdin Package Store, 2927 Col l ins Avenue. Re. moving l iquor l icense from its present location to 2897 Col l ins Avenue, Counci l cal led hearing on January 2, 19^9 to place 2897 Coll ins in l iquor zoning district to permit a package store. Attorney Woolf to con sult with City Attorney re. proper l iquor zoning district to effect moving of l icense. 12-18-68 5^ 75 Hearing conducted and issuance of l iquor l icense to Plaza 800, 800 West Avenue approved. Herbert Magnes objected to l icense issuance claiming Plaza 800 did not have "transient" rooms LIQUOR LICENSES 530 BOOK PAGE High ri ses which have received l iquor l icenses 107, based on their having designated 100 or more 1 1 1, units as hotel rooms, have been paying proper 122- resort taxes to City, 1/2/69 5^ 124 Hear, concluded & request to move l icense from 2927 Col l ins Ave. to 2897 Coll ins Ave. approved. Ord. passed on 1st & 2nd readings placing the No. 29' of Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 8, M.B. Improvement Co's Oceanfront Property in LIQUOR ZONING DISTRICT "B", Kasdin Package Store. 1/2/69 54 113 LigUOR LICENSES 531 BOOK PAGE Request for late renewal of l iquor l icense for Morton Towers, 1500 Bay Rd., approved; l icense authorized. 1/5/69 5^ 135 Ord, passed amending Zoning Ord, to exclude from "BA: & to include in "RE" & Area District MF-9 Lots 2 & 3. Blk . 5 Ocean Beach Sub,, 450 Ocean Dr. 1/15/69 54 l4l Ord. #1/46 placing 29' of Lots 5 S- 6 , Blk 8, M.B. Improvement Oceanfront Property in Liquor Zoning Dist. "B" (to permit moving of Kasdin Pkge. Store from 2927 Coll ins Ave. to 2097 Coll ins Ave., when effective. 1/15/69 54 LIQUOR LICENSES 532 BOOK PAGE Ord. passed re. Lots 6-13, Blk. 55 Fisher's 1st Sub. Alton Rd,, (100 Lincoln Rd.) & Lots 18,19,20, Blk. 29, Fisher's 1st Sub. (N.E. corner Lincoln Rd. & Col l ins Ave.) in Liquor Dist. "F" in which district sale of l iquor from service bars in bona fide restaurants only, is permitted. 1/15/69 5^ 1^6 License approved - Turf Rest. S- Bar, 22 Ocean Dr. 2/5/69 5^ 161 ORD.1752 adopted 2-5-69 re 100 Linc.Rd...Meeting 2-5-69 LICJUOR LICENSES 533 BOOK PAGE Hear, called 3/19/69 to consider possible amendment to Code re. moving of l iquor l icenses beyond present 300' l imitation when properties where l icense is located is acquired under process of eminent domain & imposing conditions thereon. 2/5/69 5^ 166 L I (^UOR L ICENSES 534 BOOK _^GE Action def. to 3/19/69 re, request for l iquor l icense - Nay-Tons Chinese Food, 2000 Normandy Dr. & re. past-due resort taxes. Must be clear of any indebtedness due City. 3/5/69 54 256 Approved - Fu Manchu Rest., 327 71st St. 3/5/69 54 255 Liquor l icenses approved for the fol lowing subj. to compl iance with al l governing regula tions: Bi lly Gwon's, 160 Lincoln Rd., (new location). Junior's Rest., 2947 Col l ins Ave. (transfer-new corp. 3/19/69 54 272 LIQUOR LICENSES 535 BOOK PAGE Approved - subject to compl iance with al l governing regulations: Howard's Super Liquors, 511 Washington Ave, (old location, new ownership). 3/19/69 54 Hear. re. transfer of l iquor l icense. Dipper Bar, 640 Coll ins Ave., continued to 4/2/69, pending auditing of resort tax records. City Mgr. requested to cause notice be given appl icant to be present at meeting, S- that before transfer is approved, any indebtedness due City on resort tax must be paid. 3/19/69 54 LIquor licenses 536 BOOK PAGE Amendment to Code re moving of l iquor l icesnes. Hear, continued to 5/7/69. Planning & Zoning Dr. instructed to prepare study of existingi l iquor stores on 5 St. bet. Alton Rd. & Ocean Dr., and other areas in the City, so that Counci l may have some guidel ines in determining relocation of package stores which are displaced because of eminent domain proceedings. Counci lman Seiderman indicated that it would be preferable to have displaced l iquor stores service the same area as at the present time, if possible. 3/19/69 Sh 28'5 LIQUOR LICENSES 537 Book Page Approved for Dipper Bar, 640 Col l ins Ave. ^nd King Cole Cocktai l Lounge, 900 Bay Dr. 4/2/69 54 315 Counci l Memo #2014 fi led, re. l iquor l icense for Aud.-Conv.Hal 1 Complex (recommendation of A.C.H. Advisory Bd. that steps be taken to secure same.) Englander said City Atty. had previously been instructed on 4/17/68 to so procure. 4/2/69 54 321 Carriage House Liquor appl ication hearing continued to 5/7/69, per request of Jim Ruby. 4/16/69 54 331 LIQUOR LICENSES 538 Book Page Carriage House appl ication withdrawn. 5/7/69 5^ 377 Beach Tower Hotel hearing continued to 5/12/69. Representative said resort taxes would be paid. 5/7/69 54 377 Hearing closed on moving l iquor l icenses on So. side 5th St. Toal to make survey re. range 4 affected establ ishments could be moved to, To report to Counci l on 5/21/69. 5/7/69 54 386 LIQUOTl LICENSES 539 Book Page Cari llon Hotel bar. Complaint made that entrance is from street. Powel l asked for recheck of premises. 5/7/69 5^ 386 License approved for Beach Tower Hotel (Lombardy South, lnc.,606l Coll ins. 5/12/69 405 El Fornos Restaurant £■ Lounge, Edwards Hotel , 4-55 961 Col l ins Ave. - approved. 6/4/69 54 471 X7^1(6(^6(9[XX K^MkSi^^^XXKj!(MKK^KKKMxx)6:^:^>()dxxxxx>7)e>j:6x::6)gKx ■ \'J 1/ \/ \/ v LIQUOR LICENSES 5Z+O Book Page Charter Review Bd. recommends charter amendment so that apt. houses having ICQ or more units can have same privi leges to sel l l iquor as hotels. Atty. Jason Berkman, representing High Rise Assn., stated they want a service bar, if they have a restaurant, and not cocktai l lounge entered from street. Organizations representatives protested they didn't know of Charter Rev.Bd. meeting. Counci l deferred action to 7/2/69, & directed Ch.Rev.Bd. to notify interested parties. City Atty. directed to attend Ch.Rev.Bd. meeting. 6/4/69 54 471 LIQUOR LICENSES 541 •n Meeting date Murphy's Bar - 754 Wash. Ave. approved. 7_l6_69 Carriage House - 5401 Collins - approved. 7_l6_69 Counci 1 indicates wish to procure Alcohol ic Bev. License for Aud.-Conv, Hal l . 7-16-69 Playboy Lounge £- Package Store - 915 Wash. Ave. - approved 3-6-69 Basin St. Lounge - I6IO Alton - approved. 8- 6-69 LIQUOR LICENSES Meeting date Venetian Isle Motel - 20 Venetian Way - approved. 8-6-69 Liquor sales in apt, bidqs: CC denied request, scheduled matter for 9-3-69, suggested interested parties meet prior thereto. 8-20-69 Junior's 30th St. (Lonqchamps): request for change in law - deferred to 9-3-69. 8-20-69 Deferred to 9-17-69 9-3-69 LIQUOR LICENSES 5^3 Meeting date Bel mar Hotel - 2625 Col 1 1ns - CO approved temporary operation; hearing 9-17-69. 9-3-69 Approved. 9-17-69 5 O'clock Club - 2000 Collins - approved. 9-17-69 Juniors (Longchamps): request denied for law change re corp. officers; City 9-17-69 Atty to formulate recommendations for City re public-stock companies. LI0.UOR LICENSES 5^4 Meeting date Carilion Hotel - 6801 Col l ins -appr'd. 10-1-69 Promenade Hotel : transfer of l icense deferred to 1 1-19-69 11-.5-69 Blackamoor Lounge, Broad ripple Hotel - ^391 Ind. Crk Dr. - late renewal request deferred to 1 1-19 - interim operation under consideration. (Barry Ressler appeared) 1 1-5-69 Promenade Hotel . 2469 Collins - appr'd. 12-10-69 Blackamoor Lounge -late renewal appr'd. (cond i ti on) 12-10-69