Liquor Licenses_October 1958 toOctober 1960LIQUOR LICENSES 390 Book Page Report on Place Plgalle submitted. Tentative approval for liquor license given, subject to completion of new applications and necessary payments to City. 10-1-58 kl 133 Discussion re. renewal of Blue Bay liquor license. Police Report of investigation presented. Action deferred \intil later in meeting. 10-1-58 4l 133 Discussion resumed re. renewal of Blue Bay liquor license. Moe Rockfeld, operator of bar, to advice Police Dept. if Willie Harris comes in bar. Renewal license authorized. Detectives to keep watch on bar. , 10-1-58 ^1 137 LIQUOR LICENSES 391 Book Page Discussion regarding Netherland Hotel renewal liquor license. City Atty renders opinion as to hotel still being classified as 100-rdQm hotel after conversion of 22 rooms into 11 2-room, 2-bath units, each with kitchenette. Council authorizes renewal. 10-15-58 4l 153 Licenses authorized: Di Lido Hotel Tower Hotel 10-15-58 4l l66 Licenses authorized: Charcoal Steak House Sorrento Htel 11-5-58 4l l84 391 (a) Book Page Council, by vote, indicates that upon completion of Southgate Apt. Hotel and based upon plans submitted and approved by Building Dept., issuance of liquor license would be forthcoming 11-5-58 41 181 LIQUOR LICENSES 392 Book Page Licenses authorized: Royal York Hotel Continental Hotel 11-19-58 41 229 Licenses authorized: Hideaway Lounge Riot Room Restaurant Montmartre Hotel 12-3-58 4l 24? Package stores to remain open until 10:00 P.M. from Dec. I5 thru Dec. 1958 12-10-58 41 255 LIQUOR LICENSES 393 Book Page Attorney for Giro's , 1827 Alton Road, asks to pay up liquor licenses for 1957-58 and 1958-59^ which have lapsed. Liquor license to be granted Giro's provided they pay all licenses In arrears. 12-10-58 41 256 Giro's granted liquor license 26112-17-58 41 Liquor license for Gha Boom Room granted 1-7-59 41 281 Tentative approval Is given liquor application for Monte Garlo Hotel 1-7-59 41 281 LIQUOR LICENSES 39^ Book Page "Application for^ ll(iuor license approved: Garden of Allah l_2i-59 4l 305 Liquor license granted: Copa City Monte Carlo Hotel Coral Lounge - Coral Reef Hotel 1-21-59 320 Place Pigalle liquor application deferred. 1-21-59 320 Liquor licenses granted: Garden of Allan lounge Biltraore Terrace Hotel 2-4-59 3^2 LIQUOR LICENSES 395 Book Page Liquor license granted; Gala Lounge 3-^-59 ^26 Action deferred on application / for liquor license of Place Pigalle 3-4-59 4i 427 Operators of Place Pigalle questioned by Council. Liquor license authorized. 3-18-59 ^1 ^38 Liquor license granted Harem Club 3-19-59 ^1 ^^7 Liquor license granted; The Den (Sxorfside Plaza) Sea Isle Hotel 5-6-59 ^2 55 LIQUOR LICENSES 395 Book Page Deauville Hotel to correct violation in cocktail lounge. (Door to lounge leading directly to street not permitted) 7-1-59 ^2 152 License granted Biltmore Terrace Hotel' 7_15_59 42 188 License granted Fontana Hotel (formerly Del Prado); Embassy Hotel Cocktail Lounge 9-16-59 ^2 293 Tentative approval given application of Washington Properties, Inc. for transfer of liquor license at 685 Washington Ave. 9-16-59 ^2 294 LIQUOR LICENSES 397 Book Page Granted; Fontana Hotel (formerly Del Prado Hotel) Embassy Hotel Cocktail Lounge 9-16-59 42 293 Tentative approval given application of Washington Properties, Inc. for transfer of liquor license at 685 Washington Ave. subject to formal advertisement and hearing on Oct. 7, 1959 9-16-59 42 294 Granted: wt s h?^§ on^J'roperties Play-HDuse Bar & Package Store 10-7-59 42 318 LIQUOR LICENSES 398 Book Page Granted; Patrician Hotel Cabaret Club Hideaway Lounge Cas Bar Lounge 10-21-59 ^2 333 Mayor Powell advises that he has requested the Legal Dept. to prepare an amendment to Code to require that renewal applications have to be brought to Council each year and not issuedautomatically by theClerk.^Q_2^_g-^' ^2 334 LIQUOR LICENSES 399 Book Page License authorized Sands Hotel, 1601 Collins Ave. Discussion re. Police report of Mgr. of Sands Bar. 11-21-59 242 363 Package Stores given permission to remain open to 10 P.M. during Christmas 11-18-59 42 370 Licenses authorized - Sorrento Hotel Whitey's Bar Surfside Plaza Hotel Davis Normandy Cafeteria. Discussion of police report on Whitey's Bar. 11-18-59 42 376 LIQUOR LICENSES 400 Book Page Gulfstream Hotel and Villas asks for liquor license based on having over ICQ guest rooms. Inspection to be made City Mgr. to look into matter. Action deferred. 12-2-59 42 382 Granted; Sovereign Hotel Ritz Plaza Hotel 12-2-59 42 387 Discussion re. Pickin Chicken request to sell liquor at restaurant, 160 Lincoln Rd. Co\mcil votes to deny request. 12-16-59 42 395 LIQUOR LICENSES 401 Book Page Approved: Bel Aire Hotel 12-16-59 42 402 Authorized: Continental Hotel Grate Steak House Pin Up Room - Nite Owl Lounge Martha Raye's Copa City 1-6-60 42 421 Approved: Playboy Bar & Package Store 1-20-60 42 442 LIQUOR LICENSES 402 Book Page Action on Harem Club liquor application deferred. 1-20-60 M2 441 1st reading ordinance amending Code by addition/sec. 15.II.I^providing that night clubs must tabulate bills when drinks are served (re.B-Girl operations) 2-3-60 42 459 1st reading ordinance amending Code by adding Sec. 15.I9.8, providing that night clubs must display signs prohibiting solicitation of drinks o oby females. 2-3-60 42 459 liquor licenses 403 Book Page Councilman Richard discusses a proposed amendment to the Code re. issuance and revocation of licenses \mder certain conditions which might further aid eliminating B-Girl operations. 2-3-60 42 460 Harem Club liquor and night club applications withdrawn 2-3-60 42 460 Gigi Club application approved-additional police report rgq^egjed. LIQUOR LICENSES 404 Book Page Request for signs at Chi Chi Lounge, Carib Hotel discussed. City Mgr. to make recommendations. 2-17-60 42 478 Surfcomber liquor application approved. 2-17-60 42 403 3rd reading ordinance providing that night clubs must tabulate bills when drinks are served - Ord. #1374. Possible problem pointed out; no action. 2-17-60 42 497 LIQUOR LICENSES 405 Book 3rcl reading ordinance requiring night clubs to display signs re. solicitation of drinks - Ord. #1375 2-17-60 42 Tentative approval given Huey Young for sale of liquor at old Park Avenue Restaurant subject to making proper formal application for liquor license 2-17-60 42 497 Discussion of Chi Chi Lounge in Carib Hotelj request for construction of door to street; request for signs on outside wall. City Atty reviews history of liquor license for this hotel* Motion to allow LIQUOR LICENSES ^06 Book Page Approved: Five o'clock Club 3-2-60 43 8 Action on application of Huey's Kon Tiki deferred until March 16, i960 3-2-60 43 8 Supplemental police report on Club Gigi filed 3-2-60 43 I8 Councilman Richard introduces ordinance providing for automatic revocation of liquor license for conviction of violation ofB-Girl ordinance. Motion 3-2-60 n us 19 LIQUOR LICENSES 40? Book Page Councilman Richard introduces ordinance re. automatic revocation of liquor license for conviction of violation of "B-Girl" ordinance as emergency measure. Amendment proposed. Amendment defeated. Ordinance fails of adoption on first reading. 3-16-60 43 30 Liquor application approved: Southgate Towers Cocktail Lounge 3-16-60 43 39 Huey's Kon Tiki (former Park Ave. Restavirant) liquor application ^ . approved 3-16-60 43 40 tilOtJOR LICENSES 408 Book Page Huey's Kon Tiki liquor application approved 3-30-60 43 44 Approved: 71st St. Liquor Store San Marino Hotel 4-20-60 43 66 License authorized - Harem Inc. d/b/a Safari Bar. Councilman Richard thought police reports should reflect activities at this establishment and any other establishments selling liquor. 5-4-60 43 79 liquor licenses 409 Book Page Council requests City Clerk to notify Police Chief that inconnection with every liquor application the Police Dept. furnish them with report setting forth ^ Dept's prvious experience with operation of the establishment, ie. arrests, complaints, niaisances, etc. This report in addition to one presently furnished re. individual applicants. 5-4-60 43 79 Marseille Hotel liquor license approved 5-18-60 43 88 Safari Bar liquor license deferred. Applicant to be present at June 1st meeting. 5-18-60 43 88 LIQUOR LICENSES 410 Book Page Delmonico Hotel liquor license approved. 6-1-60 43 102 Safari Bar application approved. Liquor license transferred from old location - 634 Collins Ave. to new location 640 Collins Ave. the distance between the 2 addresses being less than 300 feet in the same liquor District "A". 6-1-60 43 102 Liquor license - Old Forge Restaurant authorized 6-lf-60 43 111 Liquor license - Blue Marlin Bar, approved 7-6-60 43 130 LIQUOR LICENSES 411 Book Page Caribbean Hotel license approved. 7-20-60 43 156 Following discussion. Pin Up Grate & Nite Owl license approved. 7-20-60 43 156 Playboy Bar & Package Store license approved. 8-3-60 43 174 Authorized: Tom Heeney's Bar Charcoal Steak House 8-17-60 43 198 LIQUOR LICENSES 412 Book Page Authorized: Playboy Bar & Pkge Store Wofford Beach Hotel Joe's Stone Crabs - 227 Biscayne St. Joe's Stone Crabs - 685 Washington Ave. 9-7-60 43 217 Request made for consideration of extension of hours to sell liquor and provide entertainment in ICQ room hotels in Multiple Family Districts. Referred to City Mgr. for study and recommendation, (request of Miss Diosa Costello) 9—21—60 43 236 LIQUOR LICENSES 413 Book Page Authorized: Dream Bar, Johnina Hotel Seville Hotel Shoremede Hotel Cocktail Lounge Maurice's Restaurant - 2705 Collins Ave. Bel Aire Hotel Tropicana Lounge 9-21-60 43 241 Report from Police Dept. relative to former operator of Grate Lounge, 2228 Park Ave. read. (attached to liquor application of The Grate) 9-21-60 43 251 LIQUOR LICENSES 414 Book Page Request made by Miss Diosa Costello for extension of hours to sell liquor and provide entertainment in ICQ room hotels. Res. #10394 adopted calling hearing on Oct. 26 to consider this proposed extension of hours. t n c m /lo ic/i 10-5-60 43 254 License authorized:- Murray Franklin's Lounge 43 334 Application for Playboy Bar fc Grill reapproved. 10-19-60 43 285