Liquor Licenses_October 1960 to June 1962LIQUOR LICENSES 415
Book Page
Hearing re. extension of hours for
entertainment and sale of liquor in
cabarets in 100 room hotels. 1st
reading amending Sees. 15.18 and 15.19
of Code re. hours for sale of liquor and
provisions for music and entertainment in
"Club cabaret" 10-26-60 43 296
Licenses approved:
Copa city Theatre of Stars
Lucerne Hotel 11-2-60 43 311
3rd reading ordinance amending
Sees. 15.18 & 15.19 of Code re. hours for
sale of liquor and provision for enter
tainment in "Club Cabarets" Ord. 1401
11-2-60 43 311
Book Page
License authorized Saxony Hotel
11-16-60 43 332
Request for 10 P.M. closing for
package stores during Christmas ''
holidays approved. 12-7-60 43 353
Sapphire Lounge - Belmar Hotel
Sorrento Hotel
President Madison 12-7-60 43 353
Tentative approval of transfer of
liquor license for International Hotel
given. 12-7-60 43 354
Book Page
Old Forge Restaurant asks Council to
allow extension of hours for night clubs
to sell liquor and provide entertainment
to 6:00 A.M. instead of 5:00 A.M. and to
allow 1/2 hr. for guests to leave. Res.
#10443 adopted calling hearing on 1/18/61
to amend Zoning Ord. and Chapter 15 of Code
accordingly. 12-21-60 43 366
License authorized Triton Terrace Hotel.
12-21-60 43 368
Action on application of Coral Club
^ deferred. 12-21-60 43 368
Action on application of International
Hotel deferred. 12-21-60 43 368
Book page
Tentative approval given applicationof Biltmore Terrace Hotel as requested.
12-21=60 43 368
BiltmoreTerrace liquor application
approved. 1-4-61 43 386
International Hotel liquor application
approved. 1-4-61 43 386
Coral Bar liquor application approved.
Police Dept. to keep close check on
Coral Club for violations. i_4_6i 43 337
Book Page
Action deferred on application of
Playdium, 1750 West Ave., for liquor
license. 3-1—61 43 506
Application for transfer of liquor
license for Playdium, 1750 West Ave.,
approved subject to same conditions
applying to night club license.
3-15-61 44 9
Request of Washington Properties, Inc.
to move liquor license from 685 Washington
Ave. to 671 Washington Ave. approved.
3-15-61 44 19
Book Page
License authorized:
Famous Restaurant - 671 Washington Ave.
4-5-61 44 41
Council denies request of Morton
Towers for liquor license,
5-3-61 44 64
License approved:
Howard's Foremost Liquors
5-3-61 44 68
Capri Hotel liquor license
approved 5-17-61 44 81
Hearing on application of Calypso
Loung continued to 6/6/61 6-7-61 44 88
Book page
Clerk advises saxony Hotel application
withdrawn. 5_7_61 44 89
Clypso Lounge liquor license approved.
6-8-61 44 96
Action deferred re. liquor license
for Morton Towers 6-21-61 44 107
License granted Shelborne Hotel
7-5-61 44 126
License granted The Lambs Clvtb
7-19-61 44 141
Book Page
Action on application of Garden of Allah
for liquor Ixcense deferred until next
meeting. Investigation to be made to
determine whether 2 buildings are still
connected and if ownership of bldgs.
was by one or separate owners.
8-16-61 44 173
Shoreham-Norman Hotel and Cadillac
Hotel licenses approved. 9-6-61 44 202
City Clerk submits information re.
Garden of Allah, as requested by
Council on 8-16-61. Inspection of
premises to be made. Clerk to submit
information re. other establishments in
same category. 9-6-61 44 203
Book Page
Discussion re. Garden of Allah
liquor license. Transfer approved.
License authorized. 9-13-61 44 215
License authorized— Sapphire Room-Belmar Hotel
(Holiday in Water, Inc.) 9-27-61 44 223
Tentative approval given Gas Bar Lounge
liquor license transfer. io=4-61 44 232
Licenses approved:
Surrey Hotel
Flamingo Hotels 10-4-61 44 232
Book Page
License authorized Cas Bar Lounge
10-18-61 44 246
Licenses authorized:
Seville Hotel
Saxony Hotel
Embassy Hotel
10-18-61 44 247
Turf Bar liquor license moved from
2 Ocean Dr. to 22 Ocean Dr.
10-18-61 44 247
Liquor licenses for five night clubs
not to be renewed for 1962-63 until
brought to Council's attention in advance:
Place P;'
Club 23.
Boiiibay Lounge Place Pigalle
Five D^ock Club
11cabaret Club -1-61 44 266
Book Page
Morton Towers asks approval of liquor
license. Atty advises 153 hotel rooms
have been added. Bldg. Dept. records
show Morton Towers will have 1277 apts.
with completion of north wing. Councilman
Richard asks matter be held in abeyance
pending delivery of his report which will
justify Council's consideration. Motion
made to issue liquor license. Motion made
to table action - fails. City Clerk advises
1961-62 license for hotel rooms has not as
yet been paid. Asst City Mgr. advises
Bldg. Dept. records reveal no hotel rooms.
Opinions of Legal Dept. asked. Definition
or hotel room asked. Motion to approve i-
issuance of liquor license carries. 11/15/61 1^
Book Page
License authorized Kingston Hotel &
Yacht Club 11=15-61 44 277
Request for an extention of package
store hours during holiday period,
Dec. 18 - 31,1961 approved. Closing
hour extended from 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
during the week; permitted to remain open
from 1:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Sunday,
Dec. 24, 1961 and Sunday, Dec. 31, 1961.
12-6-61 44 289
Action on application of Coral Bar
deferred to Dec. 20, 1961.
12-6-61 44 295
Book Page
Application of Montmartre Hotel
approved 12-6-61 44 295
Morton Towers application approved.
The Clerk advised that Morton Towers
paid a 1961-62 occupational license
for 291 hotel rooms and 2,184 apartments.
12-6-61 44 295
Safari Bar application approved.
Complaint re. noise referred to
Mr. Pushkin. 12-6-61 44 295
Action temporarily deferred on
application of Tahiti Bar.
12=6-61 44 295
Book Page
Councilman Richard's report regarding
certain liquor and other commercial
licenses held over until Dec. 20, 1961.
12-6-61 44 297
Action on Tahiti Bar license deferred
until Dec. 20, 1961. 12-6-61 44 297
Councilman Richard submits his report
re. issuance of certain liquor and other
licenses; also submits partial schedule
from Bldg. Dept. reflecting nature of
subject problems; urges Council to fix
policy. 12-20-61 44 314
Book page
Transfer of Tahiti Bar licenseapproved 12-20-61 44 316
Transfer of Coral Bar license
approved 12-20-61 44 316
Action on application for transfer of
license at the Bel Aire temporarily
deferred. Approved later. 12-20-61 44 317
32(Beach Tower Apt. Hotel Lounge application
for liquor license approved. CouncilmanRichard objects. 12-20-61 44
Application of Candy Stik Lounge, 2200 Park
Ave. deferred until next regular meeting.
Check on ownei^ship asked. 12-20-61 44 317
Book page
Tentative approval to transfer of
of liquor license at Sovereign Hotel
gj^nted 12-20-61 44 318
Tentative approval given to application
for liquor license at 1610 Alton Rd.
formerly known as The Red Carpet, subject
to payment of 1960-61 and 1961-62 liquor
licenses. (new club to be known as
Mickey Finn's Roaring Twenties). City Atty
explains "expiration of liquor license".
12-20-61 44 318
Sovereign Hotel liquor application
approved 1-3-62 44 339
Book Page
After interrogation of applicant,
liquor and night club licenses for
Candy Stik Lounge are approved.
Council advised that transfer is
working. 1-3-62 44 339
Action .on
Copa Cxty application for liquor
license and night club license
deferred. Ownership to be checked
by Police. 1-3-62 44 343
Action again deferred on liquor
and night club license of Roaring
Twenties. 1-3-62 44 344
Book Page
City Atty instructed to prepare
ordinance providing for revocation
of liquor licensesbased on the same
causes as the State Law.
1-3-62 44 344
Request made to allow 2:00 A.M. liquor
license holders to have h hour grace period
to allow guests to leave. Councilman
Richard asks City Mgr. to study and submit
report at next meeting. Councilman Cohen's
motion to have ordinance accomplishing
request prepared carries. Mr. Lipp to make
report. 1-17-62 44 349
Book Rage
Applications approved;
Embers Restaurant - 245 22nd St.
Eitdaers Restaurant - 227 22nd St.
1-17-62 44 350
Roaring Twenties liquor and night club
licenses approved after discussion.
1-17-62 44 351
IColc d. 6 ' s
Copa City liquor and night club
licenses approved after reports and
discussion. Councilman Frank tells
Council of his information about
Mr.Kolker. 1-17-62 44 351
Book Page
Action deferred on application of
Piccadilly Hotel & Club, as requested
by Police Chief. 2-7-62 44 368
City Mgr. reports re. request for grace
period for 2 A.M. liquor license holders;
recommends 15 minute grace period.
Objection raised by 3 A.M. license holders.
Action deferred. Mr. Englander to be
notified when matter comes up again.
Mr. Lipp to evaluate 3:00 A.M. licenses.
2-7-62 44 369
Book Page
City Mgr. Lipp submits report recommending
that definite standards be adopted for
liquor zoning, this pursuant to the request
contained in report of Councilman Richard
on Dec. 20, 1961. City Mgr. to proceed
with study and submit specific recommend
ations, taking into consideration also
future alterations which may be made to
existing structures.
2-21-62 44 394
Picadilly liquor license approved subject ,
to their being no proceedings pending
before State Beverage Dept.
2-21-62 44 395
Book Page
Clarification of ordinance pertaining
to entertainment in bars after 12 midnight
asked. City Atty advises TV, Radio and
Piped-In Music constitute entertainment.
City Mgr. to make study to see if these
three items should be excluded from our
ordinances, and to report at the next
meeting. Limited Cabaret operators to
be advised of this request.
3-7-62 44 406
Action on Candy Stik Lounge liquor
application deferred. Applicants notified
to appear at next meeting.
Book Page
Liquor license transfer at Coral Bar
discussed. Explanation given re.
failure to reveaYarrest information
in application. No action taken.
3-7-62 44 417
Mr. Lipp reports re. proposal to permit
TV, Radio and piped-in music in bars
until 2:00 A.M. without charge. Council
declines to take any action.
3-21-62 44 437
Action deferred on liquor and night cliob
applications of Your Place, Nite Owl,Grate
2228 Park Ave. 3-21-62 44 438
Book Page
Action deferred on liquor and night club
licenses for Candy Stik Lounge, 2200 Paik
Ave. 3-21-62 44 438
Approved: Gas Bar Lounge - Seashore Hotel;
Nautilus Hotel 4-4-62 44 455
License authorized Your Place, Nite Owl
and Grate 4-4-62 44 456
Liquor license for Candy Stik Lounge
approved 4-4-62 44 456
Action on application of Playboy Bar liquor
license deferred 4-18-62 44 483
Book Page
Transfer of liquor license - Playboy
Bar and Package Store approved.
5-2-62 44 499
Licenses approved:
Blue Marlin Bar & Package Store
Lambs Club 5-16-62 44 516
Permission granted for removal of
Southwind Bar license from 1660 to 1661
Alton Road 6-6-62 44 541
Request of Weinkles Liquor Stores No. 2
to move its liquor license from 1127
Washington Ave. to 1131 Washington Ave.
approved. 6-20-62 44 554