Liquor Licenses_October 1952LIQUOR LICENSES 265 Book Page Application of Promenade Hotel approved 10-3-51 32 96 Council discusses liquor application of Monkey Bar in Del Prado Hotel. No action taken. 10-4-51 32 97 Steak House liquor license authorized; also Derby Bar. IO-6-5I 32 98 Operator of Chatter Box Cocktail Lounge in Broadmoor Hotel asks hearing re.application of liquor license. IO-II-51 32 I05 liquor licenses ' 266 Book Page License authorized - Peekaboo Lounge in Broadripple Hotel IO-II-51 32 107 W. R. Galyin's license approved-r (Delicate'Frank's) 10-17-51 32 110 Authorized: Roney Plaza Hotel; Martinique Hotel; Shoremede Hotel; Mayflower Lounge & Rest.; El Morocco Cocktail Lounge; Flamingo Hotel &.Club, Inc.; Latin Quarter; Coronet Hotel; Wofford Beach Hotel Cocktail Lounge; 10-17-51 32 111 LIQUOR LICENSES 26? Book Page Applications of Caribbean Hotel; Vanderbilt Bar; Morocco, Inc., and National Hotel Cocktail Loiinge deferred. 10-17-51 32 111 Deauville Enterprises renewal application for liquor license approved 10-17-51 32 111 Council considers renewal application for Deck Bar. Motion to approve fails. Council to meet with operators of Deck Bar on Nov. J. 10-17-51 32 H-*- LIQUOR LICENSES 268 Book Page Park Avenue license renewed, 10-17-51 32 111 Italian Village license authorized. 10-17-51 32 111 Council declines to approve Sea Gull License 10-17-51 32 111 Hearing conducted on liquor applications 10-30-51 32 127 LIQUOR LICENSES 269 Book Page Applications approved: Cromwell Hotel, Royal York Hotel, Pleetwood Hotel. 10-30-51 32 134 Action deferred on applications . of Club 22, Carnivale Room, and Avenue Room IO-3O-5I 32 13^ Check to be made re. Sea Gull Cocktail Lounge sign 10-30-51 32 134 National Hotel application approved. . IO-30-51 32 134 LIQUOR LICENSES 270 Book Page San Soucl Hotel renewal of liquor license approved 10-30-51 32 135 Refund of $107.15 authorized to Harry Mart in connection with transfer of Wofford Package Store liquor license. 10-30-51 32 135 Renewal of liquor license for Gatti Restaurant approved. 10-30-51 32 135 Poinciana Hotel liquor license authorized 11-7-51 32 139 LIQ.UOR LICENSES 271 Book Page San Marino Hotel liquor application deferred until 11/14/51. Council to look at premises 11-7-51 32 l4l Council defers action on Feinstein service bar application (formerly- Russian Bear Restaurant). Chief Bldg. Inspector asked to be present at next session. 11-7-51 32 l42 Feinstein service bar application matter discussed. Permit for awning to be issued. 11-7-51 32 143 LIQUOR LICENSES 272 Book Page Authorized: Deck Bar; Sea Isle. 11-7-51 32 143 Action deferred on Vanderbilt Bar liquor license. 11-7-51 32 l44 Action deferred on Club 22 license 11-7-51 32 144 city Atty.'s office advises re. Sea Gull signs. License authorized. 11-7-51 , 32 144 Application approved: Del Prado Hotel 11-7-51 32 147 LIQUOR LICENSES 273 Book Page Application of Philip Hooker Parsons for liquor license at Club 22 approved. 11-9-51 32 I63 Renewal application for liquor license for Tahiti Bar approved. 11-9-51 32 163 Application of Vanderbilt Bar, Inc. approved and license authorized. 11-14-51 32 165 No ref\ind of liquor license fees to be made to Liggett Drug Co. 11-14-51 32 169 LIQUOR LICENSES 27U Book Page Application for San Marino Hotel again considered. (Action was deferred at meeting of 11/7/51). Liquor license authorized. Chief Bldg. Inspector asked to bring all similar situations before Council before building permits for construction are Issued In future. 11-14-51 32 171 Authorized: Golden Slipper; Ball-Hal Lounge; Bfeiirlce's Cocktail Lounge; Hotel Netherland Cocktail Lounge; Snookle's Rendezvous 11-21-51 32 I89 LIQUOR LICENSES 275 Book Page Renewal Liquor Licenses authorized: Wofford Package Store; Pan & Bill's 11-21-51 32 189 Authorized: Charlotte Singer Weinstein; Avenue Lounge; The Beaver Room; Mother Kelly's; Casa de Baile Club; Grippe's Magic Room. 12-5-51 32 213 'Allison Hotel requires Certificate of Occupancy before license can be issued. 12-5-51 32 213 LIQUOR LICENSES 276 Book Page Renewal liquor licenses authorized: Pixie Room; Max Silverherg (Caterer); Music Box Lounge 12-5-51 32 235 Authorized: The Raleigh; Grandpa's (Boulevard Hotel); Giro's 12-19-51 32 249 Authorized: Caribbean Hotel 12-19-51 32 259 Authorized: Crown Room (Coronet Hotel), Marseilles Hotel Cocktail Lounge 1-2-52 32 272 LIQUOR LICENSES 277 Book Page Allison Hotel liquor license authorized. 1-2-52 32 273 Action deferred on Bombay Hotel liquor application 1-16-52 32 295 Authorized: International Beach Cabana Club; 43 Room; Versailles Hotel Cocktail Lounge 2-6-52 32 327 Action deferred on application for Pirate's Den 2-6-52 32 328 LIQ,UOR LICENSES 278 Book Page Council declines to approve Bombay Hotel application for cocktail bar license 2-13-52 32 36O Action deferred on MacFadden- Deauville liquor application 2-20-52 32 366 Liquor application for Pirate's Den Cocktail Lounge approved 2-20-52 32 369 Bombay Hotel Liquor application approved 2-20-52 32 387 LIQUOR LICENSES 279 Book Page Council fails to approve Continental Hotel liquor application 2-20-52 32 387 Casablanca Hotel liquor application approved(Morocco, Inc.) 2-20-52 32 387 City Clerk instructed to arrest operators of bars and coffee shops operating without licenses 2-20-52 32 387 Request for change in liquor zoning SS cor/ ^388 LIQUOR LICENSES 280 Book Page Application of 67OI Realty, Inc. for license to sell liquors at MacPadden Deauville Cocktail Loxinge approved 3-5-52 32 ^03 Clerk advises Council that operators of Capri Hotel Cocktail Lounge and the Continental Hotel Cocktail Lotinge have filed injunctions in connection with their bar licenses 3-5-52 32 403 LIQUOR LICENSES 28l Book Page No action on request to transfer bar license of the South Wind Bar to 1666-66a Alton Road, effective one year from now. 3-5-52 32 417 Action deferred on application of Shelborne .Ho};el Lounce 3-19-52 32 to move liquor license from 544 Washington Ave. to 6l5 Washington Ave. 3-19-52 32 439 LIQUOR LICENSES 282 Book Page Licenses authorized: Stone's; also Irish Jimmy's. 4-2-52 32 451 License authorized Shelborne Hotel Lounge 4-2-52 32 452 License authorized Skybrite Package Store 4-16-52 32 480 Council again fails to approve Continental Hotel liquor license 4-16-52 32 493 LIQUOR LICENSES 283 Book Page Licenses authorized: Haddon Hall Hotel Sho Bar; Mayflower, Inc., and Crown Room 5-21-52 33 44 Authorized: Albion Lotange; Diamond Horseshoe 6-4-52 33 77 City Clerk advises that inspection had been made of Continental Hotel in connection with liquor application; that lock on wall gate had been change so that gate can only be opened from inside. Liquor license authorized. 6-4-52 33 78 LIQUOR LICENSES 284 Book Page Case of Old Forge v. the City of M. B. reviewed. Conference to be arranged to discuss matter. 6-18-52 33 107 License authorized - Fisherman»s Wharf-Singapore Lounge, subject to payment of 1951 personal property tax lien 7-2-5^:: :5:5 Capri Hotel liquor license authorized 7-2-52 33 131 LIQ.UOR LICENSES 285 Book Page Old Forge suit reviewed. Council to decide what action City will take after meeting of Ben Cohen, Hoffman, Ben Shepard and Goldworm. 7-2-52 33 137 License authorized- Arthur's Balkan Room (Atlantis Hotel) 7-16-52 33 1^9 M.B.Liquor Package Store Owners Ass'n asks for enforcement of Ord. re. sale of package liquor after ^legal hour of closing 7-16-52 33 15^ LIQUOR LICENSES > 286 Book Page Liquor license authorized The Slipper, Inc. d/b/a El Mamba 8-6-52 33 175 Councilman Roth says he would have opposed granting license to Capri Hotel if he had been present at 7/2/52/ meeting. Reminds Council Capri was not to put steps from sidewalk level to pool deck so that door could not be used 8-6-52 33 190 LIQUOR LICENSES 28? n Book Page Liquor license authorized Wofford Beach Hotel Cocktail Lounge 9-3-52 33 229 City Atty to request postponement of trial of FicciolO;^s Restaurant case until Sept. 26, 1952 9-3-52 33 237 Authorized: Atlantic Towers Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Balkan Room (Atlantis Hotel); Coronet Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Tahiti Bar 33 256 Old Forge granted liquor license 9-17-52 33 269 LIQUOR LICENSES 288 Book Page Authorized: Marseilles Cocktail Lounge; Pine Loiinge; Jayde Room; Sportsman's Bar; Promenade Cocktail Lo\inge; Yacht Club Loxange; Netherland Bar and Paddock Club 10-1-52 33 283 Club Charles llq^uor license authorized and later rescinded IU-l-52 33 283 Plcclolo's Restaxarant granted liquor license 10-1-52 33 297 LIQUOR LICENSES 289 Book Page Approved: Diamond Horseshoej Coral Club; Gray's Inn Restaurant; Foinciana Hotel Crystal Room; Versailles Hotel Cocktail Lounge, and Blue Waters Concession 10-15-52 33 31^ Approved: Sea Isle Hotel and Canadiana Room and Peekaboo Lounge 10-15-52 33 31^ Charles Hotel liquor license approved 10-15-52 33 31^