Liquor_January 1939 to December 1940LIiSUOR 65 Book Page Jordan's of Music denied per- mit to operate patio bar in aftej?- noons —4|.2i Refund of liquor license to Nat Finder authorized .1-^39 (Findies Pkg,Store) Liquor license granted G-AY NINETIES l-lg-39 17 411.9 Everglades & Seaglades Rest.granted beer and wine license l-lg-39 17 ^50 LIQUOR 66 L Book Page_ „ Walgreens Drug Stores Company of Florida granted package goods store license 2^1-39 17 ^^61 Walgreens Drug Btore grantedTbeer and wine license 2-1-39— —1-7— ^6l Seaglades Pool and Cabana Club granted liquor license 2/1/39 17 Marine Restaurant granted beer and wine license 2/1/39 17 ^^62 Trocadero Club granted beer and wine license 2/1/39 - J-T ^^2 LII^UUR 5-7 Book Page Beer and wine license DENIED Q-iant Eye He s t aurant ^ 2/1/39 I? ^69 - City Mgr.inatructed_to appeal Voildiv ^^alm Court liquor case to Supreme Court - 2-15-39 17 k-Bk- Complaint filed to operation of — MARINE TAVERN bar 3/1/39 I7 Beer and wine permit granted to GIANT EYE 3/1/39 17 Clerk reports issuance of liquor Tlcense to PALM COURT HOTEL 3/1/39 17^ LIQUOR ' 68 Book Page Parrakeet Grill granted beer ajid wine license 3-15"39 3 Snack House granted license to sell beer and wine ^/5/39 26 Atty.Ben ^ohen asks that ^oney Plaza be allfl)wed to remain open after 12:00 P.M.one night only 5/3/39 12 56^__ ^Transfer of Liquor license held by Alnsworth Buck(^oy's ^ar) to Prank Schuler authorized provided same is advertised 5/3/39 , 12 57- Lli^UOH 69 Book Page Bar license given to Frank Schuler for 1675 Alton Road 5hl/l>3 IS 77 Liquor license granted Marine Terrace Hotel, Inc. (John B. Reid, Pres.) 7/5/39 IS 135 No action taken on application for liquor license of NEW PADDOCK BAR CLUB 7/5/39 Ig 136 Lew Stark liquor license - continua*^ tion of same for "bankrupt firm re- quested 7-19-39 18 "3 LIQUOR 70 Book Page 1st and 2nd. Reading Ord. amending Liquor Ordinanoe 7-19-39 1^ l6^ George Passa# requests transfer of his liquor license to across the street 7-26-39 1^ - 176 Prank's ^Ine Poods granted beer and wine license 7-26-39 Ig 177 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.amending Liquor Ordinance striking therefrom paragraph containing 2000 foot separation 7/26/39 1^ 177 LIQUOR - - Book Pafee Traymore Hotel Corp.granted liquor license g-2-39 Ig lg3 J.J.Southerland asks effect new liquor amendments will have on his property g-2-39 Ig lg3 Permit given to move bar in Surfside Hotel g-2-39 1& l&k Bender, Atty. Sara-protests passage of ordinance amending liquor ordi. with reference to distance g-2-39 Hearing held on issuance of liquor license to Lew Stark, Inc. Objections filed and matter referred to City Atty. g-2-39 LIQUOR 72 Book Jesse Weiss asks that his application for liquor license be considered for new year g-2-39 1^5 Atty.for Carl Welnkle advised to have nev? application advertised for liquor license at 17II Alton Road g-2-39 135 Liquor application of E.L,Murray» 922 Lincoln Rd«considered g-2-39 13 13/ Albert J.King withdraws liquor ap plication for 1920 Collins Ave. g/2/39 13 13g Liquor license denied Lew Stark,Inc. g-7-39 13 Atty.Bender again objects to passage of ^ g. Amendments to Liquor Ord. 3-7-39 13 LIQUOR 73 ^ Book Page Beer & Wine license granted to Leo feWf IsFinal reading Ord.#559 amenMh^ liquor ^ Ordinance No. 391 2-7-39 Ig I93 RIB & LOIN,Inc.granted liquor license 2/16/39 Ig 213 CARL WEINKLB granted liquor license for 1711 Alton Rd. g/16/39 Ig 213 GEO.FASSA denied transfer of liquor license from I711 to 1702 Alton Rd, g/16/39 Ig 213 JOE'S REST,(Jesse Weiss)granted liquor license g/l6/39 12^ 213 LIQUOR Book MAURICE I.STEINFELDT denied liquor license at 192^1- Collins Ave. 2/16/39 12 213 PLAYHOUSE BAR denied liquor license at 36 Ocean Dr. g/l6/39 Ig 213 BURTON'S PHARMACY granted Leer & wine permit g/l6/39 12 WOFFORD HOTEL FOUNTAIN granted beer & wine permit g/l6/39 12 YACHT TARPON denied beer & wine permit TONY'S PLACE grante^^^^S^& wine permA^ Ben Nathanson beer ^^w^nl^permit held up for investigation g/16/39 12 21"? LIQUOR 75 - Book Page SAND BAR & CHRISTINE'S granted beer and wine permitw S/16/39 GHA. FRIEDMAN denied beer and wine permit 2/16/39 12 213 Beer & wine licenses granted:Ben, „ Nathan3on,Bob & Frank^s Greyhound Bar, Kelco,Inc. .Myron Shainess, ''^hitehouse Bar 9-6-39 ' 229— Liquor licenses granted- Everglades Cabana Glub;Geo,Fassa;Dorchester Hot el; White House Bar 9-6-39 230 Mary V.Nathan son application for -w -iljuor held up for consideration9/6/39 230 LIQUOR 76 Book Page New Paddock Club granted liquor license 9-6-39 230 Petition filed seeking liquor license for Mary V.Nathanson's bar "Mary & Mac's" 9-13-39 12 261 3 Beer and "ine licenses granted Golden G-ri 11;Collins Sandwich & Soda Shop; Health JMce Bar 9-13-39 12 252 Liquor license denied Mary V, Nathanson for Mary & Mac's Bar pending investd-_ ... gatlon 9-13-39 12 26»4- LigUOR 76a BOOK PAGE 3 Beer and wine licenses granted: Wofford Hotel Fountain; Voss's Soda Shop & Lill 's Italian Rest. 9/20/39 18 276 3 l iquor licenses granted: 2 to National Package Store and Riviera Hotel Co. 9/20/39 18 276 LIQUOR ' 77 Book Page Request made for Issuance of liquor license to L.M. G-erstel,receiver for Lew^tark, Inc. , denied 10-^-39 ~ IS 29^- LorrifftTth urge s issmnt;e of 1 iquor licejise to him at 1111 Dade Blvd., old SanSouci Club (denied) 10/U-/39 Ig 297 RUBY FOG'S and BELMAR HOTEL granted liquor licenses 10/5/39 1^ 31^- S Beer and Vi/'ine licenses granted H.D,Williams reqi^/'^/^^endment to Liquor Ord, to permit liquor sales in cabana groups of 100 lO/lS/39 IS 323 i^lQ^OR 77A " Book Page Atty.Ed Copeland requests amendment to liquor Ord.to permit sales in "bona fide restaurants during dinner hour only at locations nearer than J>00* to schools 1st & 2nd readings of this ordinance , io/ig/39 ig ^ 32^ Mary V.Nathanson again request-Hquor. License for Mary & Mack's Bar lO/lg/39 IB E.E.Brett again seeks package goods license at 7335 Collins Ave. 10/18/39 IB 325 Liquor licenses granted DECK BAR,FLEET- WOOD HOTEL, PIG CADI LLY CLUB , CLUB DEUCE and Andrew Magee 10-18-39 . . 32^8 LIQUOR 77B BOOK PAGE Clerk reports issuance of liquor l icense to L, M. Gerstell, receiver in bankruptcyfor Lew Stark, inc., on Court order. 10/30/39 18 3^5 Mr. Ellison, Supt. of Beach Schools and Parent Teachers Ass'n., object to amendment to Liquor Ord. to permit sale of l iquor in restaurants within 300' from schools. 11/1/39 18 3^8 Request made to amend. Ord. #391 to permit sale of liquor in cabana group of 100 - later withdrawn 11/1/39 18 351 LIQUOR 78 Book Page Liquor license OTanted^Marj-.JT,Nathanson for UAm & 5li/1/39 18 553 Liquor license granted Mary V. Nathanson for MARY & MAC'S BAR 11/1/39 18 353 Atty.Copeland asks Council to continue consideration on proposal to amend liquor ordinance re: restaurants within 3QP feet of schools 11/15/39 18 372 Delegation from scdipols oppose any action on above amendment 11/15/39 18 373 LIftUOR 79 Book Page lerk instructed ,to^ trajia/er^ Hquor license from L.M.(jereTteX aslnHjstee in Bankruptcy of Lew 3tark,Inc., to I£W STARK, INC. 11/15/39 IS 375 Liquor license denied John Morey for 4-1 Club on M-lst St. II/I5/39 ig 376 Liquor licenses granted RUSSIAN BEAR, LEW MERCUR for NUT CLUB and ST.MORITZ HOTEL 11/16/39 IS Package liquor store.license granted BEACHWELL CORP. (W.L.SHEHAN) 11/16/39 IB LigJOR go ^ Book Page Hotel Evana OocktalL rvQlses complained of oy DrvPoXIocB. 12-6-39 IS ^01 Ordinance given 1st reading permitting sale of liqu&r in bona fide restau rants within 300 feet from schools - motion to read second time by title only, lost on roll call 1.2/6/39 18 ^3 Liquor licenses granted CLUB DEUCE, TOWER HOTEL,GOVERNOR HOTEL AND PATRICIAN HOTEL 12/6/39 Issuance of renewal license for liquor in Hotel Wofford authorized to John B, Wofford 12/13/39 18 >12 LIQ,U0R gOA Application of Epicure, Inc. for license to sell Liquor at 7^33 Collins Avenue, filed 12/6/39 LIQ.UOR 21 Book Page_ Otto Stegeman requests issuance of iiquor license to Paul Larm for PALM ISLAND CLUB 12/20/39 12 420 - Gommittee appointed to consider isauance of above liquor license 12/20/39 12 420 Liquor licenses granted NATHAN LEVINE for MILLION DOLLAR PIER,HACKNEY«S M.B. RESTAURANT; 23RD ST.REST,CORPORATION and package goods license for BURTON'S DRUG STORE 12/20/39 12 422 C.C.Carson advises Council of illegality in issuing liquor license to Derby Bai* under State Law ruling 12/20/39 12 422 LIQUOR 62 Book Page Renewal of liquor license to Burfgide Hotel,J,H.Miller,Mgr.authorized 12/20/39 16 k-23 Liquor license granted Palm Isl.Club 12/20/39 Ig k-26 Liquor license granted C3R0MV/ELL HOTEL COCKTAIL BAR 1/3AO 1$ ^33 Liquor license denied W.C.WISDOM for old ^1 Club 1/3/^ 12 ^33 No action taken on request of Atty.Lane 18 Irto LIQ,UOR S3 Book Page Liquor license granted Biackstone Hotel Bar 1/17/^0 IJg Liquor license granted Patio Moresque 2/g/lfO Ig Proof of publication of liquor appli- jsation on Turf Bar (J.W.Pacetti) 3/20/40 19 40 Request made for passage of ordinance prohibiting sale of miniature bottles of liquor 4/3/40 19 65 Liquor license granted Turf Bar 4-17-4D 19 76" LlgUOR Book Page Survey to *be made of all open front bars k-/lj/k0 19 37 No action taken on Tropical •^ar liquor application 4/17/^ 19 37 Liquor license granted Tropical Bar 5/29/^ 19 - IJT ALBERT NEMETZ granted liquor license for - 23rd^ St. 7/3/^0 19 139 A.H .Kirkham granted package liquor license for A.& B.Pkg.Store B/7/^0 19 219 LIQ,U0R ^5 ! BOOK Eagfi- -Dig-tlller-ls-JPro ducts, Ino^- ^ granted liquor license 9/25/^0 19 ^63 Patio Moresque ask jjerml't to sell package goods on their premises10^2- ^ 509 City Attorney to render opinion on service bar interpretation io-2-kO I9 309 City Attorney renders opinion on service bar in Patio Moresque 10-9-U-0 I9 323 Counc IT agree hbiT to i ssue liquor license to EPICURE REST Coil-ins-Ave^ 10-16-ILO 19 351 LIQUOR g6 Book Pag^ Pete Clifford denied Liquor license at 323-325 23rd St. Oct. 21v iskt> -IS 3S6 3 Liquor granted -Versailles Hotel> Royal Palm Hotel Bar, Versailles Hotel and Patrician Hotel 11/6/40 19 387 Liquor license denied Chateau Renault at" 1111 Bade Blvd. ll/6/40 19" 387 Liquor sales at Tatem Hotel ordered discontinued 11/13/40 19 400 LIQUOR ^*7 Book Page Thomas A.Cassara given permission to' LrahsTer" hTs~'liquo c enS"e"Tromr Club Centinentale SSrd S^t .^ddEess Cadillac *^ocktail Lo-unge.NATIONAL HOTEL - granted 11quor license Delicate^rank^s ask permit 16 to Liberty Ave.address 11-13-40 19 407 -11--20-40 19 410- - National Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted Hq^ier-Hc^enae—11-20-49—~19 ^410- -opar-ale-pkg^tor^e-wl-th-lar—11—20-40—19— 4£1— Above permit granted subject to sub- mi as-ton—of aalraf-arcrto ry-plans^'H - 20- 40 19 421" LIQUOR 88 Book Page Liquor license granted LATIN QUARTER 11-20-40 19 City Atty, explains Epicure Liquor case 11727740 1^ -IBE- -IMPRO-VEMENT ASSN, re; liquor sales In their area " 11727/40 19 license -11/27740 lor bar -i9- -E7AHS—HOTEL - C-OmpJ-aln of constant-—U .V.A4AW LX\U MXUXJ = Wiiiy OLJ-XA WO. W WXA Oharrassing by police dept 422 . 1V27/40 19 Dr.Pollock again ooiaplalns—of-Hvans Hotel Bar 12/4/40 19 430 431 -433r^ 434 443 89 LIQUORn Book Page 1st and 2nd. readings Ord, amending * Ord.No.402,defining"servfcenDar and re elas s i fying cer^aln-property "A/"12^/40 446 _Ter r .ac_e_ Restaurant . s e ek lie ens e f or service "bar -denied as being contrary ~i:0~ll~quor^ zoning ~ordlnan c e 12/4/40 19 446- - 4-1 iquor—H cense—grantedr-TKE—lEWEL BOX (Embassy Hotel)^LORD TARELTON HOTEL, RENDALE HOTEL MD ST.MORITZ HOTEL 12/4/40 ^19 448- No action taken on BROADMOOR HOTEL "liquor apprlicatten—12/47^40 19 448"