Liquor_October 1942 to October 1944x^lQUOR ^ I. n.,... - ,. '. Book Page ^inal Reading Ord.N0.665 amending Liquor Ord.No.391 as to mechanical music boxes in bars 10-7—2h k-28 Irving Levy granted liquor license for Ira's Restaurant 10/2S/k-2 21 ^^-53 Liquor license transferred from W.L, Shehan to Bob Yates on Lincoln Road Liquor Store 10/28/^1-2 21 ^53 Winnie's Little Club granted liquor . ^ license for 22l8 Collins Ave. 11/4/4-2 21 459 LIQUOR 1X6 Book Page Olerk instructed to proceed with _____ issuance of liquor licenses to Palm Island Latin Quarter and ^lub Casanova 11/12/4-2 21 ^ 465 Committee appointed to consider licenses for bars and night clubs (Renshaw,Shepard, Tomlinson, Frink & Burbridge) 11/12/42 21 465 Application of Madison Bar Corp.for liquor license in "f^umpus Room" 22nd and Park, Ave. referred to City Atty. City Atty.reports abov^l/25/^2 21 470 license cannot be issued 12/2/42 21 472 LigUOR Book North Shore Hotel Liquor application advertised for this date but not con sidered as they were taken over by Army l2/9/i^-2 21 4-77 Douglass,C.T. - granted license for package store at 211-71st St. 12/16/4-2 21 4-gO Four applications on file for package goods stores in 71st St.area -^.E,Brett, Gertrude Rimer,Geo.Jacobs and Arrow Pack age Store, Inc. 12/16/4-2 21 4-BO LIQUOR 11^ Book Page Res, #5614 going on record as to denying any additional night club or cabaret licenses and any new ap plications for beer and wine licenses on 4-lst Street 12/l6/^2 21 ifSl 1st and 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord. #391 t)y defining night club, cabar-et and providing hours for them to remain open and entertainemfent they may have 12/21/^2 21 k-S2 Final reading Ord,#67^ as above l/6/il-3 21 500 LigUOR 119 Book Page Versallles^llquor license tentatively- approved l/G/H-"} 21 i|-97 Tentative approval given E.P.Wheelan for liquor license at 518 Altdn Road l/6/iJ-3 21 l^-97 Ord,No.67f^ passed final reading amend ing Ord.#39i defining night clubs and cabarets and providing for their privi leges and closing hours 1/6/^13 21 500 1st and 2nd readings of Ord. amending Liquor ordinance prohibiting any new beer, liquor or night clubs on 4-lst St.&. Lincoln p » ^ Rd. and discussion on same ..1/15/^3 22 2 ec 3 LIQUOR 120 . Book Page Tentative approval given TRITON HOTEL COCKTAIL LOUNGE for liquor license 1/15/^3 22 g Liquor licenses granted VERSAILLES HOTEL and E.P.WHEELAN for his restau rant l/20/il-3 22 11 Final Reading Ord.#6gl amending Ord,391* providing new operators of old loca tions may be granted licenses if 12 months have not elapsed but excluding Lincoln Rd.& il-lst St. from this provision l/20/i^-3 22 l6 LIQUOR 121 Book Page Triton Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license (B.Friedman) 2/3/^1-3 22 Ig Package Liquor license granted RAY1>10ND'S PACKAGE STORE 2/lJ/k-^ 22 33 Package Liquor license granted WOFFORD PACKAGE STORE (John Shapiro) Tentative approval given of liquor license to Harry Llnet and • ' Mary Nathanson for "Blue Marlln" 3/11/^3 22 5^ No action on request of EVERGLADES CABANA (LUB to move their liquor license 3/17/^1-3 22, 36 22 1|.2 LI':^UOR Book BLUE MARLIN, liquor license granted to Harry Linet and Mary Nathenson V7/4-3 - - 22 NATIOriAL PKG. STORE (Edw. Binder) granted liquor license ^7-^3 22 62 DIRTY DICK'S application for liquor license considered but not granted „ X V7/^ ^ 22 62TURF BAR (Stella Faier) granted liquor license 5/5/^3 22 22 Reque st of Army to transfer Liquor lic ense of Shelbourne Hotel to-pi:d,vate- resi-^ dence deinied 5/5/^3 LI Q,UOR 123, Book Page Bar Operators ask Council to amend Liquor Ordinance to permit them to move their licenses within 1,000 feet of another liquor license 7/2l/i^-3 22 ]J6 Above Group to confer with City Mgr. and City Attorney in effort to work out amendment to present Ord. 7/21A3 22 176- Venetian Package Store (Morris T. Kelly) granted liquor lie. 10/6/^3 ' LigUOR Arrow Package, Store granted " license lO/b/^3 22 North Shore Cocktail Lounge (Brank Reardon) granted liquor lie. 10/6/^3 22 Continental Bar & Restaurant (Neil Magoon) granted liquor lie. 10/6/4-3 22 1st & 2nd reading,of OnaAnance amending Liquor Ord. (#391) lo/^3 22 King's Oceanic Gardens (Alfred J. King)^r^nted 1942-43 liquor license LIQUOR 125 BODiL_-PAGE AMENDMENT TO PROPOSED LIQUOR ORD." PASSED BEFORE ORDINANCE IS GIVEN ITS 3RD READING (AMENDING ORDINANCE SO THAT IT DOES NOT APPLY TO BEER AND WINE) 10/20/iJ-3 22 I93 3RD READING_0F.0RDINANCE_N0,.6gJjjj AMENDING ORDINANCE #391 BY ALLOlrtNG & POPULATION 10/20/i<-3 22 I96 Life Bar (Swartz, Inc.) granted iSquor license 11/6/^3 22 205 LIQUOR 126 Fan & Bill's ask that Ord. #391 be amended to permit sale of liquors at 6950 Collins for duration only 11/17/4-3 22 212 Taken under advisement 11/17/4-3 22 212 Monte Carlo application considered & license authorized under name of Ciro's with understanding it is subject to revocation if police records not clear 11/17/4-3 22 212 Liquor licenses authorized to: Riptide Club and Circus Bar 11/17/4-3 22 2l4- Licensee granted: Surrey Hotel, Sea Isle Hotel, A & B Package Store 12/1/43 22 222 Bar of Music license transferred from Jordan Corporation as applicant to Bill Jordan l2/l/if3 22 222 Roy W. Singer, Pres. of Miami Fed, of Musicians, asks Council to change Sect. IB of Ord. #391, claiming it is discriminatory to other , musicians - NO ACTION - 12/15/^3 22 236 LiaUOR BOOK Licenses granted Atlantis Hotel, The Beachcomber & the Marine Terrace Hotel Cocktail Lounge 12/15/4-3 22 237 Application of William Penn Hotel for cocktail bar license referred to Mr. Ren Shaw & Mr. Shepard 12/15/4-3 22 237 Council revokes liquor license granted Ciro's on 11/17/4-3 12/15/4-3 22 237 Atty. Friedman asks that Ciro's license be transferred to A1 Gordon - Council votes to transfer subject to Mr. Gordon's record being clear 12/20/4-3 22 239 I>iaUOR BOOK William Penn asks about Issuance of cocktail bar license - Council advise them to comply with ordinance 12/20A^ 22 24o Clerk advises that A1 Gordon, applicant for GIRO'S liquor license, has no police record 22 2M-M- Action on liquor license for Wm, Penn Cocktail Lounge deferred 1/^/kM- 22 24^ Liquor license granted Wm. Penn ©cktall Lounge 1/19/44 22 2k^ LiaUOR License granted to Eskay Package Store, 2911-7 Collins l/l9/^ Council refuses to prorate liquor license (I9ll-3©ll4) on Broadmoor Hotel 2/2/1+14- Liquor license for NORTH SHORE HOTEL transferred to Harold Clark 3/1/^ Liquor license authorized for Tropical Bar, Richard Shaw & Frances Wintaer, applicants 3A5/^ Delicate Frank's liquor license trans ferred frora_lD75 Alton Road IbSR Alton Roac 130 Book Pag< 22 250 22 25$ 22 262 22 299 22 310 LIC^UOR 131 Book Page A & B PACKAGE STORE & TROPICAL BAR granted licenses 5/3/^^ 22 320 I. L. MINTZER applies for package store license at 615 5th St. 3/17/^k- 22 Ben Casey and Robert Bergeron object to issuance of license 5/17/^^ 22 Councilmen Frlnk & Liberman favor issuance of license 5/17/^^ 22 Councilman Burbrldge opposesissuance as vlolatron of c/-i-7/ii»i 00 ordinance 5/17/^ " LIQUOR 132 Book Page City Attorney advises that under ordinance license cannot issue for 615 5th St. 5/17/^ 22 330 Councilman Frink moves that license be granted, seconded by Councilman Liberman 5/1?/^ 22 330 Councilman Frink withdraws motion and asks that action on this application be held up 5A7/^ 22 330 Janet Katz name added to application for KATZ LIQUOR STORE 6/7/4^ 22 333 LigUOR 133 Book Page Hotel Evans Cocktail Lounge granted license (Issued under name of Harp Vaughan's Mexlcana Bar) 6/7/^^ 22 334- Issued to A & B Package Store, Hazel Hulsman 6/21/44- 22 3^ let & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #391 to provide for licensing of 100-room hotels and 600-chalr restaurants 6/21/44 22 3^9 Granted Mary & Mack's Bar (Juanlta Joskowltz) 7/5/^^ 22 Granted Tropical Bar (Stroud) 7/5/44 22 LIQUOR Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #715» amending Ord. #391 to provide for licensing of 100-room hotels & 600-chair restaurants 7/5/^^ 22 366 License granted EL CHICO T/V)/Kk 22 375 (Schmuckler & Honigsberg) Licenses granted: Charles Hotel (Goldstein St Geller), Derby Bar (Schmuckler, Schmuckler & Helfenbein), Binder's National Package Store (Binder) and Blue Marlin (Kay Schneider) 8/16/44 22 395 LIQUOR 135 Book Page Request of S. Rutter for assurance of liquor license in Goodman Building (1225 Wash. Ave.) referred to City Attorney 9/6/44 22 4oi City Attorney's opinion is against issuance of license - opinion read & Council denies request 9/20/44 22 4o6 Licenses granted Monte Carlo (Weinger), Wofford Package Store (Nadler Bros.) & El Chico (Erving Moss) 9/6/44 22 401 LiauoR 136 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of Ord. amending #391 to prohibit licensees in 100- room hotels & 60O-chair restaurants from moving 200 feet 9/6/^^ 22 koj 3rd reading of above ordinance (des ignated #717) as emergency measure S/S/kM- 22 License granted Louis Mutter for Riptide Club 9/20/^^ 22 l^-06 LigUOR Book City Attorney's opinion is that no liquor license can Issue for 1225 Washington Ave, (in Goodman Bide.) 9/20/4i|- 22 Council denies request of S. Rutter for license at 1225 Wash. 9/20/^ 22 1st reading of Ordinance amending Ord. #391 to prohibit sale of liquor, beer & wine between 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. on Sundays 9/20/4il- 22 LigUOR Book 1st & 2nd readings of Ordinance authorizing City Mgr. to prohibit sale of & serving beer, vdne & liquor during any public emergency S/ZO/k-H- 22 Above ordinance - designated #71^ - given 3rd reading as emergency meastire 9/20/^14 22 1+09 Liquor license granted Herman Sohotzberg for Alamac Cocktail Lounge 10/K/Kk 22 4-12 LIQUOR 139. Book Page3rd reading Ord. #719 prohibiting sale of liquor, vine or beer between 1:00 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. on Sundays lO/L/Ij-^ 22 L13 Alex DeBrocq given permission to move Miami Beach Pharmacy package store to 515 Wa^. Ave. lo/H-/k% 22 H-IJ Liquor licenses granted TERRACE RESTAURANT, BLACKSTONE COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND LATIN QUARTER 10/20AH- 22 i^-lg S. Rutter submits plans for proposed restauratt at 1225 Wash. Avel to show areaof 5,^75 sq. ft. 10/20A1^ 22 4-1^