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Liquor_September 1937 to January 1939
LIClUOR . 40. Book Page Rezoning of 71st St.& vicinity , to permit liquor sales^dj,s^ysBed Action deferred on granting of liquor licenses to Jones-Klrkwood Corp. & William T. Seaborn -9-15-37 16 259— . 260^ 4l Club file new application for liquor license 9-16-37 I6 260 Time for closing bars discussed,. Office of LiTju or Inspector-to—bev-'i — w sLb ol ished S - 3 0~3J1:^ A? 2^0 LIQUOR 41 Book Page Complaints filed against Tom Heeney'sfair 1^-30^^? IS 2^1 Complaints filed from Wm.Penn Hotel and Hotemerns A^n, against late hnnns bars ape-p>arm-it-te<d-^bo remain open 10.-6-37 iS 2B& Club Deuce Bar- noise complained of ID-6-37 16 2gg "Tdm'Henney's renewal of license held up 10-4-37^ 16 2B&- LIQ.UOR -f~ ^2 Book Page Hearing date on CLUB DEUCE BAR, L0NCK3HAMPS,INCT^ft.CLlJB, BEACH BAR, I-NG ; - BURTONS PAGKA-OE-STORE- action held up 10-6--37 l6 2^ 20 Beer & Wine permits granted 10-6-37 2SS "Str.^ P8.trl:cks"iGhurch~urge"the Tssuahc e _ _Qf_ only__ one -11.0 enae—on-itls-t St^ 10-6-37 16 2S9 2 Property owners complain of noise fnom bars on Collins Ave,near-6th St. 10-1?~37 16 326 25 beer and wine permits granted 10-11-37 1:6 30^ Cook's GasInp granted beeg permit xph.- LIQ.UOR 14-3 Book Page— Beer and wine permits granted Knock- Knock, Leons,Inc. and Kennell Soda Shop ie-20^-3f 16—333— Refund of Liquor Itcens^e-authorlzed to Delta Properties on 1111 Dade Boulevard 10-20^7 I6 33^^ Complaint filed against bars on Coll 1 ris "Ave^r betwe^h 6l:hrahd ^tfi B ^ ■■. 10-20-37 16- ^333-Beer and wine licenses granted to -Zlon-J'ood^^ent er-, ELks Glub^Luther-i,- Smlth and Cllnes - 11-3-37 I6 339 LI(SCJOR n 1,4^ Book Page ?a?ent feachers Asan .urge that bars andliquor stores be pr o hib 1-t ed^w i thri'n— of schools 11-3-37 Beer arid w"ihe"ricehAes grahtedTtb Max^sH!u4^—Rat©-Fuod -Harket ,Loebs-jXae,-^ and Picchl ^ Presser 11-10-37 35^ Atty.Simmons requests that liquor zqn^ ing Ord.be amended to permit sale of liquor on bay^frorrt-propertjr north of DadeBlvd. ll-lO-JJ l6 339 LIQPOR li.5. Book Page Longchamps,Inc,f granted liquor license 11-17-37 370 Beach Bar,Tnc. , granted liquor Bar granted liquor license 1 i G e ns e ^ ^7^ ii-:;.7-37 —31o Shoremede Hotel granted liquor license 11-17-37 "JTO Gay Nineties granted-llquor license 11-17-37 l6 370 Olub Deuce Bar-granted liquor -1 ic ens e 1.1-17-3 7 ^—570-Burtons Pto, store granljiliquo 16-0™, LIQ^OR ij.6 . Book Page Councilman Meyer claims It the duty of Police B^t. to see that bars are ©pera^e^r-in—orderiry-maHner—11—17-3? 3 70 - Trilron Hot el- grant ed Hquroir lic ense -16 - 370- Hotel Oood granted liquor license11^7^.37 16 370- Archie's Jurf Bar granted liquor - license 11-17-37 16 370 Tom Heeney's liquor bar li cens e jcenewad 11-J.7^J7 371 Patio Moresque given liquor license 11^17^^^37 16—37r LIQUOR il-7 Book Page Beer„ and wine permit granted to M.B.Bowling Alleys 11-17^37 l6 371 Fred^Rivera Resirrgranired ■beer~and wine llo^ense ll-17i?37 ^371 Riviera,Inc.granted beer and wine lloerme 11^7^7 37^ dty^AtlJjr^tro pp epar e amendmen"tr"tcr JLiqiiojL0jrd.4)ro-Vl.dlng^jf or^300' dls^ tance of bars from school property— Q^__ 379 Emergency 0rd,No.504- amendng Liquor prd.reference 1 to a blockdoo roomhotels) 11^25-37 -l6 5^9 ^"" srgency Ord.No.505 amending Liquor L. PGfo rT»fim Rfthnni a 1 T T)rc LIQUOR _ Book Page Fassa's Moulin Rouge granted beer and wine permit 11-24-37 3^9 C.C.CJarson complains of proximity ^f—Der by^ar^o his p ri vat e-a chool 11-2U-37 16 390 Thomas A. Cassara asks regarding -dritjuor^-l-taense for 22G-22i 23 rd St^. 12-L-37 16 4o4 Hearings held on liquor applications -of" Blaoksto ne^ Bar^ Flor idtanr- Bar and jravern; Baseo & Young at 1120 ^th St. and 94-9^ 23rd St. 12-1-37 16 4o4 ParerLtr Teacher As sn; m*ges^ Council d:o keep bars from schools 12L-1-37 I6 4o4i_ LIQUOR ^9 Book Page A1 HLckland-ob^e ct fl—— store at 1120~3th St. 12-^37 l6 Liquor license granted Floridian Bar~& Tavern arid Blacks tdne^ar „ 12-^^37 1^ Liquor permit denied for location in Gulf Filling Station 12-1-37 l6 405 ^ Beer a,hd^ wine permiW graa ted""Orbydon Arms-4Jof f ee Shop, JaoolD^Grossi&an, Napoli and Sunshine Kosher Market 12-3-37 16 415 Basso &^xiung^grant edr -liqux>r licens es" at 1120-5th_St. & 94-96 23rd St .12-V37 I6 4lB LIQUOR 50 Book Page Gomplaijits^ filed ^ to noise emanating from bar at Drexel 8c Es panola—Way 12-3-37 16 4-13 Ordinance to be pr^ared jprovlding^ for closing of beer establishments the same time^as liquor establish ments 12-3-37 16__M9_ Liquor license granted Ihsmas A, JJassara (Club Continent ale) 12-i-37 I6 Ji33LiL Motion to repeal Sect.^-^ of Ord,391 lost for want of a^secolid ~ 12-^37 1^ ^^39 LIQUOR 51, - Book Page Beer and wine llcenaea granted to Boloney Joe and Bernstelns Rest. Dec^ g, 155^7 16 ^^40 Palm^ourt Hotel (Trocadero) re- -que-st-JLlquor llaenaB^denleA JL6 444 _ Triton^Hotel - report filed that they are constructing open air bar I2-I5-37 16 446 Beer and wine permits granted to SOUTH, -GOHFECT. LUNGH, MARY-<Sr M AGKS, DEGK- BAR „ANr»_OOOPY»S ORILL GOFFEE SHOP IP-I5-.37 if, 4^p J,st_& 2nd Readings Ord.repealing Seclu 26 (Liquor Inspector) I2-I5-37 I6 452 LIQUOR Ordinance No. 50^ passed as emer- jannk- gency measure requiring establish ments selling beer-and wine to ^ close at 3JA.M. 12-15-37 16 fe- Liquor license denied ^1 Club( Oorothy Evans) 12-22-37 ~I6 Liquor license granted SANS SOUOI^ ( Delta Prop,) 12-22-37 • 2^ BelraajrJLotel granted beer^nd_wlne permit 12-22-37 l6 ^5g LIftUOR 53 Book Page- Liquor Lloense for Roy'sjia^trans'^,^^ „ ferred to Ainsworth Buck 1-5-3^ Llquqr^llcensea granted to Fleetwood Hotel and Hotel Evans docktail Lounge, l-5-3g 16 k66 Dorothy Evans protests Issuance of liquor license to Jerry S.DeFeo for bar In Patrician Hotel l-5«3g l6~ ^1-67 Cook's Casino Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license - 1-5-3^ l4—467- —lojCford Bar granted JJ.quor license 1-19-3S 16 500 LIQUOR 54 Book Bags Liquor license of Carter Catering 3o.transfered to CROSBY TAVffiN I-I9-3B 16 500 Liquor license granted to Belmar Hotel 2-2-3g 17 1 Capri Rest.granted beer and wine license 2-2-38 I7 13 7l3t street Market granted beer and wine permit 2-16-38 17 37 3rd Reading 0RD.#510 abolishing office of Liquor Inspector 2-16-38 17 ^ LIQUOR n 55 Book Page Permit granted Richard Heintz for beer and wine 3-2-38 17 li-j Perm it grated Merli Kosher Market to sell beer and wine t^38 I7 92 Permit granted to Dixie Tavern to sell beer and wine ^1-6-38 17 99 |250,00requested refunded on Bouche Villa Venice liquor license - denied 4-6-38 17 100 LIQUOR Book Page 3 Informal applications for package goods store licenses on ^Ist St, filed by ——Nat'l Package Stores; Cornelius Fellows and A.Katz 5-4-3^ 17 137- Petltlon filed with application of Nat'l Package Stores 5-4-3^ 17 137-^ Suggestion to close liquor establish-— ments at 2:00 A.M, Instead of 3:00 referred to City Atty. 5-6-3^ 17 1^ Al.Hlckland liquor license trans ferred to Al.H.Klrkham 5-lg-3g 17 16I LIQUOR ^ Book Page Knock-Knock and Sutcliffe's Cigar Store granted beer and wine permits 5-1^3^ 17 161 Liquor license granted Geo.Fasafor Monte Carlo Bar 6-S-jS 17 173 Liquor license granted to ^uy Swartz upon payment of fulj. half year's license fee A-'-'^^•^'- 6-15-30 I7— ISl Property owners on and near illst St, file petition protesting sale of intoxicants on ^l-lst St, 6-15-3^ 17 1^6 LIQUOR ^ Book Page Abe Katz urges Sunday closing of bars and package liquor stores 6-15-3^ 17—1^7^ and 2nd Ist/Reading of Ordinance amending Ord.#391, making possession of -alcahoiit^ beverages not permitted to be sold in beer & wine establish-_. ments, prima facie evidence of sale 6-15-3g 17—192- 3rd Reading Ord, #517 amending Ord,# 391 making possession of alcoholic beverages not permitted to be sold in beer & wine estab,prima facie^et^Oiir—17 3r97- LIQ.UOR Book Eago E.E.Brett files application for J ^ permit to operate paPkage goods store at 7335 Collins ^ve. 7-6-3^—-17 209— Wm, C, Mack files letter making ap plication for liquor license at 7135 Collins Avenue ^3-3S 17 23^ Liquor application of Solomon Kovler, (Ray's Famous Steaks of Chicago,Inc. presented 2-17-3S 17 252 Brown, Harley L, files application for pkg,store at 71st & Collins Ave. g-17-3g 17 252 LigUOR - - Book_JPage Solloway, Sara - requests liquor, zoning ord.amended to permit package goods stores at 71st Str and Collins Ave. and asks for liquor license 9-7-3^ 17 265 Dooley, D.J.asks for liquor bar license on Alton Road south of Lincoln 9-7-32 17 261^- Miller, Irving-granted package goods license 9-7-32 17 275 Ray's Famous Steaks,Inc.granted liquor license 9-7-32 17 275 Canary Cottage granted Degryllgense n y LIQUOR n ^ Book Pap:e 7 Liquor permits granted: Deq^Bar, Nat'l Package^Stores (2); El C^iioo Bar, Piccadlily Club, Tropicear'Bar, New Clutr'Deuce Bar & Or ill. 10-19-32 17 300 14- Be,er & Wine peimits granted: •Joe Broadway Del,, Su'^t-Q, Schif!ns Market^rince-^orge Soda Shop,Martin BebkeiroanjNew iHarry's^ Market, Wasljingt'on Drug Co,, Shor^h^ Hotel Ci^r & _^da Fount s. Ace Bar, CaprlT/Rest. ,Contiritalian Open Kitchen.Geo.Ei^'s Rest, Aymonin Franoeiainl 10-19-3S 17 ?00 LIQ.UOR v5o Hr^-' lQiok__^Eage_ Lew Stark given permission to move package liquor store from Breedings Drug Store to 2227 Collins Ave. 9-27-33 17 293 Jas.M,Breeding application for package store presented and denied by- Council 10-19-33 17 296 Derby Bar noise complained of IO-I9-3S 17 296 Evans Hotel noise complained of 10-19-33 17 296 City Mgr. and City Atty.to prepare_^ ordinance to releive noises IO-19—j)3 17 290 LIQUOR ^ <r-r3i' ^ , ^ Book Pg.ge Harry Zuckernlck urges 2/3 license fee for 6 mos sale of liquor 10-26-3S 1/ 311 Closing hours for liquor establishments and discontinuance of music in same referred to City Mgr.& City Atty.10-26-32 Henrietta's, The Espanolo Luncheonette, Inc., and Buffalo Coffee Shop granted beer and wine licenses 1026-3^ 17 312 RIVIERA granted beer and wine license at 71^7 Collins Ave. 10-26-3^ 1? 312 ^ S'CHMUjL dpJaixJto "5^04/ LICiUOR 55-3" Book Page 6 Beer and wine permits authorized! Ann's Cosmetic Shop,Martin's Drug Store,Epicure,Inc.DiPrimi Rest. Tahle Supply Store,Winnie's Waffle Shop 10-26-3S 17 313 Morris Brothers (ST|tAMD REST.) granted liquor license IO-26-3B I7 313 City Atty. to prepare ordinance makihg 2/3 liquor license fee for half-year . 10-26-3,8 ^ ^ 17 316 Alperts Rest.and Aunt Jenny's granted "beer and wine permits 11-2-3^ 17 332 LIQUOR 56. n Book Page ^Amendments to Liquor Ord.re:Night Clubs, closing hours for bars and^ hour for^ disjcont inua no e of musi« discussed ll/9/3g I7 333 Sam Soiloway again requests liquor license for 71st St. area 11/9/33 17 339 Mary's Bake Shop granted beer and license 11/9/33 17 1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance amending Liquor Ord» re:Night Cliubs, closing hours# and discontinuance of music in bars II/I6/3S 17. LIQ.UOR Book M.B.Liquor Agsn. protest passage of foregoing ordinance ll/l6/3g 17 3^^^ teRoy Hotel Bar nois^es cdn^lained of - 11/16/33 17- 3^^ Derby B^ noises complaint withdrawn . , 11/16/33 17 3^ I.Evans «& others refute claim that Evans Hotel Bar is noisey 11/16/33 17 31^-5 Hotel Evans granted liquor license (BELMONT CLUB) ll/lb/33 17 3^6G-eo.B.Shel ton/gran ted liquor^J^£gi^^g Hotel Tatem Bar denied liquor license ' II/I6/3S 17 3^+6- LIQUOR 5S : Book _Page- 6 Beer and wine licenses granted Lakeside Drug^'Store,Murray^ s^Rest. , Bolony Joe * Manas Famous Del.& Rest,* Sunshine Rest,, Collins Bandwich & Soda ®hop 11/16/32 17 ~3lf6 Frank's Delicatessen and Palm Oroceries denied beer and~^lne on 4-1 St St 11/2 3/JB 17 3^1 Ord,#522 passed as emergency measure prohibiting sale of liquor and beer and wine on 4-lst St, 11/23/3^ 77 3^5 -CROYDON ARMS DINING RO-OM & ROMANO' S- REST.granted beer «& wine II/23/32 I7 3^5 LIQUOR 59 Book Pae:e 3.H.B_aker„asks _amendment, ta liquor zoning to permit sale of liquor in hi 8 new re st aur ant li/3 0/3g 17 3 67 Committee appointed to consider rezoning of yist St.area to permit sale of liquor Palm Court Hotel,Inc?'^dlQ)(yAMIRO) mJke application for liquor license (denied) _ 11/30/33 17 363- Dan Chap pell seeks liquor lie ense for Palm Island C3^b ll/30/33„ 17 369- CityAtty.to render dpinidn on Palm Tfli/nd Club license 11/10/33 17 369_ LIQUOR 60 Book Page- Breeding' s Package Store granted license under court order 12/I/3S 17 372 Russian Beer and Corky's granted beer and wine pennits 12/1/32 I7 372 Refunds of overpayments on half-year liquor licenses authorized 12/1/32 17 372 Letter from Oceanside Improvement Assn, re; liquor sales in vicinity of 71st St, 12/7/38 17 m_ HICKORY HOUSE,WOFFORD MAOIC BAR,FLEETWOOD 3OTEL & FINDIES PACKA&E STORE licensed for ' liaiin-p LiCiUOR Book Beer and wine license granted to Palm Island Club. 12/7/3^ 1? 3^3 Roman Pools Spa and Seaglades Pool and Cabana Club granted beer and wine 12/7/38 17 385 Further discussion on amendment to liquor ordinance re;night clubs, hours for clobing bars and hour for discontinuance of music 12/7/3^ 17 3^^ Beer and wine permit granted to Pleetwood Hotel Dock House 12/8/3^ 17 393 E.S.Brett files application for pkg. store at 7335 Collins Ave. 12/8/38 17 393 LIQUOR 62 Book PsLf^e Lottie's Rest, granted beer^and wine permit 12/g/3g ' 1?, 395 El Patio Liquor applicaticai to be advertised 12/g/3g 1? 395 Objection filed to noises from Mother Kelley's Bar 12/g/3B 17 395 Disccusion on appointment of Board v- to regulate bars (no action)12/1^/3^ 17 39o 3rd Reading Ord,#^j6 re:night clubs, hours for closing bars and ^scon- tlnuanoe of -music IS/JJt/SS 17_J526- LIQUOR 63 Book Page EpicureRBst,again seek license for bar at Collins 12/1V3S 17 39B A.Bornstein^asks for bsir license in Normandie Plaza Hotel, Collins Ave. near 71st St. 12/1V3S I7 -39B Gep.p,Jacobs reminds Council of his application for padcage goods on: tlst- St. I2/1W3B—17 39B Frank's Delicatessen again ask for beer and wine license 12/1^^-/38 17 35^ Bus ters,Ino* gran ted beer and wine license 12/1V33 17 399 LIQUOR 6i|- T Book Page -JElbow Room and Aymonln's Farms granted beer and wine 12/21/31 17 ^12 Transfer of 3 liquor licenses approved: LeRoy Hotel to W.E.Pollock Harry's Restatirant to H.P.Keirn and ElPatio Rest.to Wm.Mack 12/2l/3g 17 3 Liquor licenses granted; Jack's Package Stre,New Paddock & ^reyhound Bar 12/21/3B 17 ^13 Palm Island Club,Patrician Hotel and Surf side Hotel granted liquor licensefir. u-.