Liquor_April 1935 to March 1936LiaUOFx
Book Page
Paddock Bar granted
Liquor license ^I'blyb 13
Ordinance on control and licensing
of liquor establishments to he
prepared. ^Il9l35 13 ^52
Ben Cohen & E.A.Woolfe urged that
music be allowed in bars 7/17135 13 494
Ord. #391 regulating and licensing
sale of liquor -emergency 7/17/35 13 495
Lincoln Rd.Assn.objects to bars on
Lincoln Rd. 7/17/35 13 507
Book Page
lussell Thompson objects to Issuance
of liquor licenses for establishments
on 4lst Street & 8/14/35 14 39
also night clubs
Form of ordinance presented prohibiting
sidewalk sale of liquor 8/14/35 14 4l
presented by Mr.Burbridge
1st and 2nd Readings of Ordinance
prohibiting sale of liquor on Lincoln
Road (presented to Mr.Burbridge) -
8/14/35 14 41
Book Page
M?. Shepard instructed to prepare
form of Zoning Ordinance regulating
sale of liquor in Miami Beach 8/14/35 14, 42
Lincoln Road Patio Bidg. restaurant
proprietor urges that he he allowed
to serve wines and liquors 8/21/35 14 52
A.J.Ullian and Atty.Wm.J.Dunn urge
that liquor be permitted to be sold
on Lincoln Rd. 8/21/35 14 52
Hearing set for Sept.18,19^5 on liquor
WUoatlons 9/V35 14 90
Book Page
Proof of Publishing notices on
liquor applications Sept.18,1935 1^ 93
5 objections filed to Mother Kelly's
at 1405 Bade Blvd. Sept.18,1935 14 94
Consideration and decision of City
Council on all applications filed
prior to Sept.6th,1935 9/18/35 14 101
(See minutes for those granted and
those refused)
Clerk tOcnotifv property owners onjincoxn Ka. wxth reference to zonxng
for liquor 9/18/35 14 103
Book Page
Service Bar for Nunnally's
on Lincoln Road requested. 9/30/35 1^ 1X4
J. Marquette Phillips
requests permission for
service bar on 4lst St. 9/30/35 14 114
Ullian's ask permission to
maintain their package
store on Lincoln Road. 9/30/35 14 114
Arthur Pancoast asks per
mission for Package Store , , ,
at Pancoast Hotel Drug Store 9/30/35 14 114
Rev. Ellsha King protests against
sale of Liquor in Patten Bldg. on
Lincoln Road. 9/30/35 14 114
Summary of questionaires sent to
Lincoln Road property owners
presented-by City Clerk. 9/30/35 5-4 115
Changes approved in Liquor Zoning
Ordinance. IO/2/35 14 116-
Request made for Liquor Package
Store in Patten Bldg. on Lincoln Rdo.
10/2/35 14 117
Book Pase
Liquor J-icense granted to Tropical
Grill lO/Z/35 14 132
Liquor Zoning Ord. #402 passed
final reading 10/16/35 135
Discussion on Liquor Zoning
Ordinance 10/16/35 T4 I35
Hearing heId pn_ applications
advertised IO/I6/35 14 135
Beer & WINE^iermits authorized
10/17/35 14 151
Hotel Embassy granted liquor
license 10/17/35
Nat'l Liquor Store-655 Wash. Ave.
Dade Pharmacy denied license
Harry E. Jacobs (Mannies) granted
liquor license 1.0lYll7>b
J.Marquette Phillips granted
liquor license 10/17/35
Oasis granted liquor license
Book Page
14 152
14 152
14 152
14 152
14 152
14 152
Book Page
4 Aces, Gallagher's Inc., Pancoast
Hotel Drug Store and Village
Tavern applications deferred 10/17/35 14 152
Ullians Drug Store application to
sell liquor granted 10/17/35 14 152
Inter^>retation of liquor ordinance
by Inspector objected to by Council
man Ghilders 10/23/35 14 l60
5fropical Grill liquor license re
funded 10/25/35 14 161
Granting of Gallagher's liquor
license urged 10/30/35 14 166
LIQUOR ^ 12,
Book Page
Nat*l Liquor Stores given permit
to change name of concern to Nat'l
Package Store 10/30/35 167
Beer and wine permits
authorized. 10/30/35 14 170
Amendment to Liquor zoning ord.
passed Ist & 2nd Readings 10/30/35 14 170
Hearing held on applications
advertised II/6/35 14 172
Gallagher's Inc.granted liquor X
license 11/6/35 14 172
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord. #4o6, amending
Liquor Zoning Ord. to permit
sale of liquor in golf club
houses 11/6/35 14 177
Refund of Liquor License fee ordered
to J.Marquette Phillips 11/7/35 1^ 179
Beer and Wine permit granted to
A.Schwarzkopf -Royal Deli. 11/7/35 14 180
Liquor Permit granted 4 Aces * ^'^'^1^14 180
for one year only^^ 14 180
LIftUOR 14.
Book Page
Llquor llcanses__graiited to Nautilus
HoteljLagorce Golf Club House and
Bayshore Golf Club 14 180
S.H.Braznell to pay additional fee
before consideration is made of
his application I'bS 14 ISO'
Henry's Dining Room granted permit
to sell.liquor 14 180-
Walker-Skagseth Food Store granted ,
permit to sell liquor wjily^ 14 1^
Blackstone Hotel granted
'permit for liquor 14 180
LI<aUOR 15.
Book Page
Carter Catering Co.denied permit
to sell liquor fl!>5 1^ 180
T.W.Tub Palmer granted liquor permit
11/7/35 14 180
Betty's Grill granted permit 11/7/55 14 I80
Buck Grundys grante -Pe?'mlt l_l/7/35 14 180
A. E. Wolfe urged that music be
allowed in bars. 11/13/35 14 182
Book Page
Att'y. Wm, J. Dunn urges that license/,
be granted "Pour Aces" at 1111 Dade
Boulevard. II/I3/35 14 188
Carter Catering Go. granted permit
to sell liquor. II/I5/35 14 192
Pour Aces granted permit to sell
liquor. 11/15/35 14 193
BEER & WINE permits authorized II/I5/35 l4 I93
lat & 2nd reading of Ordinance
limiting liquor licenses to be
^^Jsued. 11/15/35 14 193
LIQUOR ^ 17.
Ist & 2nd reading of Ordinance
permitting music in barrooms.
11/15/35 14 194
Liquor Package Store license
granted Liggett Hrug Co. at
1102 Lincoln Road. 11/18/35 14 195
Private Club license for salw
of liquor was granted to Beach
Cabana Club at 4323 Collins Ave.
11/18/35 14 195
Beer & Wine permits authorized.
11/18/35 14 195
^ Book Page
Liquor licenses grated to Nunnally
Co. and Palm Bar* & Hackneys" 11/20735 1^ 199
Beer & Wine permits granted jbo Cook's
Casino and White Rose Market 11/^/35 1^ 199
Pancoast Hotel Drug Store appllcat!on to
sell liquor considered 11/29/35 1^ 218
Pancoast Hotel Drugstore application
again discussed 1274/35 l^'i^ 219
Redonsideratinn r>f Paddock,.Inc.liquor _
license urged 127'^/35
Book Page
13 applications for liquor license
hearing held 14 220
13 beer and wine licenses granted „ „^
1.2/hlJ,5 14 220
12 liquor applications heard on 12/4
considered 12/6/35 14—'—230 "
RvDiBudd (Pancoast Hotel Drug Store)
denied license 12/6/35 14 230
Paddock,Inc. file amended application _
for liquor license 12/6/35 230
Hearihg set for Dec. X8,1935 on l incoin
Road zonlna for lioiior 12 /6/'^R 231-
Boo^ Page
3 Beer and wine permits granted to
Venetian Docks,Leon's,Inc. & Geo.
E. Shelton 12/11/35 1^ 233
Paddock,Inc. request for liquor &
night club permits denied 12/11/35 1^ 233
Tabulation of replies on package liquor
stores on Lincoln Road 12/lg/35 1^^- 237
Liquor licenses to be denied any property 237
fronting or abutting on Lincoln Rd.I2/lS/35
Aymonin Farm Produce Market granted
beer & wine permit 12/15/35 23S
BqqIs Page
5 Liquor Applications heard & granted
ie. ,Everglades Cafe & Rest. ,Herraan's
Se aSpray G lubi" Olney I nn o f-Fla. - Max-
.Silyerberg(M..B.Kennel Club) 12/1B/35 239
3rd- Reading Ordinance permitting music
in bars until 11:00 o'clock P.M.
lost upon roll call 12/13/35 239-
1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance permitting
"music Tn "bars""urrti 1 iBt OCrRTM. -12/1^/35 14
" Hearing" held "on k- applicat ioTial ievBeaclr--&--Tennis^Qlub»Charley's Paddock Or
-Dixie Tavern & Oceanic Gardens 12/23/_35 2^1-3
Liguoa Y 22.
Book Pa^e
B e er p ermitus^ author1 zed-JbQ_
Belmonte Restaurant & Strath-Haven
HotBl- 12rf2JfYr~ Ik 2kk
"6 Liquor permits granted -Alamac Bar
& Grill,Fleetwood Hotel Hangar Bar
Fleetwood Hotel Continental Bar and
Dine Properties,Inc. and Curleys.and
Bouche Villa Venice l/g/36 1^ 25S
9 permits granted for beer and wine
l/g736 Tk 25B~
Beer and wine permits authorized to
Pancoast Hotel Drug Store, ^ass Rail ^^
and Breeding *^8 Drug Store I./I5/36 I^F 269^
Book Page
Liquor pemnits granted Deauville Hotel,
Morris Bros,Inc. and Atlantis Hotel
1/15/36 1^ 270
Beer and wine permit granted Evelyn
Raynor I/29/36 ill-
Liquor licenses granted Minsky's Bar,
El Patio, Wofford Hotel and Palm Is-
land Club I/29/36 l^t 2BiL.
Pickwick Club ask for liquor license „
on "Club" basis I/29/36 1^^ 22^-
LiaUOR 2^-,
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord, #^l6 permitting
muBlc In bars until midnight
n 1/29/36 il|. „ 236- -
E.A.Woolfe asks extension to 2iGd AiM^
closing time for bars 2/5/36 it 23?
The Park Ave. and The %ltman Hotel
granted liquor licenses 2/5/36 1^ 239
Beer lljcenses granted Romano's and
Harry's Market 2/5/36 29O
PIckwick Liquor application hearing ^ _held _ jjQ action 2/19/36 it 296
-.j-vauUR 25«
Book Page
Six applications for beer juid wine
licenses granted to; Dutch Stand,
New- Je rs ey Drug- Co, r Inad Market, ——
Jack Sheridan,Bernstein's Jewish
Home Cobklhg, Walker-Skagseth Food
Stores ,Inc . 2/I9/30 — 29^
i|- Beer and wine permits authorized toj
Bbardwalk7 We lhkTes7 Pig TraiX Thh ,
and M.B,Pharmacy 2/26/36 1^ 3^3-
Sale of_ liquor in moving-picture thea-
tres prohibited - Ordinance No.^20
passed 3 readings 3/^/36 1^ 3lS^