Liquor_March 1936 to August 1937LIQUOR
Book Page
2 beer and wine permits granted -
Application of Rod and Reel Club for
permit to se'll' beer & wine to be
considered ^/l/ 36—
-P r inee C^o rge ^oda-Shoppe granted -bee r-
and wine permit Vg/3o
antic Pharmacy and Graves
Pharmacy 3/161^36— li<: 336'
Causeway Market granted beer and
vrine license— 3/25^36 3^7"
iif 379
Book Page
1 -Bar and-Grllle grant ed
beer and wine permit 4/29/36 ^7
Parkway -Uo^^Inc^^, applicatlon for-
beer and wine permit tabled 5/6/36 1^
Archie's Soda Shop granted beer and
wine~^rmit 5/^20/3^ ir"lrtO~
Max^Goodman,"Collins Ave.Market,Inc.
application for beer permit tabled
1st & 2nd-- Readings Ord. - ^endrag-#39 ill- l}-l|-0
prohibiting sale of liquor for consump-
tibn on premises 200•" from private"
s chools A..1Q -xK IK 70-
LigUOR 2S,
Book Paee
1st & 2nd Readings Ord. Amending
Ord. #391 defining "Block" S-21-3b I5 62
1st & 2nd Readings Ord. limiting one
kind of liquor establishment to a
block B-21—36 15 8 2-
3rd reading Ord. defining piock
Ord. #1-3S 9-2-36 15, 101
3iNi Reading' Oird. #^^39 llTnitlng one
kind of liquor establishment to block
9-2-36 15 101
3rd Redding 0rd.#i}-40 prohibiting bars ^
200' from nrivate schools q-2-l6 IR 102-^^
- Book Page
Abe Katz new liquor store (Pkg)9^rt:e^3'S- —15
12th St.Bar & Grille granted beer
-&-wine permit k--2$=y6 1^1:^ iK)7
Archie' s^_Soda, Shop_,granted beer
& wine permit 5-20-36 ill- Ij-il-O
-J-7S-;Mas-&-ftedr~Gap7lnc^ panted
Jae-er-&—wine—lijoen-ses— 15 13^t^
Harry's Rest.,Surfside & Hotel
" Pharmacy grated' "d)e'er"permlt"s
- 9-30-56 1§ 155_
^ Book
Councilman BurTDridge_ offers ordinance
to prohibit any liquor sales on Lin-
coln-'Road- —-1st -aitd-Bnd-readings
3t30-36 15
Councilman Burbridge offers resolution
prohibiting any additional bars on
Miami Beach, Fla. 9-30-3^ 1$ ^5^
—(does not pass)
Derby Bar application to be adver
tised for hearing 9-30-3^ 15-- 1^0
Lincoln Road liquor applications ordered
renewed upon application IO-7-36 I5 160
liquor 31,
Book Page
6 liquor licenses granted for
1936-37 10-7-36 15 161
7^liquor applications advertised
for Oct.21 considered IO-2I-36 I5 177
Issuance of liquor license to Forge
Club and Marquette Phillips argued
10-21-36 15 177
Liquor license to Patten Bldg.loca
tion discussed - can not be Issued
10/21/36 15 179 -
BqqIs; TLaga,-
Liquor licenses granted 5 O'cloclc
Glub-211,22nd St., Derby Bar,Sam.F.Friend,
_Al's Package Store,Nat'1 Pack.Store. _
10-21-36 15 191
Liquor Licenses denied Collins Cock
tail Bar and Deauville Beach Ciuij
10-21-36 15 191
Liquor licenses granted 31.L.Patten,
Braznell Hotel & Deck Bar 11-^^—36 15 20^-
Liquor licenses granted Picadilly Glubi
Stage & Screen & ^om Heeney 11-4-36 I5 209
Lou's Bar granted liquor
license 11-12-36 15__219_
: Book Page
Discussion on_lseuanoe„of_„Liq'Uojr
license to J.M.Phillips & Andrew
Bruno at" ^<-32 W. i|-lst St. II/I2/36 13 220
Liquor license authorized issued
to above II/I2736 13"~ 220
Fan & BillIs,Inc.granted liquor
license ll/lg/36 15 232—
LeRoy Villas Hotel permit.referred __ oio
to City Manager ll/lS73b 15 ^32
Liquor licenses granted LeRoy Hotel,
Marine Terrace Bar & Jack Dempsey's
12/3/36 15^—27§—
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings Ord. amending
Ord. #391 as to hour of closing
bars 12-16-36 " 15 2^9 -
1st & 2nd readings Ord.amending
Ora.#391 as to muslo^|n^gars^2 ggg _
Liquor licenses granted_to Gatti_Restau-
rant, Blackstone Bar ® Boadside Best
12-16-36 15 291
Atty.Garland Budd protests to passage
of ordinance increasing closing hour
of bars and music in bars 1-6-37 15 31T
Book Page
3rd Reading 0rd,^#it70 increasing
closing hour of bars to 3 A.M.
1-6-37 ^ 317"
, ^ - -
3rd Reading Ord. #^+71 increasing
hour for music in bars to 1 A.M.
1-6-37 13 31g^-
Liquor licenses granted to Shore—^
mede Hotel,Thwaites Shore House and
Tides Cocktail Bar. 1-6-37 I5 329
granted liquor license
Morey's Bar granted liquor license
2-17-37 15 39s
Book Pa^e
Liquor license granted to SunHoy _ „
Restaurant (M.J.G-llroy) 3-17-37 15
Liquor license refunds authorized
to Stage & Screen Bar and John L.
Patten 3-17-37 15 W
Beer and wine permit granted
Fred's Bar ^-3-37 15 ^95 vs.
Applications for liquor licenses
presented by Wm. Rubin and Harold
J. Basso in l-ocations zoned against
same. 4/21/3/ I6 33
liquor 37.
Book Page
Application for license made by
BenJ. Cohen for client for Circus _ r rsx
Bar for year 1937-193^ 5/5/57
Liquor license granted to the
Coconut Grove, Inc. 97
Beer & Wine license granted to
Sun Cut Rate Drug Co. 6/7/37 16 I36
Action defBrred on application
of Jordan M« Cohan for ■3-lqpo'5r" license lo 136
1st reading of Ord, doubling
license fees. 6/16/37 I6 13^5
Beer and Wine license granted
to Schiff's Kosher Market. 6/16/37
Liquor license granted to Jordan
M. Cohan. 6/I6/37 16 1^1-5
3rd and final reading of Ord.#i}-SB
doubling license fees. 7/7/37 17^
Book Page
Liquor license granted to '
"Trodadero" - 1111 Bade Blvd*
for 1937-1932 season. 7/7/37 122
Liquor permit requested for new
Fassa Restaurant at 4-lst St. and
Prairie Ave, Denied. 7/2I/37 16 I90
License to sell "beer and wine
granted to "Sugar Bowl" and Baer's
market. 7/21/37 16 191
Oceanic Gardens granted liquor license
1937-^2 2-^-37 16 202