Lummus Island-Carstairs Airport_September 1945 to December 1947LUMMUS ISIAND-CAR3TAIR3 AIRPORT 1, Book Page Marlon Carstairs asks permit to construct landing strip and hangars for private planes on Lummus Island - taken under advisement 9/5/^5 23 215 Above request continued to be taken under advisement 9/19/^5 23 220 Chamber of Commerce Planning Committee recommends Carstairs Airport project 9/21/^5 23 23I Council grants permit for airport subject to securing LUMMUS ISLAND-CARSTAIRS .AI.RF.OfiT 2. I Book Page a letter from them that the business will be abandoned if it becomes a nuisance 9/21A5 23 231 4- Winds Air Ass'n, submits letter re. abandonment of airport if it becomes nuisance II/21A5 23 29O City Attorney says change of zoning is necessary 11/21/4-5 23 29O LUMMU3 ISLAND - CARSTAIR3 AIRPORT 3. Book Page M, B. Carstairs requests that zoning on Luimnus Island be changed to permit operation of airport ' 12/5A5 23 305 Res. #5900* calling zoning hearing on proposed change 12/5A5 23 306 Zoning hearing Is held on Lummus Island rezonlng, and Is continued to next meeting 1/2 A6 23 339 LIMMUS ISLAND - GARSTAIR3 AIRPORT Book Zoning hearing is continued - Council votes ^4- - 2 in favor of changing zoning but no ordinance is read 1/16/4^6 23 Zoning hearing is continued - ordinance changing zoning to permit airport fails to pass 1st reading by vote of 3 to 3 2/6/46 23 Orleans Corporation brings action seeking to compel City to grant permit for airport on Lummus Island 3/20/46 23 LUMMUS ISLAND - CARSTAIRS AIRPORT Council authorizes employment of Mr, Chelsie Senerchia to - testify in Carstairs suit 8/7/k-6 City loses Carstairs zoning case Judge Hunt urges the City not to appeal Vivion Rutherford, rep resenting island property owners, urges the City to appeal 3/5A7 3/5A7 Book 2k- 25 25 5. Page 255 1 1 3/5A7 25 LUMMUS ISLAND - GARSTAIRS AIRPOIg 6 Book Page Coiincil votes 5-0 to appeal case without supersedeas 25 2 In compliance with court order, Council gives 1st & 2nd readings to ordinance placing Lummus Island in "BP" zone to permit operation of air base 3/19/^+7 25 ^9 3rd reading Ord. #8oM- changing zoning on Lummus Island to "BP" V2A7 25 75 LIM>ITJS ISLAND - CARSTAIRS AIRPORT 7 Book Page Res. #6261 authorizing issuance of permit to Four Winds Air Ass'n, for operation of seaplane base and service center on Lummus Island V7A-7 25 88 Council denies request of Meyer, Weiss & Rosen that City reimburse them for expenditures in connection with zoning suit on above 12AA7 26 18