Lummus Park Recreationnal Center_May 1931 to May 1950LUMMUS PARK RECREATIONAL CENTER
(Name changed 3-17-5^)
Petition of Ocean. Drive property owners
between 2th & 9th Sts» |o|^I^dscaping
Above iH5)rovement again requested 6-'3"*31 H, 55
Alden Freeman compliments City on ^pear-
ances of 6-3-31 11, 67
Re;present deed to Ltimmus Park which
contains reversionary clause 6/22/33 ^ 12> 95
New form of deed presented 6/22/33 12> 95
Council accepts new deed " 12j 95
Mayor & Clerk authorized to sign
new Agreement Deed to Lummus Park 2/7/33 12» l^g
Lumros PARK
Book Page
Assignment of Contract covering
use of Lummus Park in coramerciai
way, to J.N.Lummus and E.L.Stapp ; ;
5/13/36 1^
J. N. Lummus proposed to construct
bather's parking spaces in Lummus
Park, 7/2B/37 16 ^ 202 -
Communication from Lummus & Stapp off^j^'^^
ing to sell all rights in Lummus Park ^
for $15,000.00 12-3-37 16 ^35-^-
City Meinager to negotiate for final
3d:tlement on above 12-3-37 I6 ^35-
Book Page
City Mgr. authorized to build
fence on north boundary line of
Lummus Park l-H-39 d.7 ^53—
Mr. Renahaw reports fence or wall
not yet built in Eummue Park
2-1-39 17
——of—$2^ 000 • laade—f or^ -whit eway^
system in Lummus Park
11-20-40" 19 414
Book Page
L^ter fjTOin Stapp ^Lummus offering _
to sell all title In Lummu^^ark for
$10>000.00 cash- accepted by City-—-j-
1-5-3^ 16 kSJ -
Mr.Renshaw instructed to install
showers and drinking'fountains in
Lumraus Park ^12-6-39 . Ig ^6 _ ..
—Council authorize' uae'^of strip in
Lummua Park f or-enecticn-of search-light __
by U. 3. Army 10/23/^2 21 ^3^
Aaron Courshon asks for
better illumination and
some recreational facilities 12/15/^ 27 2^
Aaron Courshon's request for
lighting and walks in Lummus
Park taken under advisement 1/5/^ 27 272
Council defers action on
Aaron Courshon's request
for improvements to park 1/19/^9 27 38;
Signs indicating name of
park to be replaced V6A9 28 23
Request of Aaion Courshon that
City allocate $30,000 in 1949-50
budget for lighting park is
granted 7/20/49
Book Page
28 251
Council awards contract
for ornamental lighting
of Lummus Park to Astor
Electric Company 10/5/^9 28
Council authorizes ex
penditure of $800,00 to
aid in expediting lighting
project 10/5/^9 28 4^7
Book Page
Council authorizes
expenditure of $300.00 in
connection with Lummus Park
lighting celebration 12-21-^9 29 10^-
City Attorney explains
terms of the title under
which the City now holds
Lummus Park in reply to
objection to commercial
use of park 5-10-50 29 3^6
Citizens protest commer-
cMization of park 5-10-50 29 3^6