M Miscellaneous_April 1938 to April 1941•.fM". mSCELDANEOUS 25.
Book Page
Merlin Kosher Market granted
beer and wine permit ^6-3^ 17 92
M. B. Bowling Alleys granted permit
for Neon sign 4-20-3^ 17 112
M.B.Radio & Cab urge settlement of
taxi rates and stands 5-13-3^ 17 l6l
Moore-Frances X, application for
beer permit held up 5-25-33 17 163"
Mannheimer Private School Permit
for 1930-39 held up 5-25-33 17—163-
Book Page
Monte Carlo Bar granted 11quoi^
license 6-g-3g H 173
Mack,W,C. files liquor application
for 7135 Collins Ave. 6-2-3^ 17 175
Mack, W. 0. files another liquor ap-
plication for 7135 Colls.Ave. 6-3-3B I7 23B
Miami Beach Baptist Church request
permit to operate nursery class 8-17-38 17,2^8
M. B, Fish, Inc. - granted fish market
permit 8-2^1-38 I7 256
Book Page
Miss Mac's School granted permit
for 193S--39 season 9-7-3^ 17 267
Mannheimer School granted 193^-39 _
season permit 9-7-3^ 17 267
Miller, Irving -granted package
liquor license 9-7-3^ 17 275
Martin's Drug Store granted beer
and wine license 10-26-33 17 313
Morris Brothers granted liquor
license for STRAND Rest. IO-26-3S 17 313
Book Page
Miami Be^Ji College of Music &
M.B.Junior College granted
193S-39 penai ta 11A/5S 1? ^
A1 Milgrim denied permit for arefaery
range 11/9/33 17 3^0
Maryi's Bake Shop grsuited beer and
wine license II/9/3S 17 3i|-l
Marks,Sam - urges Council to reduce
number of taxi and for-hire permits
Councilman, BURBpBGE-oMects T-,—creased number of permits ll/Ib/JS 17 3^5
Book Page
Murray*s Rest, and MANAS Famous
Del. & Rest.granted beer and
wine iic^^nses 11/16/35 17 3lf6
M.B.Tennis Club request permit to
construct tennis courts on Lots 1,2
and 3 rBlk^53, Orchar d Subdn.ll/l6/3B -1?^ 3^7
Mother Kelley's granted night club
II/I6/3B 1^ 3^8
Mechlow,Joseph -makes application for
liquor license in yist St.area
Morleghem-^J-.-granted J.I/I6/3B 17
parking lot permit 11/23/35 I7 366
Book Pap:e
Miami Beach Jitney Cocp.protest
creation of new Jitney line ll/30/3^ 17 3^7
Miami Beach Tennis Club granted permit
to construct tennis courts and operate
parking lot ^ 12/1/38 17 371
Miller—Harry, given permit to operate
taxi stand 12/8/38 17 JSK
Mother Kelley's Bar noises complained
of 12/8/32 17 395
Marts,Sam-request for bus permit
referred to City Mgr. 12/21/38 17
Book Page
Mack,Wm.-granted transfer of
liquor license from 2i Patio Rest.
12/21/32 17
Miller, Harry - granted Certificate
of Publio-Conv: enience & Necessity
M.B. Jitney Agsn. reques"^^permit —^
to reroute their south beach buses
to 2th St. 1-12-39 17"^^6
Minsky'g Music Hall granted
license 1-12-39 . 17 U-51
Marine Restaurant granted beer and
wine license 2-1-J9 -17- %2-
Book Page
Marine Tavern bar noises com-
plained of by John B.Reid
3/1/39 17
Mitchell, Gxis - #200,00 appro
priated for funeral eroenses
V5/39 12 36
Maurice, Robt. given permit for
shoe repair shop at I66I Meridian
Avenue 5/17/39 12 77
Maiorana,Salvatore-requests shoe
repair shop permit for 710-5'th St.
6/22/39 ig ^132
Marine Terrace Hotel, Inc.
(John B. Reid, Pres.) given
liquor license 7/5/39 Ig 135
Miami Orange Bowl Committee
request appropriation of l5»000
7-19-39 IS 163
Miami Drum & Bugle Cojt>s request
for appropriation denied 7-26-39 IS 176
Minskey's Burlesque Show not to
be licensed on Miami Beach 7-26-39 IS 177
Book Page
Atty, Chas. M. Moon requests change
In Zoning Ord.to specify minimum num
ber of cubic feet in homes in Biscayne
Point g-2-39 Ig lg3
Murray, E. L. liquor application con
sidered by Council(action withheld)
g-2-39 Ig lg7
Murray,E.L. granted liquor permit for
922 Lincoln Road B-7-39 IS 192
Book Page
'3. & Mack' s Bar seek liquor
license - no action 10-4-39 290
Milburn Hotel granted parking lot
permit for S|- Lot 19 and all of
Lot 20, Blk.57»^lsher' s 1st- Sub,
_ 10-4-39 Ig
Jill 1 er_,^. Pet er _ Hot el granted. parking
lot permit subject to waivers and
final approval of City Mgr. 10/4/39 Ig 291
MOTHER KELLEY'S granted night club
permit 10/5/39 1^ 31^
Book Page
Miss Mac's School granted permit
providing she Tneets with sanitary
regulations 10/5/39 IS 315
^ - Mage e. An drew- granted liquor_ license
at 600 Fifth St. lO/lS/39 IS 32S
M.B.Servioe Station Assn, complain of
transients washing and polishing
automobiles 11/1/39 2>g 3^3
Mercur,Lew-granted night club license
for old ^ay Nineties 11/1/39 1^ 352-
MABY & MAC'S BAR granted liqaor
Hjense 11/1/39 IB 353
Book Page
Mary's & Mac's granted liquor
license 11-1-39 18 353
Harry Martz application for parking
lot permit referred to City Mgr.ll/3/39 lg,36U-
Mercur,Lew - granted liquor license
for NUT CLUB 11/16/39 Ig J&k-
Martz,Harry granted parking lot on
Lot l,Blk.g,Ocean Beach II/16/39 18 390
Miami Trans.Co, ask for additional
bus peraiits - denied 12/6/39. 18
- Morris,Jos. - granted parking lot _ .
permit at l^^-th Lane & Ocean Dr. 12/6/39 18 ^7
M.B.Travel Bureau granted Travel
Bureau license 1/17/^ 13 44^1-
Monroe Towers Dining Boom granted _
beer and wine license 1/17/4D 16 444-
Mechlow, Joe - agreement with Twin
City Motor Co. reported to 'Council
Molinari,Jane R. & Fral^^yoffer
to purchase portion of Lot 13,Elk."56.
Ocean ^ " w , - _ . ^ »
City Atty.riders opinion on
Pchiggw-Twin City controversy V6/40 IQ 4M^hiagw-Twin City controve'rsy'3/6/40 19 4
Book Page
Mollnari, Jane R. & Frank,Jr.
offer to purchase portion of Lot
Ig, Elk.36,0.F.Prop. V3/^0
(Accepted) 19 52
A.J.Miles- April 1st estimate on
Flamingo Park office building
i|-3-40 19 66
Bid of John T.Maple returned unopened
for baseball field lighting system
if-g-40 19 re
purchase of early Miami ^each photo-
gr»hs from C. C. MATLACK -authorized
5/15/eo 19 113
_ _ __ Pag<
Jlaj3Kennedy,R.J. case - City agree „
they have no responsibility to family
of man 19 129
Magic Bar granted beer and wine
licenses 6/19A0 19 l6g
Muir,Wm.W. seeks permit to construct
fishing pier at foot of Biscayne St.6/I9AO 19—^4-
Mannheimer School granted privateschool permit for 1940-iJ-l 7/26/40 19 201
Book Page
Mills Rock Co, awarded contraat _lor
pit rock on Collins Ave, Improvement
9/25/HO 19 JOT""
Mills rock Co, awarded pit rpck
contract on Bay Road improvement
9725/^0" 19 301
Mechlowitz, J. - asks permit to put
2 of his cars on Venetian Line lO/2/UO I9 309
Martin, Harry - granted permit for
pi?jkvate beach and cabana club at 17th
-and Collins Ave, 10-2-40 19
Margaret Ann Market granted beer
and wine license 10/2/40 1^ 3^^
Miljean Hotel request permit to
erect sign on City property 10/9/40 19 323
Mansion OperatihgCq.granted permit to '
operate parking lot on Lots I6 to 20^
Elk.29,Fisher's 1st Sub. 10/16/40 I9 353
MacFadden Hotel- given permission to
remodel hotel to include ^cocktail
lounge 10-16-45 I9 33^-
Mother Kelleyta -granted night club
10-21-40 19 363
Book Eagfi-
Martin, Harry - grated permit foroperation-of private cluD, Block 5,-
M,B.I.Go, Ocean Front 10-23-421 19 370_
Mechlow, Joa. asks permit to operate
his cars on jitney lines 10-23-40 IS 370
Harry_-_ permit revoked for
construction of cabanas at 17th St.
and Ocean 11-13-40 19 401
Margaret - Ann--Marke-t*-659 Wash. Ave,
granted beer and v/lne permit
^ T1-13-4Q 19' ^410"
Manas, Louis - granted beer and wine
license at 655 Collins Ave. 11-20-40 19 416
Book Page
Martin, Harry - again given permit
for cabana club at 17th St. & Ocean
ll-2Cr-^0 19 422—
Mansion Operating Go.denied permit
for beach club on ocean 11-20-40 19 422~
Mor^^—Bros—^—04 erk InstrurCbed ^
to pay for employees car parking
^ashh" of 193 9-40 11^7-40 19 428
Miami Hurricane - given ad for
Homecoming edition -$55.00 ll/27/4p 19 450
Maxlne Hotel granted parking lotpermrr^ 11/27/40 19 455
Book Page
Morris Bros.granted parking lot
11/27/^0permit "19"
Miaml_ Chamber ^f_Jloramerce_jaskM.B.,_
to have representative at meeting to
discuss establishmefrt" of "Joint offioe"
iirJMashlnghon, .^CWLolfs onLJ;o^_re-,
present City of M.B. 11/27/40 19
H.Miller transfers taxi permit to
Century Cab 12/4/40 19
Martin, Harry - granted parking lot
Book Eag.e
Miami Beach Mirror granted Xmas
ad In their paper 12/16/40 19 480
^Mlt cliell, loTor s gr ant ed-l;ravel - bur eau-
license 12/24/40 19 493
Martz, Harry - granted parking Lot,
Ei^ Lot i, Blk.8,0.B. 1/2/41 20
Meyer, Ghas, & Martha - give easement
~on-T,ot"97;Bai^B,~Talm View-8ub^i^
—MeehlOTi tz , Rabbi ^ depu-1/22/41 20 21—
tized to enforce Kosher Ord, 1/22/41 20 23_
Jacob Miller denied permit to sell
handmade boats on Beach 1/29 Ml pn gi
^— Book—Bago
Miami Jewish Funetal Home denied
^ermlt~ Tor~Timeral home"dn^srt~on~
Mlshler, Wm.T.E, files application
iroT~li-quor" parckage^tdr e" air 7 Is t
_and _C ollins__Av--a. 2/5/41 20 54-
Miami" Beach-Travel-^ureair granted
travel bureau license 2/5/41 20 42
Miami Beach Times designated for
publication of Delinquent 1940
-Gity-taxes 2/12/41 20 64
Book Page
Marsa,Mr,John - complains of docking
of "Gar Reed Sightseeihg^oat at
Wnfford Hotel Dock 5/19/41 2D 113—
lerrTck, Pos tmas ter asks G i ty~ to
assist in entertaining-visitors
to Postmasters Convention,Jiine
6 th, Tth and 8th. 3/19/41 " 20 11:7-
Miami Parts & Spring Co. denied
permit for wholesale store on Alton
Road south of 15th St, 3/19/41 20 131"
M.B.Radio Cab Co.and ^hite Line Cab
^o.transfer permits to Segal,Wm.4/2/41 "20 133"
^ Book Pago
Advertisements In M. B. Tropics
-author i Tredr^ k-/2/^ ^—20
MU- JB^ News asks_ for ad
k/2/k-l 2Cr
Maule Industries awarded contract
for furnishing stone on storm
sewer project ( Colins Canal to
15th Street) ^/l6/kl 20 17
Marks, Morris - awarded contract for
demolition of buildings 6n Lots 6,7 & 8,
Blk. 112,0.B.#4 4/25/41 20 191