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M Miscellaneous_April 1948 to December 1954
"M" MISCELLANEOUS 100 Book Page Miracle Minit Man, Inc. given permit for 2 gasoline ptunps at 535 Alton Hoad ^/7A8 26 277 A. A. Hyman's request to use of city sidewalk for steps into Mayflower Hotel is referred to City Mgr. h/7A^Q 26 29h Francis T. Mvlott's (gas rates expert) bill for $9}515.91 approved for payment 7/7A-Q 26 "M" MISCELLANEOUS M, B. Jewish Community Center granted permit for canvas awning 12/1A-8 Miami Junior Chamber of Commerce denied permission to run speed boat trials in Indian Creek 2/16A-9 Col, Chas, Mettler asks City to acquire Normandy Isle bay front property for park purposes V6A9 Book 27 27 28 218 28 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Frank A. Martin offers park property k-/6/h^ 28 28 Baron deHlrsch Meyer asks City to pay $3>808.10 to attorneys who handled school districts consolida tion litigation V20A9 28 3^- Property owners on Monad Terrace petition for repair of street 5AA9 28 131 Request of Baron deHirsch MS?ni?l'P?IirSeSfed 5/11A9 28 135 "M" MISCELLA.NEOUS 103 Book Page Letter from Miami A.rt League filed re. Art Center 8/17A9 28 351 Request of Mrs, Sadie Mann- heimer and Jos, Nagengast to rezone Lots 7 & 8, Block 35> 0B#3 be rezoned for Busi ness referred to Zoning Board II/I6A9 29 6l Offer of Cecil Mobley to sell city lot for bridge approach to Allison Island referred to City Engineer 11/2A9 29 I8 "M" MISCELLANEOUS City Manager & City attorney to investigate concerning marquee on Arthur Murray Dance studio building on Lincln Rd. $100,00 appropriated to help defray expenses of Jerry Moss while playing in two tennis tournaments MB Residential Owners Assn. urges increase in Govincilmen's salaries Book 5/3/5© 29 7-12-50 29 10-25-50 30 10^ Page MXSCELLAMEOUg 105 Book Page Permit granted employee of MeArthur Jersey Farm Dairy to sell milk on Oaines Construction Co. project 10-26-50 30 I31 Miami Beach Boat Slips, Inc. granted permit to construct timber pier into Biscajme Bay at Lot 36, Block 15A, Island View Addn. subject to Bldg. Dept. approval 2-7-51 30 36^ ?o action taken on permit o operate merry-go-round ai wheels 3-21-51 30 ^73 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 106 Book Page Res. #7622 congratulating Miami Herald - Pulitzer Prize 5-16-51 31 182 M.B. Boat Slips, Inc. and , M.B. Marine Basin, Inc. requests for publicity funds referred to Public Relations Advisory Coimnittee for study 6-20-51 31 291 Complaints filed against application of Metro Smoked Fish Corp. for fish market on Biscayne St. Action deferred on application. 6-20-51 31 295 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 10? Book Page Claim of Anna and Harold Mdhick V, City settled 7-3-51 31 311 Marine Industries Ass'n communication asking Council to reconsider request for allocations for marine activities 7-6-51 31 365 Mr. Lipp advises hearing on M.B. Boat Slips application for permit to extend dock 450 ft. into Bay to be set forward 8-27-51 31 489 Mr. Shepard and Mr. Renshaw to handle dock application of M.B. ^ / Boat Slips 9-5-51 ^ 32 40 'M" MISCELLANEOUS 108 Book Page Miami Central Labor Union urges Council to appoint Albert H. Berlin to represent organized labor on Auditorium Advisory Board. Action deferred, 9-5-51 32 ^2 City Atty to report re. Balkan Room entrance in Marine Terrace Hotel 9-19-51 32 63 tl nff"M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page James MacMlllan, Lot l6, Blk 27, Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach, objects to operation of parking lot on property south of his. Clerk to Investigate. 10-17-51 32 122 No protest to be filed re. application for Dept. of Army / permit by M.B. Boat Slips to extend catwalk and to place 3 add'l sets of dolphins 11-14-51 32 169 "m" miscellaneous :iro Book Page H. Michaelson appointed to Electricians Examining Board 11-21-51 32 19^ Res. #7864 re. Miami Beach First National Bank 11-20-51 32 209 Permission granted M.B. Boat / Slips, Inc. to build docks at J 1928 Purdy Ave. extending into Biscayne Bay 125 feet 12-12-51 32 242 "M" miscellaneous J.11 Book Page M.B. Boat Slips ask for amendment •to zoning ordinance so as to permit construction of dock extending into ^ Biscayne Bay 450 feet. Res. #7877 calling zoning hearing. 12-12-51 32 242 Harold Minsky given permit to hold burlesque shows in Plaza Theatre 12-19-51 32 259 March of Dimes request that Fire Dept. sirens be sounded January 31st, to start fund raising drive not granted. 1-23-52 32 318 "M" MISCELLANEOUS lllA Book Page Petition presented of 4lst Street merchants favoring benches on sidewalk on Royal Palm Ave. adjacent to Mendelsohn's Restaurant. Council offered no objection but took no action. 1-16-52 32 301 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 112 Book Page M. B. Times to publish delinquent tax lists for 1951 2-6-52 32 349 Metropolitan Miami Flower Show communication filed expressing satisfaction over appointment of John Poulos as Park Superintendent 2-20-52 32 383 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 113 Book Page Action deferred on request of Miami Junior Chamber of Commerce for free use of Normandy Shores Golf Course from May 26 to June 1, incl., for tournament play. 3-5-52 32 414 Miami Showmen's Ass'n asks for approval to use premises at Il60 Normandy Drive for club home (Lots 23,-27, Block 10, Ocean Side Section Isle of Normandy) . City Mgr. to investigate request and 4-2-52 32 455 report.to. Cotincll particularly re. "M" MISCELLANEOUS 11;3( , Book PageMarine Activities, Inc. ask allocation of at least $7,500. in next budget. Request referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 4-2-52 32 465 Miami Showmen's Ass'n granted permit to use premises at ll60 Normandy Drive as a club home 4-2t-52 32 470 No objection by Cotincil to application of M.B.Boat Slips to Dept. of Army for 20' extension to existing boat lift and for two clusters of mooring piling at so. , end of their property 7-2-52 33 •'•35 "m" miscellaneous 115 Book Page Permission granted M.B. Boat Slips y to extend existing 71 foot dock an additional 20 feet 7-16-52 33 158 Request of L & H Miller Co. for refund of building permit fee denied 8-20-52 33 215 Miami Beach Boat Slips ask permission to construct dock y extending 125 feet into bay and ^ 6 feet into canal. Hearing 10/15/52 10-1-52 33 296 "M" MISCELLANEOUS ll6 Book Page Code amendment to be prepared, putting Mayflower Hotel premises in "permanent canopy district" 10-1-52 33 298 Application of M.B. Boat Slips, Inc. for permission to extend dock 125 feet into Biscayne Bay at 1928 Purdy Ave. to be considered November 5th. 10-22-52 33 335 Permit granted M.B.Boat Slips to construct dock extending 125 feet into Biscayne Bay at north end of property ll-5~52 33 3^^ y "M" MISCELLANEOUS 117 Book Page Hearing to be held regarding construction of pier near south line of Boat Slips property at next meeting 11-5-52 33 3^^ Request for $7^000. contribution to pay for 10 concerts to be given by Miami Beach Civic Orchestra made by Richard Fink and Mrs. Hortense Arvan. 11-5-52 33 356 M.B. Boat Slips Corp. granted / permission to construct dock near -/ south boundary of property,extending 125 feet into Bay ^ 37I "M" MISCELLANEOUS UlS Book Page Permit granted M. B. Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n to install 110-gallon undergroTind gasoline tank for standby- lighting plant unit at 7100 Harding Ave. 11-19-52 33 376 M.B. Taxpayers Ass'n file 3 resolutions making suggestions as to conduct of elections, constitution of Council, salary of members, etc. Taken vinder advisement. 1-7-53 33 ^63 M. B. Times to publish delinquent tax lists for 1952 2-4-53 33 504 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 11$ Book Page Res, #8676 calling zoning hearing to permit erection of dock extending into Biscayne Bay a distance of 450 feet from a business or multiple-family lot (request of M.B. Boat Slips) 3-3-54 35 361 Permission granted McCormick Shipping Co. to tie up boat at Sun Oil Company Dock for repair work. Rent to be paid. ^-7-5^ 35 4o6 Letter from Howard Bond, 1234 Bay Ave. advising that he has no objections to M.B. Boat Slips extending pier into Biscayne Bay 7-7-54 36 51 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 120 Book Page Miami Beach Sun asks to be designated mediimi for publication of annual delinquent tax list Y_7_5ij 35 53^ J. P. Morgan requests change in license fee for coin-operated pinball games. Referred to City Mgr. and City Clerk for study and report,(see Occupational Licenses ^5 "M" MISCELLANEOUS ' 121 Book Page Miami Beach Boat Slips advises application will soon be made for permission to extend present dockage facilities. Council invited to make inspection trip, 12-1-54 36 358 (see^jjpecial caption M.B. Boat Slips for'1any"'f\arther indexing of same) Mrs. A. J. Mari, owner of 7520 Harding, asked to dedicate 2^ feet of property for sidewalk purposes, wants assurance that she would be permitted to build out as far as her neighbors. Also asks compen sation for damages to property. City Mgr. to furnish report. 12-^54 36 382