M Miscellaneous_February 1930 to March 1938"M" MISCELLANEOUS 1.
/2^i-€ ■^^S'
Miami Daily News request |271.0^ Ad " 9»
Moline Properties Inc. deed authorized 9_,
Mayflower Hotel Vacation Res. 21Q9 9^-
" 299
II "^Qp:
Municipal Investment So. denied permit
Mayflower Hotel settlement of Garbage
& Water Accounts 3-12-30 10, ll4-
Moloney,H. J.-Re: Restrictions Block 5^,
O.B.#3 & Set-back building line 10, 121
Miami Beach Improvement Co: Letter re:
Rededication of 20th Street at Ocean 10, 259
Margolies,Mr8, Jack: 1250.00 settlement
for injuries received at polls 3-30-3I «
Atty. Marks requests doctor & hospital 11, 79
bill for Jas. R. Brown (Refused) 6-I7-31
Meyer, Sidneys Request for change of diamond
ball schedule in Flamingo Park 7-I5-3I H,
Miami Builders Exchange: Request extension
of time in which to pay taxes 32 11, jl6
Moloney,HeJ: Objection to improperly
Clothed Bathers 5""l^-32 11, J2S
Miami Builders Exchange: Letter re:
Building Inspector 6-I5-32 11,3^7
"M" TsirjriSUtCLijAKliOUS
n ' I I I —r
Miami Herald: Bid on Tax Ad 6-27-32 11, 3^9
Mechlow,Jos. Requests Peddlers Ordi. 10-^2-32,
11, 3^0
Miami Travel Bureau granted license 11-30-32
Montmare School request tax ad3Ust/l-5-33 11,^1-76
Miami Beach Hdwe;. Co. complains
re: J.J.larrey as Bldg.Insp. 6/21/33 12>6g
Uooersi L. P. Requests repairs to
dollins Canal Bulkhead (refused) 7/19/33 12 li®
Miami Glass Dealers Assn.requestmeraber on Examining Bd« 11/1/33 12t
Book Page_
Mantell, J, complains re; fish
market 11/15/33 12 133
Matlack, C. 0. iirges assistance in
collecting funds due him on 1933
Fla. Exhibit at Fair 6/6/34- 12 4-17-
Marwin Inc.tender check being partial
payment on In5>.Liens against properties
OTOied by them. 7/13/34- 13 2
Miller, M.Victor, requests permit to
construct boxing arena 9/16/34 13 7o
Mozlner,Mae, accident settlement 10/17/34- 13,118
Matlack, 0. C. requests use of
Flamingo Park for movies 12/5/3^
Miami Beach Times selected
to publish 193'''- Delinquent
Tax list. 2/6/35-
M, B. Welfare Federation
given permission for
benefit entertainment in
Flamingo Park 2/1/35
Book Page
13, 173
13, 286
13, 264
Book Page
Mitchel Tours Travel Bureau
grant license. 13 249
Marshall, Mrs. Belle claims
City requires tenant to move
fruit, etc from her property.
1/16/35 13 233
Music Publishers representative
referred to Mr. Renshaw in
regard to a tax on collectors
of royalties. 13 292
Book Page
Minsky's Bar request permit to
operate dance hall at Pier 4/3/35 13 355
Marks -taxi permit transfer
4-15-35 13 357
Magid, S.M.requests that let Street
at ocean end be cleaned up 4/17/35 13 358
Mooty, W. P.,representing State Rd.Dept.
discusses plans for obtaining Federal
aid in improving Collins Ave.&ocean , ,
front road. 5/10/35 13 404
Book Page
Merrick, G-eo. E. proposal
re Tatum 1!!raot 5/13/35 13 ^7
Mayo, Nathan, letter re;removal of
sand from Bear's Gut 5/l5/35 13 420
Morrow, S. Grover, Mil ordered
paid covering services rendered
6/5/35 13 436
Morrow, S. Grover - adjustment
and exemption on school properties
7/3/35 13 466
Book Page
Monfils, Joseph requests pavement
be laid in 80th St. between Byron
Ave. and Abbott Ave. -no action
taken 8/14/35 14 40
Miami Beach Junior Chamber of
Commerce asks Council to aoprop.
$300. to under-write p6sBible
deficit in winter concerts in
Flamingo Park. 9/26/35 1.4 up
Council agreed to above request. 14 129
Book Pa^e
Mother Kelley's granted llguor
licenses, two locations - 2'^ra.
St, and Bade Blvd. Sept.IS,1935 101
M. B, Pharmacy granted liquor
license Sept. 18,1935 102
Morey's Haufbrau granted liquor
license Sept.18,1935 103
Book Page
Miami Beach Bay Shore Co.
ask for provision to be made
in liquoc zoning ordinance to
allow the sale of liquor to
guests at LaG-orce and Bay Shore
Golf Clubs. 9/30/35 14 114
M.B.Riding Acadamy ask permit to
move to Isle of Normandy 11/6/35 14 17I
M.B.South End Corp.granted license
for game "Radio Skill" II/I8/35 14 195
I.B. Civic League representative
aidresses Council re:preventlon of _
accidents 11/?qAr 14 218
Book ^a.ge
Monte Carlo Rest.granted beer and
wine license 12/4735 2^
Martha Washington Roof Sira con-
struction authorized 12/^35 14 227
M.B.Riding Acadamy ask permit _
to move frame sheds I2/II/35 14 232
Mitchell Tours granted permit for
operation of Travel Bureau 12/30/35^^ 253
Hbrrie Bros,Inc. granted beer and ,
wine permit _ _l/.S/3^ 25S_
Book Page
Morris Bros.Inc. granted liquor-
permit (package) I/I5/36 jA 27O
Moore, Mrs. T. V. requests donation
of #250,00 towards expenses of Feder
ation of Ifomens Club Convention
1/29/36 111- 279
Minsky/s Bar granted liquor license
1/29/36 111-
Minsky's Music Hall granted permit
for burlesque 1/29/36 ill- 2Bll-
Book Page
Mother Kelley's application for
hight club presented ^719/3^ ^9°
Meyer,Chas. assessment for storm
Tsewer ordered charged off - ^/2/36 -1^
Miami .-6>. present" -re comnrendatrions for
Miaini_Beaph_ Pharmacy tXh.c»gra^^
beer and wine permit 2726/3^ 3^3
M.B.Swimming Team given appropriation
or #350.00 for National Indoor Meet
lA 352-
traff^o regulation on causeway 576736 1^ ^19
Book Page
^^n]aelmer„ School granted-permitto operate 1936-37 season i2}. 1|^1
M.B.Private Day School. - granted
1936-37 permit 7-15-36 15 13-
M.B.Business & Professional Womens
Gluh given #50-00 Convention
g-5-36 15 6^3-
JBonk Page
Miller , M. Victor - asks delay in_
3rd reading of amendment to Liquor
Zon.Ord. effecting Espanola Way
9-2-36 1^ - - 92
Miami Beach Bingo - application for
license to operate 9-2-36 I5 93
Mi^i Beach BIngO - consi dered but
denied on roll call 9-16-36 I5 13^
Mas, J. S. Pharmacy - g^ant,ed beer
and wine permit 9-16-3 6 X5 13^
Book Page
Mahoney. J. T. requests change In
liquor zoning^ to permit cocktail
lounge on ijo1r-l-g-,-^lk. 2, Fl-e^etw&o4
(lost on roll call) 9-16-36 I5 535__
Miami Beach Kosher Market granted
^oeer "and wine licenee 10/21/ 36 -I5 IS^
Mitchell's Tours.Inc..granted travel
bureau license 11-^-36 ^5
Morleghem,John.- slyen^^^
permit St.& Collins 11-^-35 15 2T2
Book Page
Miami Beach ^outh End Co
granted Radio Skill license II-I9-36 I5 251
Marine Terrace Bar _granted
liquor license 12-3-3^ 15 275
Marks,Morris - granted parking lot
at S.E.cor.Sth & Wash.Ave, 12-9-$6 I5
Miller Hotel granted beer and
wine 12-16-36 15 293
Marmac Gardens granted beer and
wine permit 12-30-3^ 15 311
Moss,Morton -granted parking lot 10th
St.& Ocean Dr^ 1-11-37 15 335
Book Page
Malopf, Fred requests filling sta
tion bidg.permit and permit to place
tanks In out lot l'^ 20-37 15 33^
Biathews, J, F. -granted parking lot
permit at corner of 20th Street and
Colilna-Avev 1-20-37 33^
Miami Seaplane Service request to
erect sign denied 2-3-37 15 3^2
Morey's Bar granted liquor license2-17-37 15 3^
_ Book Page
M. B. Kosher request license
for Fish Market at 325-331
Collins Ave. No action taken.
5/19/37 16 101
Mayor Snedigar asks appropriation
of I5OOO. - $10,000 for new Mayor's
expense account. 5/19/37 16 101
Miss Mac's Private School granted
permit for 1937-193^. 6/7/37 16 I36
Mannheimer School granted permit
for 1937-1938 school year. 6/7/37 16 136
Book Page
Mrs. Helen L, Mansfledl granted permit
for Private School (Pelican Kinder
garten) for 1937-3^. 6/16/37 16 li?-!}-
Book Page
16 127
M. B. Railway Co. request permissi
to remove rails, etc. in Hmsh. Ave
Permission granted by Res. #^063
7/1V37 16 1^7
Mechlow, Joseph & M.Steinberg
offer to lease concession for
rental of beach chairs,etc. 2-12-37 237
Mechlow,J, & M.Steinberg again —
offers to rent ocean frontage
for chair rental business(denied)9-1-37 I6 24
Book Page
Miami Beach Hotel Men's Assn.
object to late hours of bars 15 2gS
Miajni Beach Beacon- purchase of^
"5000 copie s "authorized 10-11-57 50O
Miller, J. H, offer to City of
"E.25 ft. of Lot 7,Brr.E-2,PaIm
-Island -l750^»00^accepted
Res. #ta7 10-11-37 16 305
Morgan, G-ary - granted permit to
"^11 arid rent "W) to fit ed ¥co 6 t^"s
10-20-37 16 330-
: Baok Page.
Moss.Teddy-makes application for ^
parking lot permll; TO-2O-37 16 335
Max's Cut Rate Food Market granted
"beer and wlhe^ermTt 11-10-37 I6 35^
Morleghen]. J.L, granted parking lot
p erml t 11-10-37 ^ J5T~
M, B. Bowling Alley granted beer
and wine license II-I7-37 371
M.B.South End Corporation application
fbr'^ games'tempdrarlly^eld up 11^7-37 r67372
Mlteheli^ur 8, gran t ed t ravel-bur eaur
license 12-3-37 16 ^15
^ . Book Page
Miami Beach Arena given permit ^
to install removable canvas cover. -12-g"37 16^ ^
Miami Beach South End Qorp. given ^ —
3 g^e permits 12-15-37 lb ^3
Mary and Macks - granted heer and
wine license 12-15-37 —^
Miami Beach Travel Bureau granted
license 2-2-3^ 1? I3
Mantell Realty H Const, Co.offer
Lot l3,Bik.g O.B.to City 3-i6-3g 17 SO