M Miscellaneous_June 1941 to December 1944"M" MISCELLANEOUS 50 Book Page MEAD, - request for paving of Indian Creek Drive from 26th. to ftH'thStreet referred to City Mag^^^^ 2o 265 Miller, Ray S, - Council agree to pay Mr. Miller 60 days extra compensation 6/6/41 20 Montgomery -John D, submits bid for handling publicity for ensuing year for f30,000.00 6/11/41 20 Marks,M. -claims negroes doing trans fer work on beach without license 6/18/41 20 284 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 51 Book Page Resolution No» 5259 protesti;^ against granting of permit by war Department for construotiog of buikiieads and extensions of groinsat MaoFadden-Deauvllle^Hotel Mechlpw, Jos. - presents petitions with reference to 5^ rate on Miami Beach Railway 'transportation system. 7/2/41 20 316 Mr. L. P. Snedigar addresses Council re: extension of bulkhead & groins, east of MacPadden-Deauville Hotel 7/2/41 20 317 52"M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Miller,L. & H. - request to install gasoline tank & pump in easement thru Lots 1 and 2. 14^Island View, referred to ^ity Manager 7/2/41 20 340 request Mercantile Nat'l Bank/to erect large vertical sign (no action taken) 7/2/41 20 340 Mills Rock Co» - awarded contracts for furnishing pit rock Tor H-227and H-254 ^ 7/16/41 20 343 Marks, Isador - requests permit tooperate jx^tey^gmrkee next ^20 374 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 53^ Book Page Mary's -Marke-t-gr-antodr bear -and wine license 3/6/41 20 375 M. B ^Eraployees Benevolent As sn, granted beer and wine license 8/6/41 - - 2-0 376- Mercantile._Natll Bank given per- mit for large verticle neon sign 8/6/41 "20 377 Marine Terrace Hotel - Councy. agree to issue liquor license prior to adv. MarkTs Coffee Shop 20 ^427- and wine license 10/2/41 20 428- MISCELIANEOUS 54 Book Page Mrs. Morris Marger granted beer and wine license 10-2-.41 20 428 Mannheimer School granted permit for 1941-42 10-2-41 20 431 Marine Terrace Cocktail Loimge - confirmation on liquor license 10/15/41 20 467 Mother Kelly's granted Night Club license 10/22/41 21 4 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Mills Rook Co. granted contract for Pit Rock for paving project - 32nd St. and Indian Creek Dr. 10/22/41 21 Maule Industries awarded contract for concrete mix for above projects. 10/22/41 21 M. B. Service_ Station Assoc. again ask Council to pass ord. to prohibit sale of gasoline on Sundays. No action. 10/22/41 21 M. B. Hotel Assoc. protest against passage of above proposed ordinance. 10/22/41 21 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 56 Book Pag e M.B.News granted permit for Parking Lot on rear of Lot 18, Blk. 39, Commercial Sub. 11/5/41 21 11 M.B. First Nat'l. Bk., given permission to park cars between their Bank and Chase Federal Bk. on Lincoln Road. 11/5/41—21 12 Sidney Margulies complains of being denied license as Master Electrician 11/6/41 21 15 Jos. Mechlow asks permit to operate two automobiles on a jitney line. Referred to committee ll/l0/41 21 28 "M" MISCELLANEOUS '57 Book Page Sidney Margullas again complains of nd^^^hg given a license as -Ma^4€r-JSl#otr-i-G4an 14r/l2-/4i SI 44- Att'y. Rbbillard ins true t^ed to take - -legal--s t-eps—t^)—ae e- tha t—b 1 dgs^i of Maipne Prop, on Lincoln Rodd _ and Collins' Ave. are vacated. 11/12741 21 45 John Murphy granted permit to erect ^ en-cab an as -on -ocean -front at 69 th St.^ 1171?/41 21 4; Metropolitan Fishing Tournament given 000.appropriation 12/5/?! 21 98 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 58 Book Page M. Marks offera to purchase old City Hall bldg^ for $15,000. -Referredr"fo^CTty Manag^r~li/l9/?I 21 "57 Miami Beachcomber Reataiarant, Inc. - grant ed "li. qn or-11 c ens«. , 11 /5/41 21 97~ (Confirmed) 12/17/41 - M onr o e -Tower s-"Pa1LTTi^O"omrgr an t ed _ll_quor lie enge 12/17/41 21 1 n?; _._iros._.^Me_chlQwi _agaim reques t s - permit to operate two automobiles on a line No acllOn. 12/18/41 21 HT "M" MISCELLANEOUS ' . 59 Book Page Appointments made to Marine In spection Board as follows; Ray Adams, Edison Kipp & Richard Goodhart. 12/18/41 21 ISO- Council authorized -quit-claim _ deed to Miami Bridge Co. for right of way over Rivo ^Ito , Island ^ ,12/18/41. ^ 2L, 121 Mansion House grantedTp-erm^t to Mag^st M.B.Junior College request per- mit for operation of their school at 229 - 36th St, Referred toCity ianagerV 1/21/42 21 147 Miami Life - denied permit to take candid pictures on Miami Beach 5/20/^2 21 333 "M" MISCELLANEOUS ,60 Book Page Final reading of Ord. #655 per- _ _ _ mittlng music in certain bars until I:00 A. M. 1/21/42 21 153^ M. B. Times designated as paper in which to advertise the, 1941 delinquent taxes. 2/4/42 21 16_9__ ,Malone Bros, granted parking lot permit on Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk. 3, Ocean Front Property. 2/4/42 21—171 Miami Beach College,Inc.granted license for private school at 23I- 36th St. 2/1^/^+2 ' 21 171 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Malone Bros.granted parking lot per mit on Lots 6,Blk.3.Qcean Front 2/v42 21 171 Miami Beach Travel Bureau granted license 2/lS/^2 21 206 Miami Beach Hospital suggested for Municipal Hospital and committee in structed to bring in price on same 2/lg/i^-2 21 2Q0 MacG-regor Ice Cream Co.deaied permit to sell from trucks 2/18/^2 21 200 "M" MISCELLANEOUS '• Book Page "Muzak" - Fla.Music Corp. complain of high occupational license fee 2/20/H-2 21 212 Miami Beach Show Boat granted beer and wine license 2/25/^2 21 21^1- M.B.Baseball Club.Inc., granted lease on ball field in Flamingo Park 3/V^2 21 232 M.B.Baseball Club,Inc. - Clerk reports execution of lease on ball park in Flamingo Park 3/lS/i]-2 21 251 Mashler,Henry-granted beer and wine license k/2^/K2 21 2<^k- "M" Miscellaneous Book Miami Beach Employees Benevolent Assn. granted beer and wine license 10-7-i^•2 21 Mannheimer Private School granted 19^2-^1-3 permit 10-7-^2 21 ij-31 Michigan Food Center(Lunch Counter) granted beer and wine license 10/21/^2 21 Monroe Bar granted beer and wine license Malone Properties asks"^^^^nge in zoning on property on north side of Lincoln Rd.frora James to Collins ll/lS/^2 21 H-62 "M» MISCELLANEOUS . Book Page Madison Bar Corp.file application for liquor license for "Rumpus Ropm",22nd St. and Park Ave- referred to City — Atty. 11/25 A2 21 1^70 City Atty.Shepard reports to Council that liquor license may not be issued to MADISON BAR CORP. l2/2/l|2 21 i^-72 Morehead, Atty.Chas. asks ^Council to grant temporary permit to Episcopal Church to use Adams Estate on Belle Isle for duration 12/2/^-2 21 473 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Atty.Chas.MOREHEAD, appears before Council on behalf of Episcopal Church seeking temporary permit 12/21/^^-2 21 I190 Music Box Assn, protest to increase in license fees on music boxes 1/6/1^-3 21 1+96 Miami BeidgeCol file objections to M.B.Rajrlway Co. using Venetian Way 1/15/^3 22 1 !1,000 payment to M.B.TROPICS for 100,000 copies of their paper for sdldlers, discussed 2/3/4*3 22 23 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 63 - BoDlsL-„_.P_ag-e Miami Beach Times designated for Publishing delinquent 19^2 tax list 2/3A3 22 23 I7O.OO ad in M.B.Times l^th Anniver sary number authorized 3/3/^3 22 37 Miller, Jack - asks for refund of personal prop, tax paid in error {denied) " 3/17A3 22 56- MURRAY's at 9^0 Ocean Dr. declared out of bounds by Array V7A3 22 63 List of deceased persons stricken from - registration books adv.in M.B.TIMES 5/5/^3 22,39 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 6H- Mltnlck, Nathan - given permit for miniature golf course at S, coTner"" Washington Ave. and l^th St. 5/19/^3 22 96 Montgomery,John -City sends him and other representative to Washingtoh,D. CT. to investigate rumor^ that Army Air- Forces moving from M.B. 5/19/^3 22 I03 Miami Beach Tropics - list of names stricken from Registration Books ordered published 5/19/^3 22 llS MIAMI ^EACH TROPICS,designated ef- - ficial legal adv.paper Res,#56^T 7/7/^3 22> 152 2M" MISCELLANEOUS 65 _ . BOOK PAGE M. B. Chevrons Club (John Jos. » McCarron) granted; beer & wine lO/6/k-'} 22 179 Mannheimer Private School granted private school permit 19^3-^ 10/6/^3 22 185 Miami Conservatory of Music seeks permit for school of music at 1626 Michigan Ave. - told to get waivers from adjacent property owners 10/20/4-3 22 189 Monggomery, John - appointed on Miami Port Authority 10/20/4-3 22 200 "M" Miscellaneous 66, BOOK PAGE Marine Terrace Coffee Shop granted beer & wine license ll/6/''4-3 22 205 Miami Conservatory given permit for school of music 11/6/^3 22 20J Council takes no action on applica tion of M. B. Funeral Service (Thos. M. Burns, Jr.) for funeral home at 674^2 Collins Ave. 11/6/4*3 22 207 Above application again taken under advisement 11/17/4*3 22 215 Daniel J. Mahoney granted 1943 hdmestead exemption 11/17/4*3 22 219 "M" Miscellaneous BOOK PAGE Full-page Christmas ad authorized to Miami Citizen 12/1/^1-3 22 221 Full-page Christmas ad authorized to Miami Beach Times 12/l/i|-3 22 Application of Miami Beach Funeral Service (Thos. M. Burns, Jr.) to operate funeral home at 67^2 Collins again taken under advisement 12/l/if3 22 Town of Miami Springs asks City to, Join with other municipalities in petitioning to have the 3^"^^ name changed to Curtiss Field 12/1/ 3 "M" Miscellaneous BOOK Res. #37OJ adopted urgingit^t 36th St. Airport name be changed to Curt iss Field 12/1/1^3 22 232 Miami Beach Zionist District presents City will copy of Bill of Rights 12/1/11-3 22 232 Marine Terrace Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 12/15/11-3 22 237 H. Sayre Wheeler, Mayor of Town of Miami Shores, thanks Council for their cooperation in urging change of name from 3^1'^ St. Airport to Curt is s Field 12/1R/11-3 22 23^ "M" Miscellaneous BOOK Charles Monroe granted homestead ex. L.6, B. 13, Dl Lido 12/20A3 22 Josl Mechlow addresses Council re, bus franchise to M. B. Railway Co. 2/2/ll-l| 22 Miami Beach Times designated for publishing of delinquent tax list 2/2/W 22 Night club license granted MQNTE J3ARL0_- 3/1 22 fc^'anieJ^page ins^^ltutlonal tad for 17th birthday edition 3/1/^^ 22 "M" Miscellaneous BOOK Miami Beach Boat Corp. asks amendment to zoning ordinance to permit their slips to be extended Into bay a total distance of 5OO feet - referred to Mr. Renshaw 3/15/^^ 22 Paul C. Taylor asks Council to defer action on above application V5/^ 22 Paul 0. Taylor, representing Sunset Isl. Sc k Property Owners Ass'n, protests extension of slips 22 Council takes no action on request of M.B. Boat Corp. k/lS/^ 22 "M* Miscellaneous I, L. Mintzer applies for package store license at 615 5th St. - City attorney advises license cannot issue under ordinance - action deferred 5/17/144 Res. #574-il- allowing M.O. View Co. until l/l/H-6 to remove cottage on parkway on Star Island 6/21/4-il- Council takes no action on request of M, B. Sun Tropics that they underwirte 5 advertisements for 5th War Loan drive 6/21/44- 71 Book Page 22 331 22 34.9 22 353 "M" Miscellaneous Book Beer & wine license granted Miniver's Restaurant 7/19/^^ 22 376 Beer & wine license granted Michel's Restaurant subject to police report 7/19/^^ 22 376 Liquor license granted MARY & MACK'S BAR (Joskowitz) 7/5/^ 22 362 Application of Miami Beach Academy for private school permit deferred S/16/44 22 396 Beer & wine license granted Mary & Mac's (Mary V. Nathanson) g/23/il4 22 i|-00 "M" Miscellaneous 73 Book Page Liquor license granted Monte Carlo (Mtirray Weinger) S/6/^k- 22 i|-01 Beer & wine license granted Mama's Hungarian Restaurant (Jaeckel, Feuerstein & Mann) S/20/hk- 22 Night Club license granted Monte Carlo $/20/kk 22 Mannheimer School granted license 9/20/i^ 22 iK)6 Package Store Miami Beach Pharmacy/given permission to move to 515 Washington Ave,10/^/44 22 413 "M" Miscellaneous Book A. B. Morrison asks Council to endorse Boren Bill - .action deferred 10/4-/l+ij- 22 A. B. Morrison again asks Council's endorsement of Boren Bill and Council tskes under adviseruent 10/20/44 22 Msntell Plaza Hotel granted beer and vrine license 10/25/44 22 1^5.00 ad authorized for The Miami Citizen 11/15/^4 22 Liauor license granted MARY & MACK'S BAR (Askowitz & oo Sajgr stein) 12/6/44 22