Mc Miscellaneous_ July 1931 to June 1946"Mc" MIS0ELLAITEQU3 2,
Mc^y, John Gj Request that waiirer given
LeGro Properties be revoked H, 111
MoCraoken Pipe Ooc^any: Bid on Pipe for
LaGorce Sewer Construction ^6-32 11^ 317
McFarland, Mrs. Jean request Bldg,
Permit for store bldg. 12-7-32 11, ^53
McChristian, R, L. requests permission
to lease dock at foot of Biscayne St,
5/16/3^ 12, 409
McCiiristian,Robt. requests fish marketpa-mit 12/5/34 13, 177
ConiTnlttee does not grant McGhnstyBormit 230
McChristian again requests
Fish Market at foot of
Biscayne St. I/I6/35 13 232
McKee, Dick - given $50.00 for
tennis trip 6/19/35 13 449
Mclntire,Mrs. Sara - requests private
school permit 4/I5/36 l4 3^9
McHugh, E. A. requests permit for
car rental lot on ^th St. between
Meridian & Euclid Ave. 5/5/37 16 64
Book Page
H. R. McQueen employed as hand
writing expert (City Election)
at $25.00 per day. 5/19/37 16 101
E. A. McHugh again requests zoning _
change be made to permit ear rental
lot on his property - ^th St. between
Meridian & Euclid Ave. ^fllyi 137
McQ,uain,Ci.B, - files complaint
reJpollce molesting him ^57
McNally's Food Stores,Inc.granted
feeer and wine license ±0-11-37 1" JOb
Book Page
McDonald,W.B. Ryan grant ed
parking lot permit for Lots 1,2
and 3,-BLks- B>M.S.I.Oo.^.F.- 12-15-37 3^ ^
MoMullen, Wm.J.-advises of Fla.W.P.A.
orctie stra" availaMlity at $600,00
guarant e e 2-16-3$ 17
McKee - Dick - requests appropriation
for tennis trip (denied^ 6-^3^ 37 175
^cCrory Store granted pei*init to erect
twa vert iea3^ sign s IO-I9-3S 17—29^
Mclntyre 5_Fj-Indian Oreek At>ts,
complains of noise from Le^oy ^arn -v /t (LJjtA 17 3^14--
Book Page
_ McBride-Patrick offers ocean front
lot to City l-lg-39 17 11-59
McNamara, Patrick - medical expenses
to be borne by City 7-2B-39 IS ISl
McCaskill,Atty.J.M,- requests parking
lot permit for Aqler Bros. 9-6-39 Ig 22J^
McNally's Food Store granted beer and
wine license -I67I Alton Rd.10/5/39 IS 31^
McArthur,G. A.Jr. - asks for ni^t club
license and transfer of liquor license^
fir Kit Kat Glub 1/lJ/^O . IS ^51
McKee-Dick, given |200.00f-f^K/|^nnis trip^.o., ™
Book Page
McNally's Personal property
tax for 1939 -portion received "
lD-l6-i^-0 15 3-61-
JIcCl_e„ery,--AA JL.- _-,grant ed_ parklng-
lot M-.W,corner 12th St, & Wash,
lT-20-4a 19 428
McCleery, A,W. - lease authorized"
with him for parking City of Miami-
Beach employees cars for 1940-41
season 12/11/40 19 463"
McCarthy. Don - appointed as member
of oharter Boat Examining Board
12/16/40 19 481—
Book Page
McParlin Const. Go. -estimate for
delivery of sand and oiling of
streets ($4,416.12 8/6/41 20 382
McParlin Const. Co. - estimate for
oiling streets and spreading sand
$742.01 10/2/4:1 20 439
Res.#5631 authorizing payment in full
to MoClellan Ocean Villas,Inc.,on Collins
Avenue paving refund 3/3/^3 22 44
Book Page
McKee, Dick - given $200.00 for summer
tennis tournament 3/19/^1 20
McFarlin Const. Co. given contract for
spreading sand and furnishing 50>000
gals, of oil asphalt on street oiling
6/18/41 20
McKnight-Elizabeth - files objection
to a bar at 1035 Collins Ave. 1/1/^2 21
McKee,Dick - given $100.00 for summer
tennis tournament 8/5/42 21,
Book Page
Ferd McGettigan's Cocktail Lounge
granted liquor license 6/5/^6 2k- 109