Miami Beach Bay Shore Company_May 1930 to March 1944MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE OOMPANY : ^ ¨ Bookj Pag:e Allowed refund of portion of '25 Taxes ^Pjections to Deauville Casino Groins Filed 5-21-30 Toriif6 " Objections to Fire Station at 63rd Street ^15-31 11, 16 Request exchange in easement in Bl]5:,31, Lake View Sub. 3/21/34 T2~—524 Offer to sell Bay Shore Golf Course to City for 1850,000.^ —7-15-36 ^15—^7^ (7 5U^y>i£,vt-/".4^J^ UJ-iL^ ''yy7ayun/^'^''*9*^^i^ (pULci.-H^ a!il (3^^ '< J " S> yfZiU^' /-5'^'/ " 7 " 3/C. {(L. (^. 6>-^3-^y " y " ^S7 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY 3. , Book Page Proposal to pave 4lBt Street, e ntat jrvel3r~appTOiredr--'by 'Oountrtl-^-2^ 3 6— 155" Plat~of—<3reekvirew Sab dlvlsl oir presented for approval but aotlon withheld 11-3-37 I6, 3^7 Actron^wlthhe ld"agaih oh ~approval ~ _„of. Greekview -plat 11-10-37 I6-, 3^5-it- Easement for watermains given City "b)V0r theil^^aperty'Adyacehl^to X!a^^ way 2-1^9 17 »67- Of feir to -selt-5 "aeres -at aputh endr of Polo Fields„tp 01 tjr -39 IS 2!L MlAInl BEACH BAX SHORE CO. Book Page Permit given M.B.Bay ^hore Co. to erect cabanas,comfort station and operate parking lot for guests of their hotels 1/17/^0 IS ^39 Committee appointed to consider purchase of Bay Shore CJ-olf Course 2/1 V^O IS kBl Res.#4923 authorizing agreement with M.B.Bayshore Co. as to use of foot of Biscayne St.for ferry dockage 7/26/^0 19, 197 Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. advise in re: street ends owned by them Cit^ to .investi- g4e with reference xo getting 20 88 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE CO. . ^ Book fage M,B.Bayshore Co. ask for change in ^ zoning in Nautilus Extension 4th and 'Nautilus Ext, 3rd 3/19-/41 20 US- Council" approved pl ai: ar Naut ima Extension 5^11 suhjact. to satisfactory arrangements with city in re. installing of Ban.^ sewers, stree1:e"(S:;sldewalks 10/6/43 22 Igg Final arrangements reported made with ^mpr6vimlnfs°rn Sautffus°EE^!'^^fh 10/20/143 22 200 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE "CO.' 6. ~ book page Exchanges easement in Indian Creek Suh. (Res. #5720) 3/1/^ 22 2g6 Requested in RES. #5722 to give city first right and opportunity to purchase LA GORGE GOLF COURSE when it is offered for sale 3A/^^ 22 2SS