Miami Beach Christian Science Church_January to February 1941MIAMI BEACH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH
Book Page
Christian Science '^hurch ask per
mit "to^huild chhrcTi at 28th St,
-^and- ^Eai-r gr een-Dr^- or -58tir-St»&-
Royal Palm Ave. 1/22/41 20 17
- Pe_tlii_on^.fiiQm _pr_op erty^jDMiera-
filed protesting the proposed
er-eotion—of^hurchr^oh^ 28thrStVw w WAX —' u ¨
2/5/41 2a 3a
Permit to he refused hy Bldg,
Dept. for erection of Church on
28 th ^t^i 2/5/41 20 33-